News & Announcements

4/F Main Library

Oct 10 2017

Library User Survey 2017 – Survey Results

Published by at 10:38 am under Breaking News

Thanks to the overwhelming responses of over 4,400 patrons, our user survey was completed in March 2017 with an abundant amount of useful data. Apart from identifying performance gaps in different service areas, the data has helped us explore some patron behaviours and needs to facilitate our planning of future developments as well as to improve our services.

The results and key finding are available at

Esther Woo

Associate Librarian

Engagement and Lending Services

The University of Hong Kong Libraries

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Oct 06 2017

Footprints: 90 Years of the School of Chinese, HKU

Footprints: 90 Years of the School of Chinese, HKU

In collaboration with The University of Hong Kong School of Chinese, the University Archives, the University Museum and Art Gallery, and the Libraries, the Main Library is pleased to present FOOTPRINTS: 90 Years of The School of Chinese, HKU Exhibition at the 2nd Floor Atrium/Exhibitions Area of the Main Library from 12 October 2017 to 3 November 2017.

“Established in 1927, the School of Chinese at HKU has for 90 years been dedicated to the study of the core values and ideals of the Chinese tradition and to the meeting of Chinese and Western cultures. Through the efforts of many trailblazers and their successors, the School has become a leading international centre for research and education in Chinese language, literature, history, and translation.

On the exciting occasion of our 90th anniversary we felt honour-bound to put together this exhibition with the aim of reviewing the past while looking forward to the near and distant future.  While this exhibition would not be possible without the School’s remarkable academic achievements, its intention is rather to display articles related to individual lives and sentiments ¾ facets of the school that have been unknown but to the privileged few. The exhibit includes personal and official correspondence in regard to China and the West, items from social exchanges, as well as student assignments and sundry other administrative documents.  They were all unassuming articles in their own era, but have since become precious relics and works of art and trace the passage of 90 years of the School’s life. Indeed, the years have touched them only to enrich them.”1







Peter Sidorko

University Librarian

The University of Hong Kong


Details for the Exhibition:

Date:  12 October 2017 – 3 November 2017*

Location: Atrium/Exhibition Area, 2/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Time: During Main Library Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 10:00pm
Saturday: 8:30am – 7:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am – 7:00pm
Closed on Public Holidays

*Exhibition will close at 2:00pm on 3 November

1 The School of Chinese of The University of Hong Kong

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Oct 03 2017

Main Library and Medical Library Renovation Projects

The Main Library’s ground floor and part of the second floor will be renovated into the Think Tank and the Learning Hub, respectively.

The transformation of the ground floor will include a Breakout and Leisure space leading into the Think Tank with its expansive study areas and discussion room.

The 2nd floor Atrium/Exhibition area, the seating carrels facing the Main Building and the Knowles building, and adjacent study rooms will be renovated into the Learning Hub. The HUB will consist of four zones off the main entrance, the Reading Corridor, Idea Corner, Multi-purpose Area, and the Innovation Centre. All five zones will encompass the WOW Factor located beneath the existing ceiling atrium.

With the completion of these two renovations, the overall seating capacity of the 2 floors will rise from 193 to 318.

Two webpages were created to help provide information, phases and architectural images on the renovations and their progress, and


The Yu Chun Keung Medical Library was opened in January 2002.  After logging in over 15 years of active usage, what was then a state-of-the-art facility has become somewhat dated. In light of the continuing mission of the Library to serve the curriculum, research, continuing education, and patient care needs of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, we have decided to upgrade the G/F of the library into a technology-rich, flexible and collaborative learning space by creating and reorganizing spaces for new facilities or zones.

Additional information, construction phases and images can be found at

Library Services will be Business as Usual and of course, there will be the inevitable construction noise.

I hope you will tolerate the temporary inconvenience that the construction will generate in order to further improve our Main Library and Medical Library.


Thank you very much.


Peter Sidorko

University Librarian

The University of Hong Kong

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Sep 22 2017

BEWARE: Phishing Emails

BEWARE: Phishing Emails

We have received reports of library users receiving phishing e-mails recently.

Please ignore it and take no action if you have received this e-mail.

Please note, the Libraries will NOT send e-mail to library users asking for personal information by replying through e-mail or by URL.

From: The University of Hong Kong Libraries

Date: 2018-10-13 17:12

To: xxxx

Subject: Library Notifications

Dear Library User “xxxx”,

You are receiving this message because your library account has expired, therefore you must reactivate it immediately or it will be closed automatically. If you intend to use this service in the future you must take action at once! To reactivate your account, simply visit the following page and login with your library account.

After your successful authentication, your access will be restored automatically and you will be redirected to the university library homepage. If you are unable to log in, please contact the library help desk for immediate assistance. We apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused.


The University of Hong Kong Libraries
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Fax: +852 2859 2111


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Sep 19 2017

Fire Services Inspection: 22 Sept

Published by at 10:07 am under Breaking News

Please be informed that the technicians will carry out inspections & testing of the fire service installations of your building on the time & date shown below. The fire alarm bells will sound and the visual fire alarms will flash in short blasts, no evacuation is required. In the unlikely event of a genuine fire, the alarm will sound continuously and in such circumstances standard evacuation procedure should be followed.

If you have any queries concerning this inspection, please feel free to contact me at 2859 2400 or email

Thank you for your attention.

K.P. Li (Mr)
Fire Safety Manager

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Sep 18 2017

Professors Ma Kiam and Ma Meng: An Exhibition in Celebration of the 90th Anniversary of The School of Chinese

Professors Ma Kiam and Ma Meng: An Exhibition in Celebration of the 90th Anniversary of The School of Chinese

In collaboration with the School of Chinese of The University of Hong Kong and The University of Hong Kong Libraries, the Main Library will present Professors Ma Kiam and Ma Meng: An Exhibition in Celebration of the 90th Anniversary of The School of Chinese Exhibition at the 2nd Floor Atrium/Exhibitions Area of the Main Library from 18 September 2017 to 8 October 2017.

“The School of Chinese of The University of Hong Kong was founded in 1927 by scholars who dedicated years of their lives to cultivate the learning of the Chinese language and to foster cultural exchange between the East and the West.  Through the early Scholars’ immense efforts and commitment to their cause, the School has made important progress in many aspects of teaching and research in the past 90 years and is recognized as an internationally-renowned institution for the teaching and research on Chinese language and culture. 2017 marks the 90th anniversary of the School’s establishment and in honour of two of our distinguished former faculty members, Professor Ma Kiam and Professor Ma Meng, the School has organized an exhibition to celebrate their achievements and to also showcase the School’s proud history and its many contributions to Chinese education in Hong Kong.

Professor Ma Kiam and Professor Ma Meng served as Head of School respectively during the early to mid-twentieth century and their tenures as Head of School are recognized by the academic community to be instrumental to the progress made in Chinese education in Hong Kong and the School’s various achievements.”1


桃李不言,蹊徑垂蔭 - 馬鑑教授、馬蒙教授




Peter Sidorko

University Librarian

The University of Hong Kong

Details for the Exhibition:

Date:  18 September 2017 – 8 October 2017

Location: Atrium/Exhibition Area, 2/F Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Time: During Main Library Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 10:00pm
Saturday: 8:30am – 7:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am – 7:00pm
Closed on Public Holidays

1 The School of Chinese of The University of Hong Kong

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Aug 30 2017

Find@HKUL Maintenance on 2 September 2017, 22:00

Published by at 10:01 am under Breaking News

Date and time:

From: 2 September 2017, 22:00

To:  3 September 2017, 01:00

Service affected:

  • MyAccount@HKUL, Find@HKUL

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Aug 18 2017

Find@HKUL Maintenance on 20 August 2017, 00:00

Published by at 12:14 pm under Breaking News

Date and time: 20 August 2017, between 00:00 and 01:00


Service affected:

  • MyAccount@HKUL, Find@HKUL


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Aug 18 2017

FIND@HKUL Roadshow

Published by at 10:50 am under Breaking News


Drop by to learn more about the new FIND@HKUL and other library services!


30 August to 1 September

4 to 8 September

Locations and Times:

Main Library

1:00pm – 2:00pm

Dental Library

1:00pm – 2:00pm

Education Library

1:00pm – 2:00pm

Law Library

3:00pm – 4:00pm

Medical Library

1:00pm – 2:00pm

Music Library

2:00pm – 3:00pm












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Aug 15 2017

Price Reduction on Printing Services Supported by ITS and University Libraries

Dear colleagues and students,

We are pleased to announce a price reduction on the printing services being supported by Information Technology Services (ITS) and University Libraries with effect from 1 September 2017.  The percentage of reduction is up to 50%, with a larger reduction in duplex printing to encourage you to use less paper.

For any enquiries, please contact ITS at or 3917-0123 or the University Libraries at or 3917​-2203.

Information Technology Services and University Libraries

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