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Library Online Courses InfoLit for U: Information Literacy MOOC

Library Online Courses

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InfoLit for U: Information Literacy MOOC

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Training Overview 

Course Descriptions Course Materials

Explore@HKUL: Library Tours

It features library tours on library resources, services and facilities to help you quickly adapt to the library environment.

360° virtual tours


ILT04 eLearning@HKUL: Library Essentials for Undergraduate Students

Welcome, undergraduates! This online course will enable you to learn about accessing useful information to achieve academic success with Libraries’ collections, services, and facilities.

Online Course

Undergraduate Library Workshop

Through the workshop, you can:

  • Understand scholarly & non-scholarly sources
  • Discover scholarly sources with ReadingList@HKUL, Find@HKUL, databases & Google Scholar
  • Build a search query on your topic
  • Evaluate the sources
  • Know about various library resources which support learning, academic honesty & exam preparation

Check the Libguide for more details: Library Guide for HKU Freshmen (Undergraduates)

Course Materials

ILT03 eLearning@HKUL: Library Essentials for Postgraduate Students

Welcome to the online course “Library Essentials for Postgraduate Students”! This is the online version of our popular Postgraduate Library Workshop that many postgraduates have enrolled in previous years. Now, you could learn using your device anytime, anywhere at your own pace.

Online Course

Postgraduate Library Workshop

Through the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Identify and access the resources to put up a literature review
  • Master the basic search skills to find pertinent information
  • Set up alerts to keep updated on latest research
  • Configure or install applications to facilitate learning and research
  • Recognize the importance of academic integrity through ethical use of information and research data management
  • Identify the library services and facilities in support of your research cycle, such as online access, borrowing, book a space, secure materials beyond HKU Libraries

Check the Libguide for more details: Research Support@HKU Libraries

Course Materials

Essential Library Services for HKU Staff

The workshop aims to familiarise HKU staff with the essential services to support their teaching and research. Topics may cover:

  • Find library resources via the library website
  • Tips on accessing the library resources from a non-HKU library website
  • Set up alerts to stay updated with the latest research
  • Manage citation with Endnote and other tools
  • Originality checking with Turnitin
  • Appreciate research integrity through research data management
  • Open Access publishing for HKU authors
  • Research assessment via research metrics databases
  • Manage your ResearcherPage in Scholars Hub to increase your research visibility
  • Set up course readings for your students via our ReadingList@HKUL service
  • Purchase textbooks through HKU Libraries
  • Library services and facilities such as online access, borrowing, book a space, secure materials beyond HKU Libraries, etc.
Course Materials

Startup Kit@HKUL

Through this workshop, you will learn how to configure and install the essential software and Apps to facilitate your workflow, including:

  • Mobile@HKUL
  • HKU Library Search Assistant
  • Reload via HKUL
  • Google Scholar
  • Endnote

Check the Libguide for more details: Startup Kit@HKUL

Course Materials

Orientation for HKU SPACE Students

The HKU Libraries offers orientation to HKU SPACE students at the beginning of each academic year upon request.

Check the Libguide for more details: Library Orientation for HKU SPACE International College & Community College Students

Course Descriptions Course Materials

Find@HKUL: Show and Tell

In this workshop, you will learn to use Find@HKUL which provides a one-stop search platform for HKUL collection.

Check the Libguide for more details: Find@HKUL

Course Materials

Finding Theses

This workshop introduces e-theses databases with highlights on HKU Theses Online, Chinese and worldwide theses.

Check the Libguide for more details: Finding Theses & Dissertations

Course Materials

E-resources Training

E-resources (such as CNKI, EBSCOhost, ProQuest, SAGE, Scopus, Web of Science and Wiley) training and seminars may be offered from time to time by vendors. All staff and students are welcome to join.

Course Descriptions Course Materials

ILT01 Information Literacy Training: Academic Honesty

In this course, you will learn:

  1. What is plagiarism
  2. Why need to cite
  3. When to cite
  4. How to cite properly
  5. Citation styles
  6. Citation tools available to you
  7. What is Turnitin
Online Course

ILT05 eLearning@HKUL: Ethical Use of Library Resources - Avoiding Excessive Download

HKU Libraries endeavours to offer many online database subscriptions relating to a wide range of disciplines to support teaching, learning and research. With easy access to these valuable sources of knowledge, library users are also expected to use these resources reasonably and responsibly.

In this course, you will learn:

  1. Introduction to ethical use of library resources
  2. Examples of authorized uses and prohibited uses of online resources
  3. Case study
  4. Consequences of excessive download

There is a quiz at the end of the course to test your knowledge.

Online Course
Course Descriptions Course Materials

ILT02 eLearning@HKUL: Manage Citation with EndNote

This self-paced online workshop offers basic and advanced skills to build and manage your EndNote library. In this course, you will learn:

  1. Introduction to EndNote
  2. Create an EndNote Library
  3. Build your EndNote Library
  4. Manual Input
  5. Manage your EndNote Library
  6. Managing PDF Files
  7. Manage a Large EngNote Library
  8. Cite While You Write
Online Course

EndNote Workshop

Introduce EndNote, the citation management software with hands-on exercises.

Check the Libguide for more details: EndNote@HKU

Course Materials

Course Descriptions Course Materials

RPG seminar on DMP and data, theses and Turnitin submission

The workshop introduces the step-by-step submission workflows throughout your thesis preparation, including:

Course Materials
Course Descriptions Course Materials

A series of workshops or seminars on research data management and data skills targeted at students and staff, covering a list of topics such as preparation for data management plan, data analysis, data visualisation, data deposit and publishing, etc.

Learn more at: Research Data Services

Course Descriptions Course Materials

Research Intelligence@HKUL

A series of 1-hour seminars on research matters targeted at students and staff who may be early career researchers, covering a wide range of topics such as research visibility, publishing workshops and research impact and HKU scholars’ insights.


Request a library course tailored according to their information needs.