The University of Hong Kong Libraries was established in 1912. The Main Library comprises an all-rounded collection of materials in the arts, humanities, architecture, social sciences, and science and technology, giving vital support to teaching and research in the University.
The Main Library occupies the Library Building which is composed of the Old and New Wings. The Old Wing was opened in 1961 and renovated in 1992/93. The New Wing was opened in 1991. The latest innovative establishment is Level 3 which is located on 3/F of the Main Library.
Opening Hours
For the latest hours on specific days, please check the library calendar. Public Holidays
Hours of Service Counters
Enquiries Counter Monday to Friday 11:00 am - 3:00 pm; 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm Phone: (852) 3917-5945
Lending Services Counter Phone: (852) 3917-2202
Virtual Information Counter Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Fax No.
(852) 2517-4615
Address Main Library, The University of Hong Kong,