The University of Hong Kong Libraries has launched a Laptop/Tablet Loaning Programme to further enhance its provision of computing facilities for borrowers. Laptops and tablets are available for short loan at the circulation counter of the Main and Branch Libraries for use anywhere on campus. Please read the following guidelines carefully before checking out a laptop or tablet. In Branch Libraries, priority will be given to users in respective branches for laptop or tablet loaning.
Holders of valid HKU Libraries borrower card are eligible to borrow laptops or tablets. As stipulated in Library Regulations, borrowers who return recalled items late and/or have fines in excess of $200, and thereby have their patron records blocked, must settle all accounts before checking out a laptop or tablet. Each borrower is eligible to check out one laptop or tablet at a time. There are no borrowing fees for laptops or tablets.
In Main Library, laptops and tablets are available on a first come, first served basis.
In Branch Libraries, priority will be given to users in respective branch for laptop or tablet loaning.
Laptop configuration
Dell latitude E5470 laptop computer
- Hardware
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60GHz, 2801 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
- 8G RAM
- 256GB hard disk
- 14-inch display
- Fixed & wireless network Interface
- SD/MMC card reader and DVD
- Software
- Microsoft Windows 10
- Browser: Google Chrome browser, Microsoft Edge browser and Mozilla Firefox browser
- Microsoft Office 2019
- EndNote 20
- uPrint Client
- Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
- Adobe Digital Edition
- Apabi Reader
- CAJ Viewer
- 7-Zip File Manager
- DeepFreeze client
- VLC media player
- Sophos Anti-virus
MacBook Pro configuration
MacBook Pro (Available for loan in Dental Library only)
- Hardware
- Intel Core i7 2.2GHz CPU
- 16GB RAM
- 15-inch Retina display
- Intel Iris Pro
- Software
- Mac OS Sierra (English)
- MS Office 2016 (Excel, OneNote, Power Point, Word)
- Endnote X8
- Sophos System Protection
Tablet configuration
Apple iPad2
- 16GB RAM
- Wi-Fi
- App bundled from Apple like Safari, iTunes, FaceTime and Photos etc
Loan procedure
- Main Library: Laptop or tablet loaning service is provided at Lending Services Counter (2/F, New Wing) until 1 hour before the service counter closes.
- Branch Libraries: Laptop or tablet loaning service is provided at circulation Counters during opening hours until 2 hours before the respective Branch closes.
- Borrowers must present their library card in-person at the counter to check out a laptop or tablet.
- First-time laptop or tablet borrowers are required to read and sign a Laptop/Tablet Loaning Agreement , which will allow them to borrow laptops or tablets for the current academic year.
- Upon each checkout, examine the physical conditions of the laptop or tablet, such as LCD, case, keyboard, and security labels, and report defects, if any, to library staff before leaving the counter.
- Shut down laptops or tablets before returning them to the counter.
- Laptops or tablets must be returned in person to the staff at service counter of the same library where they are borrowed. Borrowers may be required to wait for a short while so that staff can verify that the laptop or tablet and accessories have been returned and are in order. Borrowers should report any laptop or tablet malfunctions or problems to duty staff immediately.
Loan period
Laptops or tablets cannot be checked out overnight. Laptops or tablets must be returned to the service counter on the same day in the same library where it is borrowed. Laptops or tablets borrowed from Main or Branch Libraries are due 30 minutes before the service counter closes.
No renewal is permitted.
Advance booking
Recalls or reservation service are not available.
A fine of $500 per night will be charged to borrowers for late return of laptops or tablets with a maximum fine of $2,500. Laptops or tablets overdue for 5 nights will be assumed lost.
Borrower responsibilities
Borrowers assume full responsibilities in:
- Following guidelines of the Laptop/Tablet Loaning Programme and complying with the Laptop/Tablet Loaning Agreement to which they agreed when borrowing the laptop or tablet.
- Complying with The University of Hong Kong Statement of Ethics on Computer Use when using the laptop or tablet.
- Respecting any relevant Libraries policy.
- Exercising due care when using the laptop or tablet and reporting any equipment malfunctions immediately to library staff.
- Ensuring safety and security of the laptop or tablet and accessories whilst the machine is on loan to them. Do not leave the laptop or tablet unattended.
- Compensating the Libraries in case of theft, damage or loss of the laptop or tablet and its accessories, in accordance of the rate specified in the Laptop/Tablet Loaning Agreement.
Laptop/Tablet accessories
Each laptop is accompanied with a charger, power cord, USB optical mouse, carrying bag and strap, cable lock, Ethernet cable and users instructions.
Each tablet is accompanied with a power adapter, cable connecting the adapter and the tablet, and a case.
Each laptop or tablet comes with its built-in battery. Power outlets are available for use in the Main Library and Branch Libraries. Use only the accompanied charger and power cord to charge the laptop or tablet. Check battery level if the laptop or tablet is to be used in a location where there is no power outlet. The built-in battery may not be charged at time of loan.
Connecting to the Internet
Laptops have been registered with HKU network and can be connected to its wireless network automatically. To ensure secure wireless connection, please establish a HKUVPN gateway. For more information, please see the accompanying Laptops Basic User Guide.
For tablets, please connect to Open WiFi or Universities WiFi or others available. For more information, please see the accompanying Laptops Basic User Guide.
Laptops or tablets are not connected to printers. Borrowers however may save their files before returning the laptop or tablet and use any of the PCs in the Technology Zone on Level 3 of Main Library or Branch Libraries to do the printing.
Saving files
Save files online, or on your storage devices (e.g. USB disk drive, CD) only. Files saved on c: drive will be erased when the laptop is rebooted. Do not forget to back up your files regularly. The Libraries is not liable for loss of, or damage to any data loaded or used on the laptop or tablet.
Seeking help
Borrowers are expected to be self-directed in their use of the laptops or tablets. Laptops/Tablets Basic User Guide come with the laptop and tablet also provide basic information on using the laptop and tablet. Hardware problems should be directed to Circulation staff who will contact Systems Office of the Libraries. Assistance with the use of library electronic databases is available at the Virtual Information Counter of 2/F, Main Library, or Branch Libraries.
The University of Hong Kong Libraries assumes no responsibility for any infringing, or non-permitted, use of the laptop or tablet while it is on loan. Should any failure to logout properly from accounts used by the borrower have an effect or consequence on the privacy of his/her personal data, the Libraries is not liable in any manner whatsoever in damages or otherwise.
The above guidelines are subject to change without prior notice.