The 14th Annual Library Leadership Institute
Library Leadership in a Disruptive World: Today & Tomorrow
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22-26 April 2016
organised by The University of Hong Kong Libraries
in conjunction with iGroup, Monash University Malaysia Library and Taylor’s University Library
>>Photos for the HKUL Leadership Institute 2016
>>Presentations for HKUL Leadership Institute 2016
- Overview
- Institute Content
- Schedule
- Targeted Audience
- Institute Venue & Accommodation
- Principal Facilitators
- Other Presenters / Facilitators
- Costs
- Scholarships
- Registration
Following on from the successful Institutes held since 2003, the University of Hong Kong Libraries is pleased to announce the 14th Annual Library Leadership Institute with the theme of Library Leadership in a Disruptive World: Today & Tomorrow.
This residential Institute will provide library directors and senior librarians from the Asia region with the unique opportunity to develop new skills in the volatile area of management and leadership in the information sector. The program will provide a cost effective means of accessing the excellent management training services provided by experts in the field from America, Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong.
The primary objectives of the Institute are:
1. To develop and enhance management and leadership qualities in academic and research librarians in the Asia region, and;
2. To enhance collaboration and foster relations among academic and research libraries in the region.
The Institute will be conducted over 5 days. It must be emphasized that this is not a conference where attendees sit and listen to papers. This is an Institute requiring all attendees to be fully participative enabling them to explore their own leadership and management styles as well as learning new techniques from facilitators and from other attendees. The Institute will focus on the individual manager's role in providing leadership within a complex and changing library environment.
Institute Content
Formal sessions
Over the course of the 5 days, participants will engage in learner-driven activities designed to build skills and awareness required of leaders in today’s library environment. These sessions will be a pleasing mix of formal presentation, small group discussions and interactive simulation activities.
Case Study
In addition to a wide range of Formal Sessions to be covered during the formal sessions, a case study outlining problems will be given to groups of participants to enable them to work as a team and, using the range of skills learnt during the Institute, develop a viable solution. Set times will be allocated during the Institute to enable case study teams to get together and work on a solution. The Institute will wind up with each team providing a presentation on their findings.
ENGLISH will be the mode of instruction, with limited Chinese translations supplementing.
22 April 2016 |
23 April 2016 |
24 April 2016 |
25 April 2016 |
26 April 2016 |
9:00 |
Welcome & Getting Started Session 1 Managing Change at Disruptive Times |
Session 4 New Collections, New Perspectives |
Session 7 Collaborating Inside and Outside of Libraries |
Library Visit & Lunch
10:30 |
Tea Break |
Tea Break |
Tea Break |
10:50 |
Session 2 New Library Spaces |
Session 5 Supporting Teaching and Research on Campus |
Session 8 Evaluating for Success |
Lunch / Presentation |
Lunch / Presentation |
Lunch / Presentation |
End of Institute |
14:00 |
Arrival |
Session 3 Creating a Service Oriented Organization |
Session 6 Innovative Technologies for Libraries |
Case Study Preparation |
15:30 |
Tea Break |
Tea Break |
15:45 |
Case Study Preparation |
Case Study Preparation |
Tea Break |
Conclusion and Wrap up |
Dinner |
17:00 |
Institute Dinner |
Dinner |
18:00 |
Registration |
18:30 |
Welcome Dinner at Hotel |
Targeted Audience
The Institute is limited to 40 participants who will be academic and research librarians invited from Hong Kong, mainland China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, and other countries. These participants will be:
• Library directors and deputy directors
• Library administrators
• Current supervisors/managers
• Prospective supervisors/managers
• Team leaders.
Institute Venue & Accommodation
Hotel Meliã Kuala Lumpur
16 Jalan Imbi, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +60 (3) 2785 2828
Fax: +60 (3) 2785 2818
Principal Facilitators
Jeffrey Trzeciak
University Librarian, Washington University Libraries, United States
Jeffrey has more than twenty-five years’ experience working in academic and public libraries. Since his arrival at Washington University in July 2012, Jeffrey has overseen an expansion of the John M. Olin Library’s Special Collections, the creation of formal partnerships with the Writing Center and the Teaching Center, the integration of the Office of Geographic Information Systems, and the acquisition of over $4 million in new academic resources. Jeffrey has recently raised more than $20 million and is now leading an $18 million renovation of the John M. Olin Library which is scheduled to be completed by fall 2017. The renovation will increase research and study space; increase special collections storage capacity; improve connections to the broader campus; and enhance the accessibility and visibility of specialized research services and special collections. Jeffrey previously served as University Librarian at McMaster University in Hamilton Ontario Canada, Associate Dean at Wayne State University Library System in Detroit, Michigan and Head of Systems at Wright State University Libraries in Dayton, Ohio. Under Jeffrey’s leadership, the McMaster Library became the first Canadian recipient of the ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award. In 2004, Jeffrey was recognized for his innovation by Library Journal in their “Movers and Shakers” edition. He is a graduate of the Frye Leadership Institute (2005) sponsored by EDUCAUSE, CLIR, and Emory University and speaks internationally on a variety of topics including digital library initiatives, web 2.0, organizational change, and library innovation. Jeffrey holds a bachelor’s degree in secondary education from the University of Dayton and a master’s degree in library sciences from Indiana University. |
Steve O’Connor
Editor of the journal Library Management, Adjunct Professor at Charles Sturt University and the Director of Information Exponentials
Steve is a seasoned international speaker, workshop presenter, editor writer and librarian. He wrote the book on scenario planning for libraries and other organizations (Imagining Your Library’s Future Chandos which is now also being published in the Chinese language by the National Library of China). He is the author of over 60 articles and a frequent presenter at international library and information management conferences. Most recently, he has been working on a feasibility study for advanced leadership at Charles Sturt University where he is an Adjunct Professor. Steve’s passion is to foster creative and dynamic communities that deliver positive and measureable results for their Library’s customers. He is the Editor of Library Management and Library Management China (in the Chinese language). He has and is conducting scenario planning projects for many libraries and consortia, including for Lyrasis in its transformation from SOLINET into the largest library consortium in the United States. During the last twenty years, Steve has been University Librarian at two major academic libraries (University of Technology, Sydney, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University), CEO of CAVAL, a non-profit company providing a range of services to all library sectors, and founded Information Exponentials. Steve harnesses the power of the imagination to create powerful, realistic and community-accepted future scenarios. He has conducted workshops on library futures and scenario planning across Australia and China, and in Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur.
Other Presenters / Facilitators:
Peter Sidorko
University Librarian and Institute Director, The University of Hong Kong Libraries
Peter Sidorko ( has enjoyed a career in academic libraries spanning thirty years and is currently the University Librarian at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). In this position he has full responsibility for leading and directing all aspects of the HKU Libraries network of 6 libraries. Peter is the immediate past Chair of JULAC (the Joint University Librarians Advisory Committee, a forum to discuss, coordinate, and collaborate on library information resources and services among the libraries of the eight tertiary education institutions funded by the University Grants Committee in Hong Kong. He is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the JULAC Joint Universities Research Archive, the company established to govern JURA. Peter is also the past President-elect of the Hong Kong Library Association, serving from 2011-2012. He holds several honorary international positions: he is a member of the Board of Directors of CLOCKSS; the immediate past Chair of the Asia Pacific Regional Council Executive Committee of OCLC (2013-2014); a member of the OCLC Global Council (2011-2015); Vice-President/President Elect of the OCLC Global Council (2015-2018); a former Board member of the NDLTD (Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations); a member of the Elsevier Asia-Pacific Library Advisory Board (ALAB) (2014-) and a member pf the Steering Committee of the Pacific Rim Research (formerly Digital) Library Alliance (PRRLA, formerly PRDLA). His research interests include library management and leadership, user behaviours, information literacy and learning spaces and he has published widely in these areas. His most recent publication (forthcoming) is the co-authored “Leadership Development of Asian Librarians: The Longitudinal Impact of HKU Annual Library Leadership Institute”. He has also presented at almost 100 conferences and seminars, several of which have been published as proceedings. Peter's interest in effective management and leadership in libraries led to the establishment of the University of Hong Kong's Annual Library Leadership Institute in 2003, aimed at developing leadership qualities in Asian librarians, and now in its 13th year of operation. Peter was also a Faculty member of the Educause Australasian Leadership Institute between 2001 and 2003. |
Dianne Cmor
Deputy University Librarian, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Dianne Cmor is Deputy University Librarian at Nanyang Technological University Libraries providing leadership and support to 7 libraries, instructional services, access services, library promotion, and quality and assessment. She is also responsible for library human resources and staff development. Her experience and expertise lie in the areas of information literacy, teaching and learning support, research services, faculty collaboration, and staff development. Dianne has had an international career in academic libraries - at Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada, Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar, Hong Kong Baptist University, and now NTU in Singapore. She studied in Canada where she obtained an MLIS from McGill University, an MA from York University, and a BA(Hon) from Trent University. Current interests/projects include academic library programming for an engaged community of learners, developing sustainable methods for assessing and communicating library impact, and exploring the future of altmetrics from a variety of perspectives. She has more fun as a librarian than most would ever think possible ... |
Y.C. Wan
Deputy University Librarian, The University of Hong Kong Libraries
YC is Deputy University Librarian of the University of Hong Kong Libraries. He has over 30 years of experience in academic and public libraries in Hong Kong. He has also been teaching library courses in Hong Kong since 1988. YC received his bachelor degree at the University of Hong Kong in 1980 and doctoral degree in information and library science at the University of Wales Aberystwyth in 2001. He has served in a number of different positions since joining the University of Hong Kong Libraries in 1987, namely Special Collections Librarian, Reader Services Librarian, Fung Ping Shan Librarian and Head of Main Library Services. YC has a keen interest in Hong Kong studies, particularly in the history of libraries in Hong Kong and digitization of Hong Kong materials. |
The costs for the Institute cover:
• Course materials
• 4 night's accommodation with breakfast
• 4 lunches
• 4 dinners
• Library and cultural visits
• Morning and afternoon teas
• Service charge and taxes
Total cost
HKD$4,500 Twin Shared room
HKD$5,900 Single room
All costs are per person.
A small number of scholarships valued at HKD$1,600 may be available for applicants who require financial assistance. If you wish to apply for a scholarship you should indicate this on the attached application form along with your reasons for requiring financial support. Scholarships are only available to participants choosing a shared room.
Please submit your registration via the online registration form. An acknowledgment letter will be issued upon receipt of your registration. Registration will only be confirmed upon receipt of FULL PAYMENT. Upon receipt of the full payment, a Confirmation Letter will be sent to you via email.
Closing date of the registration is 29 February 2016 (Monday). Registration will be closed once 40 successful registrations are receive.
Note: Completion of the online registration form only does not guarantee successful registration for the Institute.