HKU Undergraduates
- Lending Services
- Borrowing
- Borrowing Privileges for Undergraduates
- Equipment for Loan
- Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and Article Delivery Services: Borrow items or request articles delivery from local and overseas institutions
- Inter-Branch Delivery Service: Request delivery of items among HKU Libraries
- Storage Collection Request: Borrow items from storage
- Returning
- Recalls, Renewals
- Library Notification Services: Email Alert Services, Mobile@HKUL
- Borrowing
- Facilities: Find out more about the facilities available and book a space via Facilities Booking System
- Reference
- Teaching, Learning and Research Support
- Undergraduate Library Workshop: To familiarise undergraduate students on the library facilities and services
- Library Instruction Programme
- EndNote @ HKU: A reference storage and management software tool
- Turnitin @HKU: A text-matching software to spot possible cases of plagiarism
- Off-campus Access to Libraries Electronic Resources
- Collection Development
- Recommend a purchase: Fill out Book Recommendation Online e-form for your recommendation
- Technical Support
- HKUL Login & PIN
- Copy, Print, Scan: Provides photocopying, printing and scanning
- Wireless Access (Wi-Fi)
- Laptop/Tablet Loaning Program
- Access to other UGC-funded libraries
- JULAC Card: Allow cardholders to have access to other UGC-funded libraries and use their collections in-house. Fill out an online form for card application.
HKU Postgraduates
- Lending Services
- Borrowing
- Borrowing Privileges for Postgraduates
- Equipment for Loan
- Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and Article Delivery Services: Borrow items or request articles delivery from local and overseas institutions
- Inter-Branch Delivery Service: Request delivery of items among HKU Libraries
- Storage Collection Request: Borrow items from storage
- Returning
- Recalls, Renewals
- Library Notification Services: Email Alert Services, Mobile@HKUL
- Borrowing
- Facilities: Find out more about the facilities available and book a space via Facilities Booking System
- Library Card Application
- Temporary extension of access to library services and facilities for HKU Staff / Students (for study extension use only)
- Reference
- Teaching, Learning and Research Support
- Postgraduate Library Workshop: For new postgraduates to hone their information skills
- Library Instruction Programme
- Research Consultation Service
- EndNote @ HKU: A reference storage and management software tool
- Turnitin @HKU: A text-matching software to spot possible cases of plagiarism
- Off-campus Access to Libraries Electronic Resources
- How to submit HKU Theses
- Theses Binding Service
- Research Data Services
- Collection Development
- Recommend a purchase: Fill out Book Recommendation Online e-form for your recommendation
- Technical Support
- HKUL Login & PIN
- Copy, Print, Scan: Provides photocopying, printing and scanning
- Wireless Access (Wi-Fi)
- Laptop/Tablet Loaning Program
- Access to other UGC-funded libraries
- JULAC Card: Allow cardholders to have access to other UGC-funded libraries and use their collections. Fill out an online form for card application.
HKU SPACE / International College (IC) Students
- Library Orientation for HKU SPACE International College & Community College Students
- HKU SPACE borrower card holders have remote access rights to selective Electronic Resources (HKU SPACE).
- Lending Services
- Borrowing
- Borrowing Privileges
- Equipment for Loan
- Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and Article Delivery Services: Borrow items delivery from local institutions (HKU SPACE Communitiy College Students and International College (IC) Students only)
- Inter-Branch Delivery Service: Request delivery of items among HKU Libraries
- Storage Collection Request: Borrow items from storage (Reader's cardholders can request at the Main Library or any branch libraries service counter for retrieval of physical volumes)
- Returning
- Recalls, Renewals
- Library Notification Services: Email Alert Services, Mobile@HKUL
- Borrowing
- Facilities: Find out more about the facilities available and book a space via Facilities Booking System
- Library Card Application
- Virtual Library Card
- Reference
- Teaching, Learning and Research Support
- Library Workshop: For HKU SPACE International College & Community College Students to familiarise new students on the library facilities and services
- Library Instruction Programme
- Off-campus Access to Libraries Electronic Resources (HKU SPACE)
- Collection Development
- Recommend a purchase: Fill out Book Recommendation Online e-form for your recommendation
- Technical Support
- HKUL Login & PIN
- Copy, Print, Scan: Provides photocopying, printing and scanning
- Wireless Access (Wi-Fi)
- Laptop/Tablet Loaning Program