Librarian’s Message re: HKU Libraries supports Open Scholarship 2024
HKU Libraries is dedicated to supporting Open Scholarship, which involves facilitating open access (OA) to research outputs, such as publications, research data, and others. Open Scholarship principles can strengthen research integrity, increase visibility and impact, and advance research for social good.
1. Open Access Article Processing Charge Waivers via Transformative Agreements
An increase of participation of HKU authors’ research publications made open access can be observed. We are happy to continue to support HKU authors with transformative agreements.
In addition to journals by partner publishers under current agreements, from 2024, HKU corresponding authors can enjoy full Article Processing Charge (APC) waivers when publishing OA in The Company of Biologists journals and Springer hybrid journals. Quota is limited and first-come-first-served for Springer hybrid journals.
Learn more: https://libguides.lib.hku.hk/openaccess/ta
2. HKU Libraries Open Access Author Fund
After the first year of success, the Libraries continues to support HKU authors who hope to make research outputs open access with the HKU Libraries Open Access Author Fund.
When publishing in journals beyond the coverage of transformative agreements, current HKU academic or research staff members and postgraduate students can apply for the Fund and enjoy reimbursement for actual expenses up to US$2,000 per article for open access APCs. Funding is limited and first-come-first-served.
Learn more: https://libguides.lib.hku.hk/openaccess/OA-Fund
3. HKU Scholars Hub and DataHub
We also support the infrastructure to enable depositing and disseminating research data and outputs.
HKU researchers (UGC Grade A-I) can deposit manuscripts (preprints or postprints) to the HKU Scholars Hub in order to enhance the visibility of the research, and foster opportunities for collaboration.
Learn more: https://libguides.lib.hku.hk/c.php?g=921165&p=6645373
Research data created by HKU researchers and research postgraduate students can be stored in the DataHub. DataHub fully supports the FAIR Principles – Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse of data. It aims to help researchers comply with journal policies and promote transparency and robustness of research.
Learn more: https://libguides.lib.hku.hk/researchdata/datahub
The Libraries will continue to support HKU researchers in making research process and outputs open. For enquiries, please Ask-a-Librarian: https://lib.hku.hk/check_form/ask_a_librarian-form/ (To: Open Access).
Best regards,
Flora Ng
Chief Information Officer and University Librarian