Spotlight on Treasures
This section recaptures some rare titles which had been previously featured in Focus, the newsletter of HKU Libraries. We hope this one-stop highlight provides alumni and friends with a deeper appreciation of early printed books and historical documents in our rare book collections.
- An Authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China / by Sir George Staunton. 2nd Edition, extra-illustrated. [5 volumes] London : W. Bulmer and Co., for G. Nicol, 1798.
- A dictionary of the Chinese language, in three parts / by R. Morrison. Macao : P. P. Thomas, 1815-1823.
- Journal of three voyages along the coast of China in 1831, 1832 & 1833 with notices of Siam, Corea, and the Loo-Choo Islands / by Charles Gutzlaff. 2nd Edition. London : Westley and Davis, 1834.
- Dell’ historia della China / Juan González de Mendoza's. Venetia : Andrea Muschio, 1588.
- An embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham Emperor of China / by John Ogilby. 2nd Edition. London: John Ogilby, 1673.
- Flora Sinensis [228 art originals water-colour on paper]
- 自警編 : 五卷 / 趙善璙撰. 九江郡齋, 宋端平甲午 [1年, 1234]
- 賴煥文太史遺墨 / 賴際熙.
- 新遺詔書 / 馬禮遜主譯.
- 一切如來心秘密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼經 / 不空譯.
- 北齊泰山經石峪金剛經民初拓本. 泰安 : 北齊(550-577)
- 重刊補註洗冤錄集證 : 六卷. [廣州 : 劉開域] 重校刋 : 翰墨園藏板, 道光甲辰--丁未 [24- 27年, 1844-1847]
- 幾何原本 15 卷 / 利馬竇口譯 ; 徐光啓筆受. 金陵 : 同治 4 [1865]
- 益智圖 / 半盲散人據童氏光緖4-11年(1878-85)刊本重抄.
- 英語集全 : 6卷 / 唐廷樞著. 廣州, 同治元 [1862]
- 佩文齋廣群芳譜: 一百卷 / 劉灝編. [北京] : 內府, 清康熙戊子 [47年, 1708]
- 中東戰紀本末 : 8卷. 上海 : 廣學會譯著圖書集成局, 1896.
- 香港大學第一次授給學位頌辭.
- 居延漢簡整理文件.