Oct 03 2017
Main Library and Medical Library Renovation Projects
The Main Library’s ground floor and part of the second floor will be renovated into the Think Tank and the Learning Hub, respectively.
The transformation of the ground floor will include a Breakout and Leisure space leading into the Think Tank with its expansive study areas and discussion room.
The 2nd floor Atrium/Exhibition area, the seating carrels facing the Main Building and the Knowles building, and adjacent study rooms will be renovated into the Learning Hub. The HUB will consist of four zones off the main entrance, the Reading Corridor, Idea Corner, Multi-purpose Area, and the Innovation Centre. All five zones will encompass the WOW Factor located beneath the existing ceiling atrium.
With the completion of these two renovations, the overall seating capacity of the 2 floors will rise from 193 to 318.
Two webpages were created to help provide information, phases and architectural images on the renovations and their progress, http://lib.hku.hk/mltt and http://lib.hku.hk/lhub.
The Yu Chun Keung Medical Library was opened in January 2002. After logging in over 15 years of active usage, what was then a state-of-the-art facility has become somewhat dated. In light of the continuing mission of the Library to serve the curriculum, research, continuing education, and patient care needs of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, we have decided to upgrade the G/F of the library into a technology-rich, flexible and collaborative learning space by creating and reorganizing spaces for new facilities or zones.
Additional information, construction phases and images can be found at http://lib.hku.hk/mlr.
Library Services will be Business as Usual and of course, there will be the inevitable construction noise.
I hope you will tolerate the temporary inconvenience that the construction will generate in order to further improve our Main Library and Medical Library.
Thank you very much.
Peter Sidorko
University Librarian
The University of Hong Kong
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