The 6th Annual Library Leadership Institute
Virtual and Physical Libraries in the 21st Century: Challenges for Library Leaders
Shantou, China. 18-22 April 2008
organised by The University of Hong Kong Libraries
in conjunction with
Shantou University Library
>>Photos from Mr Peter Sidorko
>>Photos for the HKUL Leadership Institute 2008
>>Presentations for HKUL Leadership Institute 2008
Following on from the successful Institutes held since 2003, the University of Hong Kong Libraries is pleased to announce the 6 th Annual Library Leadership Institute with the theme of Virtual and Physical Libraries in the 21st Century: Challenges for Library Leaders .
This residential Institute will provide library directors and senior librarians from the Asia region with the unique opportunity to develop new skills in the volatile area of management and leadership in the information sector. The program will provide a cost effective means of accessing the excellent management training services provided by experts in the field from North America, Australia , Hong Kong and mainland China .
The primary objectives of the Institute are:
• To develop and enhance management and leadership qualities in academic and research librarians in the Asia region, and
• To enhance collaboration and foster relations among academic and research libraries in the region.
The Institute will be conducted over 5 days. It must be emphasized that this is not a conference where attendees sit and listen to papers. This is an Institute requiring all attendees to be fully participative enabling them to explore their own leadership and management styles as well as learning new techniques from facilitators and from other attendees. The Institute will focus on the individual manager's role in providing leadership within a complex and changing library environment. It is anticipated that academic librarians from Hong Kong, mainland China , Taiwan , Indonesia , Japan , Korea, Malaysia , Singapore , the Philippines, Thailand and other countries in the region will participate.
Institute Content
Formal sessions
Over the course of the 5 days, participants will engage in learner-driven activities designed to build skills and awareness required of leaders in today's library environment. These sessions will be a pleasing mix of formal presentation, small group discussions and interactive simulation activities. Topics to be covered include:
• Effective leadership
• Strategic planning
• Project management
• Implications of Web 2.0 for libraries
• Library learning spaces
• Organisational change
• International trends in eResearch
• Library innovation.
Case Study
In addition to a wide range of topics to be covered during the formal sessions, a case study outlining a problem will be given to groups of participants to enable them to work as a team and, using the range of skills learnt during the Institute, develop a viable solution. Set times will be allocated during the Institute to enable case study teams to get together and work on a solution. The case study is a crucial part of the Institute. The Institute will conclude with each team providing a presentation on their findings.
ENGLISH will be the mode of instruction, with limited Chinese translations supplementing.
Targeted Audience
The Institute is limited to 40 participants who will be academic and research librarians invited from Hong Kong, mainland China , Taiwan , Indonesia , Japan , Korea , Malaysia , Singapore , the Philippines , Thailand and other countries in the region . These participants will be:
• Library directors and deputy directors
• Library administrators
• Current supervisors/managers
• Prospective supervisors/managers
• Team leaders.
Institute Venue
Shantou University Exchange Centre, 243 Daxue Road , Shantou , Guangdong , P.R.China . Shantou University is located in the northern part of the special economic zone of Shantou, a seaside city with attractive scenery.
See .
Principal Facilitators
Mr Jeffrey Trzeciak <>
University Librarian of McMaster University, Canada
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Jeffrey Trzeciak is the University Librarian at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. As one of the top research libraries in North America, the McMaster University Library is a member of the Association of Research Libraries and the Canadian Association of Research Libraries. Jeff has more than twenty years experience working in academic and public libraries. Previously he held positions including Associate Dean at Wayne State University Library System in Detroit, Michigan and Head of Systems at Wright State University Libraries in Dayton, Ohio. In 2004 Jeff was recognized for his innovation by Library Journal in their "Movers and Shakers" edition. He is also a graduate of the Frye Leadership Institute (2005) sponsored by EDUCAUSE, CLIR, and Emory University. He has spoken internationally on a variety of topics including digital library initiatives, web 2.0, organizational change, and library innovation. When not at "work" Jeff can frequently be found online in Facebook, SecondLife and World of Warcraft. |
Mr Keith Webster <>
University Librarian of The University of Queensland, Australia
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Keith Webster has been University Librarian and Director of Learning Services at The University of Queensland since June 2006. Previous posts include University Librarian at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, Head of Information Policy at HM Treasury in London and Director of Information Services at the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London . He is Adjunct Professor of Library Management at Victoria University of Wellington and Honorary Professor of Information Science at City University , London . Keith's interests include strategic planning, learning space design and international trends. He is Convenor of the IFLA 2010 Conference which will be held in Brisbane . |
Other Presenters / Facilitators will include:
Ms Diana Lai Ha Chan <>, Associate Librarian, City University of Hong Kong
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Diana, the Associate Librarian of Public Services at City University of Hong Kong, oversees the Circulation, Reference, Law and Media Services Sections; and participates in various digital initiatives and projects including an institutional repository, ebook consortium, RFID applications, library renovation, and re-organization. After obtain ing a BBA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a MLS from the San Jose State University's he had worked as an information specialist in Bain & Company, an U.S. management consulting firm. Joining the University of British Columbia in 1984 with a charge to establish the David Lam Management Research Library, her biggest achievement was to build up a library system and see through the new building from the planning stages to its inauguration in 1991. She was a ppointed by the United Nations on a consultation project to start up a business collection for the MBA program of a university in Beijing. In 1993, she joined the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Library and was later appointed as the Head of the Reference Department. She ha s given professional presentations in Hong Kong, China and overseas. Co- authored a 3-volume book entitled A bibliography of Asia-Pacific Studies, she has also published in journal articles, presented and conducted workshops in conferences on institutional repository and library instruction. |
Dr Anthony Ferguson <>, Librarian, The University of Hong Kong
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Anthony W. Ferguson. “Tony” has been the Librarian of the University of Hong Kong since 2001. He is also the Chair of the Knowledge Team, an campus wide action group devoted to helping HKU make better informed decisions and develop better strategies for using ICT to enhance teaching and learning ( He has masters degrees in library science and political science (China focus). He also has a Doctorate in Education from Columbia Teachers College . He was previously the Associate University Librarian at Columbia (1986-2001); the Assistant Library Director at Texas A&M University (1985-1986); and worked in collection development, the Asian Studies, and Social Sciences departments at Brigham Young University (1972-1985). He has consulted widely on collection development topics and writes a regular column, Backtalk , in Against the Grain. |
Mr Peter Sidorko <>,Deputy Librarian, The University of Hong Kong
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Peter Sidorko has 25 years of experience in academic libraries in Australia and Hong Kong . He is currently the Deputy University Librarian at the University of Hong Kong , a position he has held since 2001. In this role Peter is responsible for the full range of public services, technical services and technological developments for the entire University Library system which consists of one Main Library and six branch libraries, a staff of approximately 240 and a collection in excess of 2.5 million physical volumes as well as a rich and growing digital collection including 1.3 million e-books and over 40,000 electronic journals. Peter is also a part-time lecturer in the University of Hong Kong 's information science courses offered through the Faculty of Education and the University's continuing education school, HKU SPACE, with subjects focusing on information policy, management, leadership and strategic planning. Peter's interest in effective management and leadership in libraries led to the establishment of the University of Hong Kong 's Annual Library Leadership Institute, aimed at developing leadership qualities in Asian librarians, and now in its sixth year of operation. Peter was also a Faculty member of the Educause Australasian Leadership Institute between 2001 and 2003. |
The costs for the Institute cover:
• Course materials
• 4 night's accommodation
• 4 breakfasts
• 4 lunches
• 4 dinners
• Library and cultural visits
• Morning and afternoon teas
• Service charge and taxes
Total cost
HKD$3,900 Shared room
HKD$4,700 Single room.
All costs are per person.
A number of scholarships valued at HKD$1,600 are available for applicants who require financial assistance. If you wish to apply for a scholarship you should indicate this on the attached application form along with your reasons for requiring financial support. Scholarships are only available to participants choosing shared accommodation.
As the numbers for the Institute are strictly limited, the attached application form must be completed and received no later than February 29, 2008 at the following address:
Attention: Ms Kerry Leung
Main Library 4/F
University of Hong Kong Libraries
Pokfulam Road
or faxed to: +852 2858-9420
or email to:
or submitted online at:
Successful applicants, including scholarship recipients, will be notified of their application status and payment methods by March 14, 2008. All due charges must be paid by April 3, 2008 . No refunds will be permitted after this date.