News & Announcements

4/F Main Library

Oct 22 2020

Teaching by Design for the U. N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Workshop

Published by at 11:42 am under Breaking News

Teaching by Design for the U. N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Workshop poster

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

As part of the Design Thinking Series for Teachers and Librarians in HKU Universities, Colleges, and Schools, our fourth annual workshop Teaching by Design for the U. N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be held on Saturday, 7 November 2020, via Zoom. The workshop is completely free and will be conducted in English.

You are most welcome to check out more details of the workshop and register through our webpage. Registration is open until 1 November.  Please also help to share this message and the attached poster with your colleagues, staff and those who are interested in enhancing teaching and learning in the Hong Kong community through Design Thinking and SDGs. We look forward to your participation.

Organizing Group:

Gray Kochhar-Lindgren (The University of Hong Kong)

King L. Chow (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Esther Woo (The University of Hong Kong)

Luisa Mok (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Nicol Pan (Tsz Shan Institute)


Date:                                       7 November 2020, Saturday

Time:                                      9:30 am – 1:00 pm

Venue:                                    Zoom Conference

Language:                              English

Details and Registration:

Registration Closes:            2 November 2020, Monday

Admission:                           Free

HKU Libraries Website:

Connect with the Libraries on social media:



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Oct 09 2020

Service Suspension Notice

Published by at 11:06 am under Breaking News

System: WiFi network in Main Library

Date:  18 October (Sun)

Time: ~1 hour for each floor

For: WiFi network equipment upgrade.

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Oct 08 2020

Gifts from Lanmama – a digital museum

Gifts from Lanmama-a digital museum


China is known for its rich history and culture. The ethnic minority people in Guizhou Province have a unique and diverse cultural heritage which is, unfortunately, disappearing due to natural and man-made causes. Digitisation provides a solution for preserving and promoting cultural heritage. Taking advantage of expertise from Dr Hu Xiao, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education, Dr Esther Woo, Deputy University Librarian of HKU Libraries and Dr Nicol Pan, former Associate Director of Common Core Office, this Knowledge Exchange project digitises unique cultural heritages of ethnic minority people in Guizhou and make them accessible online to international audiences. Through building a digital museum, this project helps raise awareness and appreciation towards Chinese cultural heritage.

The digital museum is collaboratively built by the Faculty of Education at HKU, HKU Libraries and Guizhou Lanmama Museum of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ethnic Minorities. This project is supported by the HKU Knowledge Exchange Fund granted by the University Grants Committee.

You are cordially invited to visit this digital museum at

Please also share your experience of visiting the digital museum with us by completing an online questionnaire ( Your valuable feedback can help us measure the effectiveness of this digital museum in promoting and enhancing visitors’ understanding of cultural heritage, and improve the organisation of similar digital museums in the future.

Faculty of Education, HKU

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Oct 08 2020

EXTENDED – Hong Kong Historical Photos from the Frank Fischbeck Collection Exhibition

Published by at 11:00 am under Breaking News


EXTENDED - Hong Kong Historical Photos from the Frank Fischbeck Collection Exhibition

Introducing the Frank Fischbeck Collection

On 19 September 2019, The University of Hong Kong acquired the FormAsia Books photographic collection. A unique collection of rare, historic, original photographs dating from 1860 to the 1997 Hong Kong Handover.

The Frank Fischbeck Collection consists of a number of discrete sub-collections that comprise:

  1. Albumen/Silver/Gelatin Original Photographs (1,000) — Silver gelatin prints became the dominant photographic process from the 1880s until the 1960s;

  2. Rare Albumen Prints (125) — The significance of an albumen print is that it was the first commercial method of producing a photograph from 1855 to the turn of the 20th century. Few have survived, as they tend to be fragile and suffer from exposure to light;

  3. Historic Panorama Prints (20) — Panorama prints are rare. FormAsia invested in out-of-the-ordinary panoramas from a variety of sources including the four prominent HK galleries specialising in historic photographs;

  4. The Black & White Collection: 8,000 Photographs with Original Negatives — The entire Archive has proved a resource in demand with publishers, museums, universities, and government agencies;

  5. The Colour Collection: 15,000 Transparencies — The Colour Collection contains over 15,000 transparencies chronicling not only the evolution of Hong Kong from an entrepȏt port to a leading world financial centre but also the broader span of Asia’s history, arts and architecture;

  6. High-Resolution Digital Files (5,000) — High-resolution digital files form a vital part of the collection. Of the approximately 25,000 photographs comprising the overall Archive, over 5,000 images have already been digitized. This is an enormous cost-saving element, facilitating the building blocks for the print media and online access.

To process the Collection and make it available to Hong Kong and the world, HKU Libraries will:

•  Store, preserve, catalogue, digitise and maintain the Collection;

•  Create and update the Frank Fischbeck Collection in the Digital Repository@HKUL;

•  Utilize the Collection for contributing to society and academia through exhibitions, digital access and other means of nurturing interest in Hong Kong’s rich history; and,

•  Ensure that the Collection remains a cultural asset for Hong Kong and the world for future generations.

About FormAsia Books

Having been incorporated in Hong Kong in 1975, the goal of FormAsia Books was to utilise superb photography and eloquent essays to document Asian life for a Western readership, with particular emphasis on Hong Kong.  FormAsia Books Managing Director Frank Fischbeck’s photographs have won him the Overseas Press Club of America citation for his work in China where he covered the Cultural Revolution and the ‘Ping Pong’ diplomacy prior to President Nixon’s arrival in Beijing.  He has continued to record and preserve Asia’s immense diversity in a range of publications after settling in Hong Kong in the 1970s.

As a photojournalist, it came as second nature to chronicle the city’s evolution as it unfolded before him over succeeding decades. Together with his extensive travels throughout the region, this has resulted in a collection of some 24,000 images that have recorded and preserved Hong Kong’s modern history as well as the immense diversity of Asia’s cultural heritage.

Extending his career into publishing through FormAsia Books, Frank has also acquired and curated more than 1,200 sepia photographs that form part of the Archive, and which meticulously document Hong Kong’s history from 1860 to the 1960s, resulting in a visual record of the city’s evolution from its earliest years to the present day.  

This exhibition highlights a small segment of the collection based on Frank’s personal choices with his commentary provided for each image.

The exhibition is presented through six themes:

  1. The Early Years

  2. Occupation and Liberation of Hong Kong

  3. 1967 Disturbances

  4. Air Land and Sea

  5. Portraits

  6. Path to 1997

The acquisition of the collection has been made possible through a series of very generous donations from benefactors eager to see the collection remain in Hong Kong, intact and based at HKU.
We are deeply indebted to the WYNG Foundation for their major donation and unprecedented support and to the Kadoorie Charitable Foundation.

Additional donors:

•  The Swire Group Charitable Trust

•  Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation Limited

•  Simon K Y Lee Foundation Limited.


Note: Captions provided by FormAsia Books

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Oct 05 2020

Introducing the e-Learning Resource Hub

Published by at 10:49 am under Breaking News

Message from Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning)

Dear students and colleagues,

As we embark on a new semester with a strong reliance on online teaching and learning, I am pleased to introduce the HKU E-learning Resource Hub (

Developed by the University Libraries in collaboration with the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL), Information Technology Services (ITS) and Technology Enhanced Learning Initiative (TeLi), the Hub provides access to a wealth of resources developed by these departments as well as others. The platform offers search and browse functions for electronic resources, online tools, guides, courses, equipment, learning spaces and departmental services in support of teaching and learning.

You are most welcome to suggest new resources either developed by HKU or other institutions for inclusion into the E-learning Resource Hub via its e-form ( The Libraries will continue to develop the contents and feature useful resources on the platform to support your teaching and learning.

Best wishes, Ian

Professor Ian Holliday

Vice-President (Teaching and Learning)

The University of Hong Kong

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Sep 16 2020

Intellectual Property Rights Awareness and Protection

Dear Colleagues, Students, Patrons, and Visitors,

To raise awareness of intellectual property rights, and to ensure their protection and prevent infringement, you are highly encouraged to consult the following webpages maintained by university departments and other offices/work units as well as the relevant resources whenever the need arises in relation to teaching, learning, research, publication and other activities/events/functions.

Intellectual Property Rights Policy of The University of Hong Kong (HKU)

Intellectual Property Rights Policy for HKU Staff, Students and Visitors

Copyright and plagiarism

– Facts You Should Know About The Copyright Ordinance

– What is plagiarism

Copyright in teaching and learning at HKU

Security Alert on Copyright Infringement

Talks and training sessions on copyright and other intellectual property rights will be organized by university departments and offices/work units from time to time. For further advice or assistance, please approach the contact persons as stated on their respective webpages.


University Libraries

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Aug 25 2020

Service Suspension Notice

Published by at 10:14 am under Breaking News

System: WiFi network on 1/F New Wing and 5/F, Main Library

Date and Time:  29 August (Sat)

Cause: preparation work for the upcoming WiFi upgrade


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Aug 24 2020

HKU Libraries New Website and Mobile App Launch Announcement

New HKUL website announcement      New mobile@HKUL App Annoucement

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new HKU Libraries website, and a new mobile app, mobile@HKUL,

In order to provide enhanced searching, browsing and easier access to library services, we have incorporated feedback received through our biennial user surveys as well as your direct suggestions. We hope you find the new website and mobile app improvements to facilitate your learning and research.

While mobile@HKUL is available for download now, the new HKU Libraries website will go live at 00:00 on 28 August 2020 (Friday).

As you explore the new site and app, please share any comments or questions via

The University of Hong Kong Libraries

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Aug 20 2020

Extension of Access to University Facilities for Class of 2020

Following the President’s announcement of the extension of facility access for the Class of 2020, we are pleased to let you know that you will be able to use your HKU Student Card for access to the facilities below until August 31, 2021.

Access for Class of 2020 Weblink for details
Libraries Including:

– Borrowing Privileges (HKU Graduate: 48 books, 6 audio-visual materials)

– Remote Access to SELECTED electronic resources which may be changed by the University Libraries without prior notice. (click to see the list)

– uPrint printing service

– PCs and study tables

Equivalent to Circle of Friends (Platinum): updated access policy and service level, please refer to:


  • The above shall be eligible for access by graduands of the Class of 2020 with their HKU Student Cards until August 31, 2021.
  • The access is eligible to the Year 2020 graduands of the following HKU programmes: Undergraduate, Taught Postgraduate, Research Postgraduate, Postgraduate Certificate and Diploma. The list does not include HKU SPACE.
  • For those graduands who have lost their HKU Student Cards, they can apply for the Facility Access Card by filling in this form.
  • For graduands who will be admitted to the HKU postgraduate programmes, when issued with a new HKU Student Card, their level of facility access as postgraduates will override their “Class of 2020” status.

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Jul 17 2020

Jasper Series

Published by at 12:28 pm under Breaking News

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