Collection Guide

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Collection Guide

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Browse by material type


AV Collection
Location Name Includes Prefix Class No. Floor
AV Collection Audio-visual Materials av, avs,
[av], [avs]
001 - 999
A - Z
1/F New Wing
(AV Collection)



Location Name Includes Prefix Class No. Floor

Western Language Materials

Main Books Books - 001 - 299 4/F Old Wing
300 - 399 4/F New Wing
400 - 599 1/F Old Wing
600 - 699 G/F New Wing
700 - 799 1/F Old Wing
800 - 899 G/F New Wing
900 - 999 2/F Old Wing
Main Large Books Large Books LB 001 - 999 G/F New Wing

East Asian Language Materials

FPS Books Fung Ping Shan Library
[中] A - DS740 5/F Old Wing
DS741 - Z 6/F Old Wing
FPS Large Books Fung Ping Shan Library
Large Books
[大A] A - Z 5/F Old Wing
FPS Large Series Fung Ping Shan Library
Large Series
[大C] A - Z 5/F Old Wing



Education Collection
Location Name Includes Prefix Class No. Floor
Education Book Books E, [E] 001 - 999
A – Z
4/F Old Wing
Education Reference Examination Papers, Syllabuses, Curriculum and Assessment guides, Reference Books ER, [ER] 001 - 999
A – Z
HKDSE examination papers
1 day
HKDSE examination papers issued more than three years ER 001 - 999
Education AV Education Audio-visual Materials E, [E] 001 - 999
A – Z



Music Collection
Location Name Includes Prefix Class No. Floor
Music Book Books Music, [音] 001 - 999
A – Z
1/F Old Wing
Music Score Scores and Anthologies Music, Music LSC, [音], [大音] 001 - 999
A – Z
Music Reference Books, Scores, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Bibliographies guides, and Journals MuR, [音R], [大音R], S, [音期] 001 - 999
A – Z
Music AV Music Multimedia Materials Music, [音] 001 - 999
A – Z
Location Name Includes Floor
Main Lending Services Counter 360 Degree Camera, 
Headphones (for noise cancelling),
VR Headset Kit
2/F New Wing
(Lending Services Counter)
Main Lending Services
Counter Equipment
Laptops, Tablets 2/F New Wing
(Lending Services Counter)



Leisure Reading Collection
Location Name Includes Prefix Class No. Floor
Leisure Reading Collection Recreational Reading,
Best Sellers, Large Books
BB, [BC]
001 - 999 G/F New Wing
Main CJK Leisure Reading Collection East Asian Language
Recreational Reading
[BC] A - Z
Po Chung CEO Collection CEO Collection CEO,
001 - 999
A - Z
Po Chung Personal Development Collection Personal Development Collection PD,
001 - 999
A - Z




Reference Collection
Location Name Includes Prefix Class No. Floor

Western Language Materials

Main Reference,
Main Large Reference, Main Reference Pamphlet
Reference Books,
Large Reference Books, Pamphlets
001 - 399 4/F New Wing
400 - 599 1/F New Wing
(AV Collection)
600 - 699 G/F New Wing
700 - 799 1/F Old Wing
800 - 899 G/F New Wing
900 - 999 2/F Old Wing

East Asian Language Materials

FPS Reference,
FPS Large Reference
Fung Ping Shan Library Reference Books,
Large Reference Books
A - Z 5/F Old Wing


Main Reference Database Accompanying Materials of Reference Collection
(eg. CD-ROM, Database)
001 - 999
A - Z
2/F New Wing
(Lending Services Counter)

*some of the reference collections are located at Dictionary Stand (D.S.).



Self-service Collection (Course Reserve Materials)
Location Name Includes Floor
Main Lending Services Counter Reserve Materials
(Personal Copy)
2/F New Wing
(Lending Services Counter)
Main Reserve Reserve Materials 2/F New Wing
(Self-service Collection Room)



Location Name Includes Prefix Class No. Floor

Western Language Materials

Main Serials,
Main Large Serials
Current Serials and Large Serials,
Bound Serials and
Large Bound Serials
S, LS 001 - 399 4/F New Wing
400 - 599 1/F New Wing
(AV Collection)
600 - 699 G/F New Wing
700 - 799 1/F Old Wing
800 - 899 G/F New Wing
900 - 999 2/F Old Wing

East Asian Language Materials

FPS Serials Fung Ping Shan Library
Current Serials and Large Serials,
Bound Serials and Large Bound Serials
[期], [大期]
001 - 999
A - Z
4/F Old Wing



Special Collections
Location Name Includes Prefix Class No. Floor
Special Collection Hong Kong Materials (Books, Large Books, Serials, Large Serials) HK, HKLB,
001 - 999 1/F New Wing
(Special Collections)
Microfilm and Microfiche MF, MPT,
001 - 999
Special Collections Counter Counter Materials,
Hong Kong Pamphlets, Manuscript
HKC, HKP, MSS - 1/F New Wing
(Special Collections Counter)
Western Rare Books
(Rare Pamphlet, Rare Serials, Morrison Collection, etc.)
UP, US, Mor
Chinese Rare Books
(Lo Hsiang Lin Collection, Rare items,
Special Collections, Chan Kwan Po Collection, Pre-1950 Periodicals, Ordinary Books, etc.)
羅, 善, 特,
特山, 特C, 特期,
杜*, 大, etc.
001 - 999
A - Z
Special Collections WTO WTO (World Trade Organization)
Resource Centre Collection
WTO, WTOS 001 - 999 1/F New Wing
(Special Collections)
WTO Closed Materials,
WTO Pamphlets
WTOC, WTOP - 1/F New Wing
(Special Collections Counter)

*杜 is used in the Find@HKUL for identification only and will not be shown on the label of an item.


Location Name Includes Prefix Class No. Floor
Storage Old editions of books, pamphlets, reference books, etc. X, 平, 平大, [平], [平大], P, 山P, RVLB, etc. 001 - 999
A - Z
Please submit an online
request through Find@HKUL.
Old editions or restricted audio-visual materials, accompanied materials
(e.g. CD-ROM), etc.
EX, Mus X, X音, avc, AVC, [avc], SL, 山A, [山A], etc.
Special materials including maps, Psychological Tests, etc. SM, 地圖, etc.
Pre-1950 books on China 山, [山], 山大, [山大], X山, X杜*

*杜 is used in the Find@HKUL for identification only and will not be shown on the label of an item.


Other locations


HKU Archives
Location Name Contact Note
HKU Archives University Archives
Rm 114-117, 1/F Main Library,
The University of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3917-4191
  1. On site use only.
  2. Please send email ( to request the materials prior to visiting HKU Archives.
  3. A current HKU staff / student card or a HKU Facilities Access Card should be presented for access.
HKU Archives Reference
HKU Archives Stack



Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole
Location Name Contact Note
Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole
Tang Chi Ngong Building,
The University of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3917 5598
  1. On site use only.
  2. Please email to make an appointment at least 3 working days in advance.
  3. A current HKU staff / student card or a HKU Facilities Access Card should be presented for access.



Location Name Contact Note
SPACE Kowloon Bay SPACE Kowloon Bay Resources Centre
(Library cum Multi-Media Learning Centre)
4/F, 28 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon
Tel: (852) 3762 2028
  1. On site use only.
  2. Please contact the Centre or Library to seek approval for access.
  3. A current HKU staff / student card or a HKU Facilities Access Card should be presented for access.
SPACE North Point SPACE North Point Learning Resources Centre
(Mok Yip Sui Hung Learning Resource Centre)
20/F, 494 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3762 0057
SPACE Po Leung Kuk SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College
Yu Ping Keung Memorial Library
4/F, HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College,
66 Leighton Road, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3923-7021