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Contact Us

Service Contact Point

Contact Point Tel. No. Fax No. E-mail Address
Main Library

General Enquiry

3917 2202   Email a Librarian

Archives and Special Collections
- University Archives
- Special Collections

3917 2115
3917 2207
2517 8647
2857 2048
Preservation & Conservation (Preservation Centre) 3910 3760 2870 1854
Learning and Research Services
- Scholars Hub
- Research Data Services
3910 3912


Lending Services and Learning Environments
- Borrowing and Returning
- Library Access/Library Cards
- Interlibrary Loans/Photocopying
3917 2202
3917 5945

2517 4615



Media Services (co-branded LES) 3917 7007
Collection Services
- Acquisitions
- Cataloguing
- Gifts & Exchange
3917 0929
3917 0920
3917 0949
Technology Support Services
- Systems
3917 5762    
Branch Libraries
Dental Library 2859 0402    
Tin Ka Ping Education Library 3917 2202    
Fung Ping Shan Library 3917 2202 2858 9420  
Lui Che Woo Law Library 3917 2914 2548 0143  
Music Library 3917 2202    
Yu Chun Keung Medical Library 3917 9215 2855 9343  



Staff Directory

Library Management
Chief Information Officer / University Librarian Flora Ng
Director of Library Services / Fung Ping Shan Librarian Dr Esther Woo
Associate Librarian (Learning and Research Services) Tina Yang
Associate Librarian (Technology Support Services) Dr Kam Ming Ku
Subject Services
Architecture Librarian Katherine Choi
Arts and Music Librarian Y. Y. Kwan
Business and Economics Librarian Kitman Chan
Assistant Dental Librarian Dr Sophia Zhang
Assistant Education Librarian Kanako Hayashi
Engineering Librarian Fanny Liu
Law Librarian Eddie Ko
Assistant Medical Librarian Dr Wilson Tang
Science Librarian Rebecca Tam
Social Sciences Librarian Kitman Chan
Learning and Research Services
Associate Librarian (Learning and Research Services) Tina Yang
Head of Scholarly Communication and Research Services Vacant
Learning Services Coordinator Rebecca Tam
Assistant Service Manager (Learning Services and Special Education Needs Support) Alice Chan
Assistant Fung Ping Shan Librarian Jacky Li
Learning Experience Instructor Cindy Liang
Research Services Librarian Stella Chow
Lending Services and Learning Environments
Acting Head of Lending Services and Learning Environments Patrick Kwan
Assistant Service Manager, Lending Services Apple Sin
Outreach and Engagement
Assistant Librarian (Outreach and Engagement) Y. Y. Kwan
Collection Services
Collection Services Librarian Kenie Tong
Assistant Service Manager (Acquisition and Electronic Resource Management)  Joanna Leung
Assistant Service Manager (Cataloguing/Metadata - Physical Resources & Authorities) Choy Wai Ming
Assistant Service Manager (Cataloguing/Metadata - Digital Resources & Enhancement) Gigi Tse
Assistant Service Manager (Collection Development and Collection Management) Irene Li
Technology Support Services
Associate Librarian, Technology Support Services Dr Kam Ming Ku
Digital Scholarship Librarian Terry Chung
Assistant Systems Librarian Sun Chung
Assistant Librarian (Digital Project) Katherine Choi
Assistant Librarian (Data Services & Information Research) Mahboobani Vanessa Ramesh
IT Manager Katie Kwong
IT Manager Jack Lo
Executive Officer (Digital Scholarship and Data Analytics) Kayla Ng
Archives and Special Collections
Head of Archives and Special Collections Garfield Lam
Assistant Service Manager, Archives and Special Collections Ally Cheung
Preservation and Conservation
Head of Preservation and Conservation Lesley Liu
Book and Paper Conservator Xiaoping Cai
Assistant Conservator Andy Yu



photo of Flora Ng

Flora Ng QR code for Flora Ng
Chief Information Officer
University Librarian

Office: Librarian's Office, 4/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-8787



photo of Esther Woo

Dr Esther Woo QR code for Dr Esther Woo
Director of Library Services
Fung Ping Shan Librarian

Office: Librarian's Office, 4/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-8056

To ensure that all patrons can enjoy efficient access to a wide array of collections and services in our diverse learning environments, I assist the University Librarian in the planning and management of resources, staff engagement as well as the collaboration with our partners on campus and beyond, including HKU SPACE. As the Fung Ping Shan Librarian, I oversee the development of this oldest branch in the Libraries and promote the use of our rich collections. Your valuable inputs and support will be our impetus for continuous improvements and innovation.


photo of Tina Yang

Tina Yang QR code for Tina Yang
Associate Librarian, Learning and Research Services

Office: 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-5775

My key role is to provide strategic leadership in planning, promoting and delivering a wide range of learning and research services across the HKU Libraries network of seven libraries. Feel free to approach a team of service-oriented and customer-centered subject librarians to learn more about how our support can be integrated into the various stages of your teaching, learning and research process.



Dr. KU

Dr K. M. Ku QR code for Dr. K. M. KU
Associate Librarian, Technology Support Services

Office: 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-8068

Users perceive academic librarians as playing a role in issues of acquisition, description, curation, preservation of print and digital materials. But I think increasingly, beyond those functions, we're also seeing some very challenging roles in the library. There are a lot of growing areas in the library. We are applying digital transformation by using digital tools, such as AI, IoT and data technologies to produce scholarship and services in new ways.
In the transition of moving from an analogue world to a digital world, my engineering and librarianship background helps to act as a kind of bridge between librarians and scholars in the university to provide vision, leadership, direction, and expertise in the planning, organization, design, and maintenance of our “Digital Library”.



photo of Katherine Choi

Katherine Choi QR code for Katherine Choi
Architecture Librarian
Assistant Librarian (Digital Project)

Office: 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-7011

As the Architecture Librarian, I work closely with faculty members to develop the library collection, provide library instructional sessions and information services, and support the research needs of the faculty. Please feel free to contact me if you need any support for your learning, teaching and research. I am also the Assistant Librarian (Digital Projects) and responsible for planning and implementing digital projects identified from library collections.


photo of Y. Y. Kwan

Y. Y. Kwan QR code for Yin Yee Kwan
Assistant Librarian (Outreach and Engagement)
Arts and Music Librarian

Office: 4/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-8240

Hi! My name is Yin Yee. I work with the Faculty of Arts in developing the collection to support the teaching, learning, and research needs. Moreover, I am responsible for fundraising, anniversaries events, and social media as an outreach and engagement librarian. Please do follow hkulibrary on Instagram.


photo of Kitman Chan

Kitman Chan QR code for Kitman Chan
Social Sciences and Business and Economics Librarian

Office: 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3910-2669

I am the librarian for Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Business and Economics. My major duties are to develop the library collections for Social Sciences and Business and Economics, support for Faculties' teaching, learning and research needs. I also conduct subject specific and general workshops on information literacy and literature searching. Please feel free to contact me and I am happy to work closely with you and the HKU communities.



photo of Dr Sophia Zhang

Dr Sophia Zhang QR code for Dr Sophia Zhang
Assistant Dental Librarian

Office: Dental Library, 6/F Prince Philip Dental Hospital, 34 Hospital Road, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong
Tel: 3910-3491

Hi, I’m Assistant Dental Librarian Sophia ZHANG. My core duties include liaise with the members of the Faculty of dentistry for facilitating access to, and evaluating Dental resources responsive to needs; providing learning and research support, information and advanced consultation services. I have been also work for a publisher before, Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need any assistance.


photo of Kanako Hayashi

Kanako Hayashi QR code for Kanako Hayashi
Assistant Education Librarian

Office: 4/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3910-3490

Hi, I’m Kanako. As the Assistant Education Librarian, my responsibilities are to liaise with the members of the Faculty of Education for developing subject-based resources and to provide learning and research support. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any assistance.



photo of Fanny Liu

Fanny Liu QR code for Fanny Liu
Engineering Librarian

Office: 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-4748

Hi, this is Fanny Liu, the Engineering Librarian. My core responsibilities include providing library instruction, research support, and library reference services. I am also responsible for collection development for Faculty of Engineering. Please feel free to contact me for any library-related matters.



photo of Eddie Ko

Eddie Ko QR code for Eddie Ko
Law Librarian

Office: Law Library, 1/F & 2/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-2912

Hi, I’m Eddie, the Law Librarian. I manage the Law Library services and work closely with the Faculty of Law to develop subject-specific resources, as well as provide learning and research support. Please feel free to reach out if you need any assistance!



photo of Dr Wilson Tang

Dr Wilson Tang QR code for Dr Wilson Tang
Assistant Medical Librarian

Office: Yu Chun Keung Medical Library, LG1 William MW Mong Block, 21 Sassoon Road, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-9286

As a Ph.D. graduated from the University of Hong Kong, I am sure my past experience can help you to pass through many difficulties. My major duties are assisting staffs and students in collecting information, conducting general workshops and supporting any learning, teaching and research needs. Please feel free to contact me if you need any support.


photo of Rebecca Tam

Rebecca Tam QR code for Rebecca Tam
Science Librarian and Learning Services Coordinator

Office: 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-2212

As the Science Librarian, I work closely with Faculty members to develop the library collection, provide user education and support your research needs. Please feel free to contact me for any library-related issues.
I am also the Learning Services Coordinator mainly responsible for coordinating the development, implementation, promotion and delivery of learning services in libraries, creating learning objects and facilitating e-learning support and integration in the campus learning management system. As the Turnitin Administrator, I oversee Turnitin administration in the university in support of academic integrity through the campus-wide coordination with different departments.



photo of Alice Chan

Alice Chan QR code for Alice Chan
Assistant Service Manager (Learning Services and Special Education Needs Support)

Office: 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-7071

As the Assistant Service Manager (Learning Services and Special Education Needs Support), I am mainly responsible for providing learning support to library users and promoting essential information literacy skills. I collaborate closely with university departments to ensure the provision of academic resources and support for individuals with diverse learning needs. Please feel free to contact me if you need any assistance. 


photo of Jacky Li

Jacky Li QR code for Jacky Li
Assistant Fung Ping Shan Librarian

Office: 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-5899

Hi, I’m Jacky. As Assistant Fung Ping Shan Librarian, I assist the Fung Ping Shan Librarian in managing the service provision and promotion for this oldest branch in the Libraries. I also work closely with faculty members especially those in the School of Chinese to develop the Fung Ping Shan Collections, provide learning and research support, as well as library information services. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need any assistance.



photo of Cindy Liang

Cindy Liang  QR code for Cindy Liang
Learning Experience Instructor

Office: 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3910-3911

I am a Learning Experience Instructor within the Learning and Research Services team at HKU Libraries. My primary objective is to provide university students with enriching learning experiences while also fostering the improvement of their digital skills and knowledge. I achieve this by meticulously crafting, developing, presenting, and assessing instructional materials. Additionally, I collaborate closely with faculty members, staff, and various educational institutions to guarantee the effectiveness and efficiency of our training programmes.



photo of Stella Chow

Stella Chow  QR code for Stella Chow
Research Services Librarian

Office: 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3910-3912

I am Stella. I am responsible for maintaining the Research Information Management System (RIMS), managing the Scholars Hub, and providing bibliometrics and research impact services.
If you have any queries or require assistance with RIMS, Scholars Hub, or research support, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am here to support and assist you with your research needs.


photo of Patrick Kwan

Patrick Kwan QR code for Patrick Kwan
Acting Head of Lending Services and Learning Environments

Office: Media Services Office, 2/F, Main Library, , The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-8726



photo of Apple Sin

Apple Sin QR code for Apple Sin
Assistant Service Manager, Lending Services

Office: 2/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-4710

Hi, I am Apple. As the Assistant Service Manager of Lending Services, my core responsibilities include managing the service provision of my team, library collections and facilities. Please feel free to contact me for any lending services related matters.


photo of Kenie Tong

Kenie Tong QR code for Kenie Tong
Collection Services Librarian

Office: Collection Services Office, 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3910-2291

This is Kenie, the Collection Services Librarian. My role is to provide strategic vision and direction for the development, acquisition and management of the general library collections in order to further the mission of the Libraries in support of teaching and learning, research and knowledge exchange. I am responsible for overall acquisitions of general library collection, and coordinate with library collection development and management to meet the dynamic information needs of our community.



photo of Joanna Leung

Joanna Leung QR code for Joanna Leung
Assistant Service Manager (Acquisition and Electronic Resource Management)

Office: Collection Services Office, 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-0932

I am Joanna, the Assistant Service Manager for Acquisition and Electronic Resource Management. I’m responsible for ensuring the seamless acquisition of both physical and electronic resources for the University. I work closely with my colleagues to acquire resources that support our users’ learning, teaching and research needs.


photo of Choy Wai Ming

Choy Wai Ming QR code for Choy Wai Ming
Assistant Service Manager (Cataloguing/Metadata - Physical Resources & Authorities)

Office: Collection Services Office, 2/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-0919

As an assistant cataloguing manager, my daily works are creating bibliographical records for library print resources and authority records for authors. I’m also responsible for cataloguing Chinese rare resources. Hope the library catalogue can support teachers and student’s teaching and researching.


photo of Gigi Tse

Gigi Tse QR code for Gigi Tse
Assistant Service Manager (Cataloguing/Metadata - Digital Resources & Enhancement)

Office: Collection Services Office, 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-0910

As the Assistant Service Manager of cataloguing E-resources, I am responsible for creating and updating the metadata of electronic records, managing electronic collections and databases in library catalog and ensuring user access to e-resources.


photo of Irene Li

Irene Li QR code for Irene Li
Assistant Service Manager (Collection Development and Collection Management)

Office: Collection Services Office, 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3910-3495

Hello, I am Irene. As the Assistant Service Manager, my role is to assist Collection Services Librarian in overseeing and managing library collection development via conducting valuable data analytics for general library resources in support of the researching, teaching and learning. My responsibilities include manipulating and interpreting data related to library resources, as well as assisting with the management and reconfiguration of print and physical collections.


photo of Terry Chung

Terry Chung QR code for Terry Chung
Digital Scholarship Librarian

Office: 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-7002

Hi, I am Terry, I work closely with colleagues in providing consultation, technical support, and project management in technology-rich scholarly projects. I am responsible for identifying and deploying tools and technologies; and also planning and developing the Library’s digital collections and digital scholarship initiatives.


photo of Gary Wong

Sun Chung QR code for Sun Chung
Assistant Systems Librarian

Office: 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-5546

I am responsible for the administration and development support of library applications, integrated library systems such as Ex Libris Alma, and Machine Learning / AI frameworks in our library technology ecosystem. I work closely with other library units to explore and enhance library functionality and workflows.


photo of Mahboobani Vanessa Ramesh

Mahboobani Vanessa Ramesh QR code for Mahboobani Vanessa Ramesh
Data Services & Information Research Librarian

Office: 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3910-3473

As a Data Services & Information Research Librarian, I am dedicated to conduct valuable and insightful data analytics and develop practical solutions of data management on data visualization in order to maximize the data value to support different stakeholders in their pursuits and data driven decision-making.


photo of Katie Kwong

Katie Kwong QR code for Katie Kwong
IT Manager

Office: 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-2201

My role involves overseeing the library systems and providing comprehensive IT support to ensure that it operates efficiently and effectively. I work closely with colleagues to identify areas for improvement and implement solutions that will enhance our patrons' experience and optimize our operations. I am passionate about using my expertise to make the library a welcoming and inclusive space for all.


photo of Jack Lo

Jack Lo QR code for Jack Lo
IT Manager

Office: 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-8902

As a member of TSS team member, my colleagues and I are dedicated to providing support for our library services and systems. My responsibilities encompass a wide range of tasks including managing IT infrastructure, developing online systems, analyzing data, troubleshooting technical issues, and providing technical support to our library colleagues on various projects.


photo of Kayla Ng

Kayla Ng QR code for Kayla Ng
Executive Officer (Digital Scholarship and Data Analytics)

Office: 5/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-0979

Hi! I'm Kayla, serving as the Executive Officer for Digital Scholarship and Data Analytics. My responsibilities include supporting digital initiatives and data analytics projects through tasks such as data cleansing, metadata formatting, and digitization. With expertise in Python, AI, and project management, I work closely with colleagues to enhance our library's resources and contribute to academic endeavors.


photo of Garfield Lam

Garfield Lam QR code for Garfield Lam
Head of Archives and Special Collections

Office: 1/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-4544

The primary duties of the University Archivist and Head of Archives and Special Collections are to select, collect, preserve and make the history of the University of Hong Kong accessible to the public. As the oldest university in Hong Kong, our University Archives (UA) collects and preserve all records regardless of formats, organically produced and accumulated by the administration, faculties and departments, as well as by alumni and staff members, as the official institutional repository of the University of Hong Kong. Whereas the Special Collections (SC) collects materials, except the University history, covering a wider scope of research interests focusing on history of Hong Kong, rare materials including rare books dated before 19th century as well as some other non-University artefacts. Materials at SC include government publications, local associations, personal papers donated by prominent Hong Kong figures and business archives founded in Hong Kong. Our Archives and Special Collections aims to provide all-round research support to staff and students, focusing on institutional and territorial wide culture and history of the University and of Hong Kong. And most importantly is to educate users to conduct primary-source research and to protect rare materials whilst appreciating their physicality and contents.



photo of Ally Cheung

Ally Cheung QR code for Ally Cheung
Assistant Service Manager, Archives and Special Collections

Office: 1/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Tel: 3917-4545

As Assistant Service Manager, my major responsibilities include supervising the daily operations of the Special Collections, the collection development of Hong Kong Collection, handling enquiries and compiling finding aids and subject guides to facilitate access to Hong Kong-related materials and archival collections. Please feel free to contact me if you need any library support for your study and research.




Lesley LiuQR code for Lesley Liu
Head, Preservation and Conservation

Office: 14/F, Hing Wai Centre, 7 Tin Wan Praya Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Tel: 3910-2980
Fax: 2870-1854

As the head of the HKUL Preservation Centre, my role involves setting priorities for preserving and facilitating access to a wide range of general and rare collections in the library. I oversee a diverse team of skilled conservators and technicians who specialize in conservation treatment for books, archives, manuscripts, and other paper-based artifacts. Our expertise extends to implementing measures to prevent deterioration, preparing exhibitions, providing digitization support, engaging in public outreach, and offering preservation education. Additionally, we actively collaborate with university departments and the local community to address various preservation needs, with the aim of promoting a greater understanding of preservation and conservation within the community and beyond.


photo of Xiaoping Cai

Xiaoping CaiQR code for Xiaoping Cai
Book and Paper Conservator, Preservation and Conservation

Office: 14/F, Hing Wai Centre, 7 Tin Wan Praya Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Tel: 3910-2979
Fax: 2870 1854

As the Book and Paper Conservator, I am responsible for maintaining the library’s collection in usable condition for as long as possible. My endeavours include evaluating and performing conservation treatments for the library’s special collections; providing preservation support for digitization and exhibitions; as well as assisting with emergency response and other preservation activities.


photo of Andy Yu

Andy YuQR code for Andy Yu
Assistant Conservator, Preservation and Conservation

Office: 14/F, Hing Wai Centre, 7 Tin Wan Praya Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Tel: 3910-3760
Fax: 2870 1854

As a team member of the Preservation and Conservation Division (PCD), my primary responsibility is to perform preservation and conservation activities on the library's general and special collections, enhancing their longevity and accessibility. Additionally, I provide support for emergency response, digitization and exhibition preparation. If you have any questions or require assistance with any preservation-related matters, please do not hesitate to reach out.


