New Acquisitions List by Subject

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New Acquisitions List for Economics & Finance

English | CJK

Call NumberTitle
(WEB) Actas del primer Congreso financiero panamericano : convocado de acuerdo con la autorización del Congreso de los Estados Unidos de América y reunido bajo la dirección del honorable Señor Wílliam G. McAdoo, secretario de hacienda del proprio país.
(Wáshington, Imprenta del gobierno, 1915.)
(WEB) What do states do with fiscal windfalls? : evidence from the pandemic / Jeffrey Clemens, Oliver Giesecke, Joshua Rauh, Stan Veuger.
Book by Clemens, Jeffrey, & Giesecke, Oliver, & Rauh, Joshua, & Veuger, Stan, ([Washington, DC] : American Enterprise Institute, [2024])
(WEB) DK254.L46 The future of Lenin : power, politics, and revolution in the twenty-first century / edited by Alla Ivanchikova and Robert R. Maclean.
Book by Ivanchikova, Alla, & Maclean, Robert R., (Albany : SUNY Press, [2022])
(WEB) DS732 Chinese colonial entanglements : commodities and traders in the southern Asia Pacific, 1880-1950 / edited by Julia T. Martínez, Claire Lowrie, and Gregor Benton.
Book by Martínez, Julia, & Lowrie, Claire, & Benton, Gregor, (Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, 2024.)
(WEB) G154.9 Mastering the travel intermediaries : origins and future of global distribution systems, travel management companies, and online travel agencies / Ben Vinod.
Book by Vinod, Ben, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) G154.9 Recent advancements in tourism business, technology and social sciences : 10th International Conference, IACuDiT, Crete, Greece, 2023. Vol. 2 / Vicky Katsoni, George Cassar, editors.
Book by Katsoni, Vicky, & Cassar, George, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) G154.9 Recent advancements in tourism business, technology and social sciences : 10th International Conference, IACuDiT, Crete, Greece, 2023. Vol. 1 / Vicky Katsoni, George Cassar, editors.
Book by Katsoni, Vicky, & Cassar, George, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) G154.9 Advances in tourism, technology and systems : selected papers from ICOTTS 2023. Volume 1 / António Abreu, João Vidal Carvalho, Pedro Liberato, Hazael Cerón Monroy, editors.
Book by Abreu, António & Carvalho, João Vidal de. & Liberato, Pedro. & Cerón Monroy, Hazael., (Singapore : Springer, 2025.)
(WEB) G154.9 Advances in tourism, technology and systems : selected papers from ICOTTS 2023. Volume 2 / João Vidal Carvalho, António Abreu, Dália Liberato, José Angel Díaz Rebolledo, editors.
Book by Carvalho, João Vidal, & Abreu, António, & Liberato, Dália, & Rebolledo, José Angel Díaz, (Singapore : Springer, 2025.)
(WEB) G155.7 Case based research in tourism, travel, and hospitality : rethinking theory and practice / Marianna Sigala, Marcela Fang, Anastasia Yeark, Julia N. Albrecht, Oscar Vorobjovas-Pinta, editors.
Book by Sigala, Marianna, & Fang, Marcela, & Yeark, Anastasia, & Albrecht, Julia N., & Vorobjovas-Pinta, Oscar, (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) G155.A1 Tourist behaviour and the new normal. Volume I, Implications for tourism resilience / Shem Wambugu Maingi, Vanessa G.B. Gowreesunkar, Maxmilliano Korstanje, editors.
Book by Maingi, Shem Wambugu, & Gowreesunkar, Vanessa G. B., & Korstanje, Maximiliano E., (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) G155.A1 Tourist behaviour and the new normal. Volume II, Implications for sustainable tourism development / Shem Wambugu Maingi, Vanessa GB Gowreesunkar, Maximiliano E Korstanje, editors.
Book by Maingi, Shem Wambugu, & Gowreesunkar, Vanessa G. B., & Korstanje, Maximiliano E., (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) G155.A1 Smart tourism : the impact of artificial intelligence and blockchain / Aristea Kontogianni, Efthimios Alepis, Maria Virvou, Constantinos Patsakis.
Book by Kontogianni, Aristea. & Alepis, Efthimios. & Virvou, Maria. & Patsakis, Constantinos., (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) G155.A35 COVID-19 impact on tourism performance in Africa / Peter Chihwai, editor.
Book by Chihwai, Peter., (Singapore : Springer Singapore Pte. Limited, [2024])
(WEB) G156.5.E26 Ecotourism : environment, health, and education / Wei-Ta Fang, Arba'at Hassan, Max Horng.
Book by Fang, Wei-Ta, & Hassan, Arba'at, & Horng, Max, (Singapore : Springer, [2023])
(WEB) G156.5.S66 Sport tourism, island territories and sustainable development : a comparative perspective / Derek Van Rheenen, Olivier Naria, Ricardo Melo, Claude Sobry, editors.
Book by Van Rheenen, Derek, & Naria, Olivier, & Melo, Ricardo & Sobry, Claude, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) G156.5.S87 Sustainable tourism : frameworks, practices, and innovative solutions / Thomas Walker, Ender Demir, Gabrielle Machnik-Kekesi, Victoria Kelly, editors.
Book by Walker, Thomas, & Demir, Ender, & Machnik-Kekesi, Gabrielle, & Kelly, Victoria, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) G156.5.S87 Managing natural and cultural heritage for a durable tourism / Anna Trono, Valentina Castronuovo, Petros Kosmas, editors.
Book by Trono, Anna, & Castronuovo, Valentina, & Kosmas, Petros, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) G156.5.S87 Sustainable approaches and business challenges in times of crisis : 3rd International Conference on Modern Trends in Business, Hospitality and Tourism, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 4-6, 2023 / Adina Letiția Negrușa, Monica Maria Coroş, editors.
Book by Negrusa, Adina, & Coroş, Monica Maria, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) G156.5.S87 Sustainable tourism, culture and heritage promotion : development, management and connectivity / Jorge Chica-Olmo, Miroslav Vujičić, Rui Alexandre Castanho, Uglješa Stankov, Eliana Martinelli, editors.
Book by Chica-Olmo, Jorge, & Vujičić, Miroslav, & Castanho, Rui Alexandre, & Stankov, Uglješa, & Martinelli, Eliana, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) GV716 Sports sponsoring : requirements and practical examples for successful partnerships / Manfred Bruhn, Peter Rohlmann.
Book by Bruhn, Manfred. & Rohlmann, Peter., (Wiesbaden : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HB119.A2 The Palgrave companion to Harvard economics / Robert A. Cord, editor.
Book by Cord, Robert, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HB135 Economics and computation : an introduction to algorithmic game theory, computational social choice, and fair division / Jörg Rothe, editor ; illustrations by Irene Rothe.
Book by Rothe, Jörg, & Rothe, Irene, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HB139 Partial identification in econometrics and related topics / Nguyen Ngoc Thach, Nguyen Duc Trung, Doan Thanh Ha, Vladik Kreinovich, editors.
Book by Ngoc Thach, Nguyen, & Trung, Nguyen Duc, & Ha, Doan Thanh, & Kreinovich, Vladik, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HB139 Machine learning for econometrics and related topics / Vladik Kreinovich, Songsak Sriboonchitta, Woraphon Yamaka, editors.
Book by Kreinovich, Vladik, & Songsak Sriboonchitta, & Woraphon Yamaka, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HB139 Principles of econometrics / Valérie Mignon.
Book by Mignon, Valérie, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HB139 Python for accounting and finance : an integrative approach to using Python for research / Sunil Kumar.
Book by Kumar, Sunil, (Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HB141 Complex-valued econometrics with examples in R : modelling, regression and applications / Sergey Svetunkov, Ivan Svetunkov.
Book by Svetunkov, Sergey, & Svetunkov, Ivan, (Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HB141 The econometrics of multi-dimensional panels : theory and applications / Laszlo Matyas, editor.
Book by Matyas, Laszlo, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HB143.5 Digital and information technologies in economics and management : proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digital and Information Technologies in Economics and Management" (DITEM2023) / Arthur Gibadullin, editor.
Book by Gibadullin, Arthur, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HB145 Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models : real business cycles models: closed and open economy / Hamilton Galindo Gil, Alexis Montecinos Bravo, Marco Antonio Ortiz Sosa.
Book by Galindo Gil, Hamilton, & Montecinos Bravo, Alexis, & Ortiz, Marco, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HB145 Dynamic general equilibrium modeling : computational methods and applications / Burkhard Heer, Alfred Maußner.
Book by Heer, Burkhard, & Maussner, Alfred, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HB161 300 years of Adam Smith : reception and influence in selected European Countries / Jürgen G. Backhaus, Günther Chaloupek, Hans A. Frambach, editors.
Book by Backhaus, Jürgen G., & Chaloupek, Günther, & Frambach, Hans A., (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HB171 Firms, industries, markets : micro, meso and macro relationships in the economics of complexity / Clelia Mazzoni.
Book by Mazzoni, Clelia, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HB172 Notes on consumption theory : deterministic and stochastic dynamic models / Giuseppe Travaglini, Giorgio Calcagnini, Alessandro Bellocchi.
Book by Travaglini, Giuseppe, & Calcagnini, Giorgio. & Bellocchi, Alessandro., (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HB201 Cooperation in value-creating networks : relational perspectives on governing social and economic value creation in the 21st Century / Josef Wieland, Stefan Linder, Jessica Geraldo Schwengber, Adrian Zicari, editors.
Book by Wieland, Josef, & Linder, Stefan, & Geraldo Schwengber, Jessica, & Zicari, Adrián, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HB21 New perspectives and paradigms in applied economics and business : select proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Economics and Business, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2023 / William C. Gartner, editor.
Book by Gartner, William C., (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HB3722 A century of global economic crises : monetary policy in search of an anchor / Lúcio Vinhas de Souza.
Book by Vinhas de Souza, Lúcio, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HB3722 The IMF, financial crisis, and repression of human rights / Bumba Mukherjee, Vineeta Yadav.
Book by Mukherjee, Bumba, & Yadav, Vineeta, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HB501 Justifying next stage capitalism : exploring a hopeful future / Moses L. Pava, Michel Dion, editors.
Book by Pava, Moses L., & Dion, Michel, (Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HB501 Capitalism in the age of catastrophe : the newest developments of financial capital in times of polycrisis / Achim Szepanski.
Book by Szepanski, Achim, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HB501 Capitalism, degrowth and the steady state economy : debating future economic models / Theodore P. Lianos.
Book by Lianos, Theodōros, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HB501 Global economic elites and the new spirit of capitalism : careers and collective mindsets of economic elites compared / Markus Pohlmann, Friederike Elias, editors.
Book by Pohlmann, Markus, & Elias, Friederike, (Wiesbaden : Springer VS, 2024.)
(WEB) HB501 Reflections on the future of capitalism : from Karl Marx to Amartya Sen / Ramesh Chandra.
Book by Chandra, Ramesh, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HB615 The economic analysis of random events : economic perspectives on probability theory, statistical inference and the nature of chance / Volkan Hacıoğlu.
Book by Hacıoğlu, Volkan, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HB71 Economics as an empirical social science : an inventory / Daniel Weißbrodt.
Book by Weissbrodt, Daniel, (Wiesbaden : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HB72 Systemic principles of applied economic philosophies. II, Value, decision, and large-scale business forces / Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest.
Book by Forrest, Jeffrey Yi-Lin, (Singapore : Springer, 2023.)
(WEB) HB72 Systemic principles of applied economic philosophies. I, Producers, consumers, and the firm / Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest.
Book by Forrest, Jeffrey Yi-Lin, (Singapore : Springer, 2023.)
(WEB) HB72 Resolving intergenerational conflicts : an approach from philosophy, economics, and experiments / Toshiaki Hiromitsu.
Book by Hiromitsu, Toshiaki, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HB72 Beyond profit : the humanisation of economics through the theory of equitable optimality / Samir Alamad.
Book by Alamad, Samir, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HB72 Concordian economics. Vol. 2, Some applications / Carmine Gorga.
Book by Gorga, Carmine, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HB72 The doctrine of the separate spheres in political economy and economics : gender equality and classical liberalism / Giandomenica Becchio.
Book by Becchio, Giandomenica, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HB72 Keynes as an economist, world system planner and social philosopher : economic theory and policy / Toshiaki Hirai.
Book by Hirai, Toshiaki, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HB74.5 Next-generation of empirical research in economics / Keijiro Otsuka, Takashi Kurosaki, Yasuyuki Sawada, Tetsushi Sonobe, editors.
Book by Otsuka, Keijiro, & Kurosaki, Takashi, & Sawada, Yasuyuki, & Sonobe, Tetsushi, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HB74.P8 Behavioral economics : evidence, theory, and welfare / Brandon Lehr.
Book by Lehr, Brandon, (Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, [2022])
(WEB) HB74.P8 Embodiment, political economy and human flourishing : an embodied cognition approach to economic life / Frédéric Basso, Carsten Herrmann-Pillath.
Book by Bassó, Frederic, & Herrmann-Pillath, Carsten, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HB83 William Godwin and Thomas Robert Malthus : economics, justice, population and the poor / David Reisman.
Book by Reisman, David A., (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HB85 The economic legacy of José Joaquín de Mora : spreading classical political economy in the Hispanic world / Jesús Astigarraga, Javier Usoz, Juan Zabalza.
Book by Astigarraga, Jesús, & Usoz, Javier, & Zabalza, Juan, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HB95 Captured : how neoliberalism transformed the Australian state / edited by Phillip Toner and Michael Rafferty.
Book by Toner, Phillip, & Rafferty, Michael, (Sydney : Sydney University Press, [2024])
(WEB) HB97.3 Evolutionary economics / Yuji Aruka.
Book by Aruka, Yūji, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HB97.5 In the tracks of Marx's Capital : debates in Marxian political economy and lessons for 21st century capitalism / Sungar Savran, E. Ahmet Tonak.
Book by Savran, Sungur, & Tonak, E. Ahmet, (Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, an imprint of Springer Nature Switzerland, [2024])
(WEB) HC110.C6 Bad breaks in real GDP and employment : exploring the persistence of aggregate demand shocks in the United States / Harrison C. Hartman.
Book by Hartman, Harrison C., (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HC13 Eurasian business and economics perspectives : proceedings of the 40th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference / Mehmet Hüseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Elcin Aykac Alp, Serkan Çankaya, editors.
Book by Eurasia Business and Economics Society. & Bilgin, Mehmet Huseyin, & Danis, Hakan, & Demir, Ender, & Aykac Alp, Elcin, & Çankaya, Serkan, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC141 Realizing value in Mesoamerica : the dynamics of desire and demand in ancient economies / Scott R. Hutson, Charles Golden, editors.
Book by Hutson, Scott, & Golden, Charles W., (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.)
(WEB) HC157.3 Unraveling race, politics, and gender in Trinidad and Tobago's economic development / Jeetendra Khadan, Inder Jit Ruprah.
Book by Khadan, Jeetendra, & Ruprah, Inder Jit, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HC244 Central and Eastern European economies and the war in Ukraine : between a rock and a hard place / László Mátyás [editor].
Book by Mátyás, László, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC26 Global libidinal economy / Ilan Kapoor, Gavin Fridell, Maureen Sioh, and Pieter de Vries.
Book by Kapoor, Ilan, & Fridell, Gavin, & Sioh, Maureen Kim Lian, & Vries, Pieter de, (Princeton : State University of New York Press, 2023.)
(WEB) HC415.C6 Economic development and consumption patterns in Asian countries / Shashika D. Rathnayaka, Saroja Selvanathan, Eliyathamby A. Selvanathan.
Book by Rathnayaka, Shashika D., & Selvanathan, Saroja, & Selvanathan, Eliyathamby A., (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HC427.92 Crony comprador capitalism : the institutional origins of China's rise and decline / Jianyong Yue.
Book by Yue, Jianyong, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HC427.92 China's economic system reform (1978-2018) / Haibo Wang.
Book by Wang, Haibo, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC427.95 2023 Global Financial Turbulence and Economic Outlook : Tsinghua PBCSF Chief Economists Forum / Jiandong Ju, editor.
Book by Ju, Jiandong, (Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HC427.95 How China works : an introduction to China's state-led economic development / Xiaohuan Lan.
Book by Lan, Xiaohuan, (Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HC427.95 The dynamic transformation of China's economic development under the new normal / Wen Xiao, Jiadong Pan, Hao Chen ; translated by Han Yan, Xian Jing, Xiangyang Xia.
Book by Xiao, Wen, & Pan, Jiadong, & Chen, Hao, & Yan, Han, & Jing, Xian, & Xia, Xiangyang, (Singapore : Springer ; [Beijing, China] : Peple's Publishing House, [2024])
(WEB) HC427.95 Uneven economic resilience of old industrial cities in China : a multiple-perspective analysis / Xiaohui Hu.
Book by Hu, Xiaohui, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC427.95 A shift toward high-quality development of China / Peiyong Gao.
Book by Gao, Peiyong, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC427 Chinese path to modernization : economic analysis with Chinese characteristics / Jun Yin.
Book by Yin, Jun, (Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore Pte Limited, [2024])
(WEB) HC427 Challenges and solutions to China's modernization process / Fang Cai.
Book by Cai, Fang, (Singapore : Springer ; [China] : China Social Sciences Press, [2024])
(WEB) HC430.E5 Carrying capacity of China's resources, environment, population, and economy / Dong Qiu.
Book by Qiu, Dong, & Zhang, Aimin, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC435.2 Informal sector, migration, and the beginnings of structural transformation : evidence from India's recent economic history / Prabir Bhattacharya.
Book by Bhattacharya, Prabir, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HC440.5 Development challenges of Pakistan : constraints and choices / Jamil Nasir.
Book by Nasir, Jamil, (Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HC440.E5 Sustainability : science, policy, and practice in India : challenges and opportunities / Venkatesh Dutta, Priyanka Ghosh, editors.
Book by Dutta, Venkatesh. & Ghosh, Priyanka., (Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC440.E5 Regional dimensions of human development in India and South Africa : through sustainable development goals / Utsav Kumar Singh.
Book by Singh, Utsav Kumar, (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HC440.T4 Science, technology and innovation ecosystem : an Indian and global perspective / Kashmir Singh, Nirmala Chongtham, Radhika Trikha, Mamta Bhardwaj, Sukhdeep Kaur, editors.
Book by Singh, Kashmir, & Chongtham, Nirmala, & Trikha, Radhika, & Bhardwaj, Mamta, & Kaur, Sukhdeep, (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HC447 The Indonesian economy and the surrounding regions in the 21st Century : essays in honor of Iwan Jaya Azis / Budy Prasetyo Resosudarmo, Yuri Mansury, editors.
Book by Azis, Iwan J. & Resosudarmo, Budy P., & Mansury, Yuri, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC460.5.Z9 Agglomeration economies and the location of Japanese investment in East Asia : globalization and the geography of the supply chain / Suminori Tokunaga.
Book by Tokunaga, Suminori, (Tokyo : Springer, 2023.)
(WEB) HC462.95 Deflation and fiscal deficits : three questions about Japanese economic policy / Yoshikiyo Sakai.
Book by Sakai, Yoshikiyo, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC462 Econometric analysis of regional economy / Sachiyo Asahi.
Book by Asahi, Sachiyo, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC463.F88 Resilient and adaptive Tokyo : towards sustainable urbanization in perspective of food-energy-water nexus / Wanglin Yan, William Galloway, Rajib Shaw, editors.
Book by Yan, Wanglin, & Galloway, William, & Shaw, Rajib, (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HC463.T55 Strategic development of high-value-added composite materials / Takeo Ebina.
Book by Ebina, Takeo, (Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC465.E5 Environmental technology innovation and ESG investment : in the Asia-Pacific Region / Sumiko Takaoka, editor.
Book by Takaoka, Sumiko, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC495.E5 Transition to the circular economy model : the case of Turkey / Natalya Ketenci, editor.
Book by Ketenci, Natalya Shevchik, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC59.3 Business resilience and market adaptability : pandemic effects and strategies for recovery / Ashraf Mishrif, editor.
Book by Musharraf, Ashraf, (Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HC59 Economic theory in the twentieth century, an intellectual history. Volume III, 1946-mid-1970s, economic theory in the new golden age of capitalism / Robert Marchionatti.
Book by Marchionatti, Roberto, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 Navigating the intersection of business, sustainability and technology / Hani El-Chaarani, Ibtihaj El Dandachi, Sam El Nemar, Zouhour EL Abiad, editors.
Book by El-Chaarani, Hani, & El Dandachi, Ibtihaj, & El Nemar, Sam, & EL Abiad, Zouhour, (Singapore : Springer, 2023.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 Fostering sustainability in higher education : leveraging human behavior in organizations / Elise L. Amel, Christie M. Manning, Catherine S. Daus, Makayla Quinn.
Book by Amel, Elise L, & Manning, Christie M. & Daus, Catherine S. & Quinn, Makayla., (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 Technical and technological solutions towards a sustainable society and circular economy / Jamal Mabrouki, Azrour Mourade, editors.
Book by Mabrouki, Jamal, & Mourade, Azrour, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HC79.E5 A systemic transition to circular economy : business and technology perspectives / Aldo Roberto Ometto, Joseph Sarkis, Steve Evans, editors.
Book by Ometto, Aldo Roberto, & Sarkis, Joseph, & Evans, Steve, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 Environmentally sustainable production : research for sustainable development / María del Carmen Valls Martínez, José Manuel Santos-Jaén, editors.
Book by Valls Martínez, María del Carmen, & Santos-Jaén, José Manuel, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 The great transition to a green and circular economy : climate nexus and sustainability / Gitte Haar.
Book by Haar, Gitte, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HC79.E5 The Palgrave handbook of social sustainability in business education / Aušrinė Šilenskytė, Miguel Cordova, Marina A. Schmitz, Soo Min Toh, editors.
Book by Silenskytė, Ausrinė, & Cordova, Miguel, & Schmitz, Marina A., & Toh, Soo Min, ([Cham, Switzerland] : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HC79.E5 Role of science and technology for sustainable future. Volume 1, Sustainable development : a primary goal / Ranbir Chander Sobti, editor.
Book by Sobti, R. C., (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 Handbook of materials circular economy / Seeram Ramakrishna, Brindha Ramasubramanian.
Book by Ramakrishna, Seeram, & Ramasubramanian, Brindha, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 Place based approaches to sustainability. Volume I, Ethical and spiritual foundations of sustainability / Mara Del Baldo, Maria-Gabriella Baldarelli, Elisabetta Righini, editors.
Book by Del Baldo, Mara, & Baldarelli, Maria Gabriella, & Righini, Elisabetta, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 Climate crisis, social responses and sustainability : socio-ecological study on global perspectives / Uttam Mukhopadhyay, Subhasis Bhattacharya, Pradip Chouhan, Suman Paul, Indrajit Roy Chowdhury, Uday Chatterjee, editors.
Book by Mukhopadhyay, Uttam, & Bhattacharya, Subhasis, & Chouhan, Pradip, & Paul, Suman, & Chowdhury, Indrajit Roy, & Chatterjee, Uday, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 Sustainability and global challenges : analysis by mathematics of uncertainty / John N. Mordeson, Sunil Mathew.
Book by Mordeson, John N., & Mathew, Sunil, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HC79.E5 Unified vision for a sustainable future : a multidisciplinary approach towards the sustainable development goals / Mir Sayed Shah Danish, editor.
Book by Danish, Mir Sayed Shah, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 Sustainability in creative industries : integrating design, culture, and urban solutions. Volume 2 : a culmination of selected research papers from the International Conference on Sustainability in Creative Industries (SCI), Universitas Ciputra 2022 / Rafael Cano-Guervos, Jorge Chica-Olmo, Juan Gabriel González Morales, Muhammad Nawaz Tunio, Fabio Humberto Sepúlveda Murillo, Marina Checa Olivas, Ayman M. Zakaria Eraqi, editors.
Book by Cano-Guervos, Rafael, & Chica-Olmo, Jorge, & Morales, Juan Gabriel González, & Tunio, Muhammad Nawaz, & Murillo, Fabio Humberto Sepúlveda, & Olivas, Marina Checa, & Zakaria Eraqi, Ayman M., (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HC79.E5 Digital sustainability : inclusion and transformation : proceedings of ISPGAYA Congress 2023 / Fernando Luís Almeida, José Carlos Morais, José Duarte Santos, editors.
Book by Almeida, Fernando Luís, & Morais, José Carlos, & Santos, José Duarte, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 Ecological footprint of the modern economy and the ways to reduce it : the role of leading technologies and responsible innovations / Bruno S. Sergi, Elena G. Popkova, Anna A. Ostrovskaya, Alexander A. Chursin, Yulia V. Ragulina, editors.
Book by Sergi, Bruno S., & Popkova, Elena G., & Ostrovskaya, Anna A. & Chursin, Alexander, & Ragulina, Yulia V., (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2023) / João Rafael da Costa Sanches Galvão, Paulo Brito, Filipe dos Santos Neves, Henrique de Amorim Almeida, Sandra de Jesus Martins Mourato, Catarina Nobre, editors.
Book by Galvão, João Rafael da Costa Sanches, & Brito, Paulo, & Neves, Filipe dos Santos, & Almeida, Henrique de Amorim, & Mourato, Sandra de Jesus Martins, & Nobre, Catarina, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 Sustainability in creative industries : sustainable entrepreneurship and creative innovations. Volume 1 / Muhammad Nawaz Tunio, Angeles Sánchez, Yasmin Moanis Latif Hatem, Ayman M. Zakaria, editors.
Book by Tunio, Muhammad Nawaz, & Sánchez, Angeles. & Hatem, Yasmin Moanis Latif. & Zakaria, Ayman M., (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 Sustainable resilient built environments : proceedings of SRBE 2022, India / Rama Devi Nandineni, Susan Ang, Norwina Binti Mohd Nawawi, editors.
Book by Nandineni, Rama Devi, & Ang, Susan, & Mohd Nawawi, Norwina Binti, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 Innovations for circularity and knowledge creation : participation and cooperative approaches for sustainability / Andrea Bernardi, Massimiliano Mazzanti, Salvatore Monni, editors.
Book by Bernardi, Andrea, & Mazzanti, Massimiliano, & Monni, Salvatore, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 The Palgrave handbook of sustainable digitalization for business, industry, and society / Myriam Ertz, Urvashi Tandon, Shouheng Sun, Joan Torrent-Sellens, Emine Sarigöllü, editors.
Book by Ertz, Myriam. & Tandon, Urvashi. & Sun, Shouheng. & Torrent-Sellens, Joan. & Sarigöllü, Emine., (Cham : Springer International Publishing AG, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 Sustainable economic development : fostering the United Nations Goals / Mohamed Sami Ben Ali, Ewa Lechman, editors.
Book by Ben Ali, Mohamed Sami, & Lechman, Ewa, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.E5 Rethink economics and business models for sustainability : sustainable leadership based on the Nordic model / Gitte Haar.
Book by Haar, Gitte, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC79.I5 Structural change, market concentration, and inequality : a multi-sector analysis / Yasuyuki Osumi, editor.
Book by Osumi, Yasuyuki, (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HC810 Climate change effects and sustainability needs : the case of Morocco / Kholoud Kahime, Mohamed El Yamani, Stéphane Pouffary, editors.
Book by Kahime, Kholoud, & El Yamani, Mohamed, & Pouffary, Stéphane, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HC905 South African economy : trails and possibilities / Vusi Gumede, Santos Bila, Mduduzi Biyase, Shonisani Chauke, Sodiq Arogundade.
Book by Gumede, Vusi, & Bila, Santos, & Biyase, Mduduzi, & Chauke, Shonisani, & Arogundade, Sodiq, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HC905 The political economy of divergent welfare states in the global south : the case of South Africa and Mauritius / Elias Phaahla.
Book by Phaahla, Elias, (Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HD1375 Tokenization in real estate : opportunities and challenges / Elena Schmid, Michael Truebestein, Matthias Daniel Aepli.
Book by Schmid, Elena, & Truebestein, Michael, & Aepli, Matthias Daniel, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HD1382.5 Investments in life science real estate / Sandro Jäger, Michael Trübestein, Matthias Daniel Aepli.
Book by Jäger, Sandro, & Trübestein, Michael, & Aepli, Matthias Daniel, (Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler, [2024])
(WEB) HD1415 The promise of new agricultural markets : addressing contemporary challenges in domestic and international agricultural policy / Anthony Pahnke.
Book by Pahnke, Anthony, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HD1421 Machine learning approaches for evaluating statistical information in the agricultural sector / Vitor Joao Pereira Domingues Martinho.
Book by Martinho, Vítor João Pereira Domingues, (Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD2326 IEIS 2023 : proceedings of 10th International Conference on Industrial Economics System and Industrial Security Engineering / Menggang Li, Hua Guowei, Anqiang Huang, Xiaowen Fu, Dan Chang, editors.
Book by Li, Menggang, & Guowei, Hua, & Huang, Anqiang, & Fu, Xiaowen, & Chang, Dan, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD2341 Informal sector in economic development : an analytical foundation / Prabir Bhattacharya.
Book by Bhattacharya, Prabir, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HD2346.I5 Pan-India stories of informal workers during Covid-19 pandemic : crisis narratives / Deepanshu Mohan, Sakshi Chindaliya, Arun Kumar Kaushik, editors.
Book by Mohan, Deepanshu, & Chindaliya, Sakshi, & Kaushik, Arun Kumar, (Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HD2845 Reflecting imperial overstretch and new realities : the British Trade Corporation, 1917-1926 / Brian O'Sullivan.
Book by O'Sullivan, Brian, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HD2910 Emerging multinationals from Asia and Europe : in the comparative perspective / Yumiko Nakahara, editor.
Book by Nakahara, Yumiko, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HD2917 Management and resilience of African organizations in times of crisis : Current Business Issues in African Countries (CBIAC) Conference, Agadir, Morocco, April 27-28, 2023 / Shani D. Carter, Sara Bensal, editors.
Book by Carter, Shani D., & Bensal, Sara, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD30.255 Work, politics and the green industrial revolution : a reflective analysis of the UK Green Jobs Taskforce / Douglas W.S. Renwick.
Book by Renwick, Douglas W. S., (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HD3484.A4 Cooperation and enlargement : two challenges to be addressed in the European projects--2022 / Ghislaine Pellat, Jovan Zafiroski, Marian Šuplata, editors.
Book by Pellat, Ghislaine, & Zafiroski, Jovan, & Šuplata, Marian, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD3611 The political economy of deindustrialization : causes, consequences, implications / Ray Kiely.
Book by Kiely, Ray, (Newcastle upon Tyne : Agenda Publishing, 2024.)
(WEB) HD3619.B28 Industrial policies for technological upgrading in Western Balkan Countries : economic growth and development / Fadil Sahiti.
Book by Sahiti, Fadil, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HD3850 Policy, finance and management for public-private partnerships / Akintola Akintoye, Matthias Beck, editors.
Book by Akintoye, Akintola. & Beck, Matthias, (Oxford : Blackwell, [2009])
(WEB) HD4318 Report on the Chinese business environment survey 2020 / Xianxiang Xu, Qingmiao Bi, Li Zhang, editors.
Book by Xu, Xianxiang, & Bi, Qingmiao, & Zhang, Li, (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD4318 Fusion and innovation : the evolution of mixed ownership in Chinese enterprises / Yong Wang, Chongsheng Yang.
Book by Wang, Yong, & Yang, Chongsheng, (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD45 Digital disruption and transformation : case studies, approaches, and tools / Daniel Schallmo, Abayomi Baiyere, Frank Gertsen, Claus Andreas Foss Rosenstand, Christopher A. Williams, editors.
Book by Schallmo, Daniel R. A., & Baiyere, Abayomi, & Gertsen, Frank, & Rosenstand, Claus Andreas Foss, & Williams, Christopher A., (Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD4903.5.J3 Multidimensional aspects of occupational segregation : time series and cross-national comparisons / Keiko Nakao, editor.
Book by Nakao, Keiko, (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD5713.3 Creating new roles for a sustainable economy : digitalization, green enterprises and organizational challenges / Anna Sörensson, Maria Bogren, Georgiana Grigore, Alin Stancu, Anders Lundström, editors.
Book by Sörensson, Anna, & Bogren, Maria, & Grigore, Georgiana, & Stancu, Alin, & Lundström, Anders, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HD5717.5.E85 Labour mobility in the European Union as an example of the transnationalization of employment / Torben Krings.
Book by Krings, Torben, (Wiesbaden : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HD5830.A6 China's labor market in the transition : the evolution from segmentation to integration / Chen Ying.
Book by Ying, Chen, (Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HD5830.A6 China's labour market, 1950-2050 : the role of family planning in demographic and income transitions / Jane Du.
Book by Du, Jane, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HD58 Facility location under uncertainty : models, algorithms and applications / Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama, Shuming Wang.
Book by Saldanha da Gama, Francisco, & Wang, Shuming, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HD6052 Nineteenth century businesswomen : a retrospective glance at women entrepreneurship / Charlotte Le Chapelain, editor.
Book by Le Chapelain, Charlotte, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HD6053.6.U6 Managing diversity and glass ceiling initiatives as national economic imperatives / Taylor Cox Jr. and Carol Smolinski.
Book by Cox, Taylor, & Simon-Smolinski, Carole, (Ann Arbor, Michigan : The University of Michigan, 1994.)
(WEB) HD6053.6.U6 Impact of the glass ceiling and structural change on minorities and women / by Lois B. Shaw, Dell P. Champlin, Heidi I. Hartmann, and Roberta M. Spalter-Roth.
Book by Shaw, Lois Banfill, & Champlin, Dell P., & Hartmann, Heidi I., & Spalter-Roth, Roberta M., (Washington, DC : Institute for Women's Policy Research, 1993.)
(WEB) HD6061.2.A8 Wage rage for equal pay : Australia's long, long struggle / Jocelynne A. Scutt.
Book by Scutt, Jocelynne A, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HD6664 Trade union studies in the UK and Kenya / Nigel Flanagan & Shiraz Durrani.
Book by Flanagan, Nigel, & Durrani, Shiraz., (Nairobi, Kenya : Vita Books, 2024.)
(WEB) HD7255 Disability and employment : towards a humanistic economy / Fumitaka Furuoka.
Book by Furuoka, Fumitaka, (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD75.6 Constraints and opportunities in shaping the future : new approaches to economics and policy making : ESPERA 2022, Bucharest, Romania, November 24-25, 2022 / Luminita Chivu, Valeriu Ioan-Franc, George Georgescu, Ignacio De Los Ríos Carmenado, Jean Vasile Andrei, editors.
Book by Chivu, Luminita, & Ioan-Franc, Valeriu, & Georgescu, George, & Riós Carmenado, Ignacio de los, & Jean-Vasile, Andrei, (Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD75.8 Value-driven management for international development and aid projects / Firas Izzat Mahmoud Saleh, Noorliza Karia.
Book by Mahmoud Saleh, Firas Izzat, & Karia, Noorliza, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HD8286.5 Associated labor and production in the age of barbarism : education beyond capital / Henrique Tahan Novaes.
Book by Novaes, Henrique T., (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HD82 Economic transformation : designing a contemporary economy / Johannes Wolf.
Book by Wolf, Johannes, (Wiesbaden : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HD87 Economic policy in the digital age : how technology is challenging the principles of the market economy / Jörg J. Dötsch.
Book by Dötsch, Jörg J., (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD87 Dangerous guesswork in economic policy / Max Steuer ; illustrations by Jon Riley.
Book by Steuer, Max David, & Riley, Jon, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD9000.5 Sustainable food systems. Volume I, SFS: framework, sustainable diets, traditional food culture & food production / Monika Thakur, editor.
Book by Thakur, Monika, (Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD9000.5 Agribusiness innovation and contextual evolution. Volume II, Technological, societal and channel advancements / Antonino Galati, Mariantonietta Fiore, Alkis Thrassou, Demetris Vrontis, editors.
Book by Galati, Antonio. & Fiore, Mariantonietta. & Thrassou, Alkis. & Vrontis, Demetris., (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HD9000.5 Agribusiness innovation and contextual evolution. Volume I, Strategic, managerial and marketing advancements / Antonino Galati, Mariantonietta Fiore, Alkis Thrassou, Demetris Vrontis, editors.
Book by Galati, Antonio. & Fiore, Mariantonietta. & Thrassou, Alkis. & Vrontis, Demetris., (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HD9000.5 Value chain dynamics in a biodiverse environment : advances in biodiversity, sustainability, and agri-food supply chain development / Konstadinos Mattas, George Baourakis, Constantin Zopounidis, Christos Staboulis, editors.
Book by Mattas, Konstadinos, & Baourakis, George, & Zopounidis, Constantin, & Staboulis, Christos, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD9017.A358 The World Trade Organization and food security in West Africa : prospects for the ECOWAS region / Godwin S. Ichimi.
Book by Ichimi, Godwin S., (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HD9018.D44 Food security in a developing world : status, challenges, and opportunities / Pardeep Singh, Bendangwapang Ao, Nabajyoti Deka, Chander Mohan, Chhetan Chhoidub, editors.
Book by Singh, Pardeep, & Ao, Bendangwapang, & Deka, Nabajyoti, & Mohan, Chander, & Chhoidub, Chhetan, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD9198.I42 The Smallholder tea economy and regional development : perspectives from India / Abdul Hannan.
Book by Hannan, Abdul, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HD9198.I43 Plantation worlds / Maan Barua.
Book by Barua, Maan, (Durham : Duke University Press, 2024.)
(WEB) HD9334.A2 Emerging technology and crisis management in the halal industry : issues and recent developments / Nor Aida Abdul Rahman, Mohd Helmi Ali, editors.
Book by Abdul Rahman, Nor Aida, & Ali, Mohd Helmi, (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD9510.5 Steel 4.0 : digitalization in steel industry / Yilmaz Uygun, Atilla Özgür, Marc-Thorsten Hütt, editors.
Book by Uygun, Yilmaz, & Özgür, Atilla, & Hütt, Marc-Thorsten, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HD9540.5 Colonial extraction and industrial steam power, 1790-1880 : decarbonising imperial history / Liz Conor, editor.
Book by Conor, Liz, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HD9560.5 Energy efficiency in oil production / Marcus Vinicius da Silva Neves, Antonio Felipe Flutt.
Book by Neves, Marcus Vinicius da Silva, & Flutt, Antonio Felipe, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HD9675.R342 PET radiopharmaceutical business : an insider's view / Andrea Pecorale, Maria Carmela Inzerillo, Piero A. Salvadori.
Book by Pecorale, Andrea, & Inzerillo, Maria Carmela, & Salvadori, Piero A., (Cham : Springer, 2023.)
(WEB) HD9710.5.U53 The motorcycle industry in New York State : a concise encyclopedia of inventors, builders, and manufacturers / Geoffrey N. Stein ; revised and with a foreword by Brad L. Utter.
Book by Stein, Geoffrey N., & Utter, Brad L., (Albany, NY : State University of New York Press, [2023])
(WEB) HD9711.75.A2 Lunar commerce : a primer / Derek Webber.
Book by Webber, Derek, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD9711.75.A2 Selected proceedings of the 6th Space Resources Conference : KGK 2023 / Agata Kołodziejczyk, Joanna Pyrkosz-Pacyna, Krzysztof Grabowski, Katarzyna Malinowska, Olga Sergijenko, editors.
Book by Kołodziejczyk, Agata, & Pyrkosz-Pacyna, Joanna, & Grabowski, Krzysztof, & Malinowska, Katarzyna, & Sergijenko, Olga, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD9766.C62 From forest farm to sawmill : stories of labor, gender, and the Chinese state / Shuxuan Zhou.
Book by Zhou, Shuxuan, (Seattle : University of Washington Press, [2024])
(WEB) HD9850.5 Industry and innovation : textile industry / José Moleiro Martins, editor.
Book by Martins, José Moleiro, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HD9940.A2 The Palgrave handbook of consumerism issues in the apparel industry / Hans Rüdiger Kaufmann, Mohammad Fateh Ali Khan Panni, Demetris Vrontis, editors.
Book by Kaufmann, Hans Ruediger, & Panni, Mohammad Fateh Ali Khan, & Vrontis, Demetris, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HD9980.5 The era of new services : new services, new infrastructure and service rules for the future society / Lefei Li.
Book by Li, Lefei, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HD9980.5 Smart services summit : building resilience in a changing world / Shaun West, Jürg Meierhofer, Thierry Buecheler, editors.
Book by West, Shaun, & Meierhofer, Jürg, & Buecheler, Thierry, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD9999.B442 Bioeconomy for sustainability / Vinod Kumar Garg, Navish Kataria, editors.
Book by Garg, Vinod Kumar & Kataria, Navish, (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HD9999.C9473 Cultural and creative industries policymaking : Sweden in the European context / Katja Lindqvist.
Book by Lindqvist, Katja, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HF1508.Z4 Belt and Road Initiative in South America : explaining the varying responses / Lunting Wu.
Book by Wu, Lunting, (Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HF1590.15.S63 India and ASEAN in the Indo Pacific : pathways and perils / Swaran Singh, Reena Marwah, editors.
Book by Singh, Swaran, & Marwah, Reena, (Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HF1590.5.Z4 A tale of rice and copper : a world-systems analysis of Chinese hegemony in Pakistan / Toufic Sarieddine.
Book by Sarieddine, Toufic, (Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HF1604.Z4 International regional economic integration and the development of China's borderland economies / Shuanglu Liang.
Book by Liang, Shuanglu, (Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HF1611.Z4 Africa-EU relations and the African Continental Free Trade Area : redefining the dynamics of power and economic partnership in a complex global order / Leon Mwamba Tshimpaka, Samuel Ojo Oloruntoba, editors.
Book by Tshimpaka, Leon Mwamba, & Oloruntoba, Samuel O., (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HF2413 The African Continental Free Trade Area : prospects, problems and challenges / Benjamin Ofori-Amoah.
Book by Ofori-Amoah, Benjamin, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HF3836.5 Chinese firms in the global market : understanding the development of capabilities of Chinese multinationals / Maria Altamira.
Book by Altamira, Maria, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HF5616.J3 Institutional change and performativity : the impact of globalization and financialization on accounting in Japan / Noriaki Okamoto.
Book by Okamoto, Noriaki, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HF5667.12 Audit analytics : data science for the accounting profession / J. Christopher Westland.
Book by Westland, J. Christopher, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HF5667 Wiley practitioner's guide to GAAP 2023 : interpretation and application of generally accepted accounting principles / Joanne M. Flood.
Book by Flood, Joanne M., (Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley and Sons, Incorporated, [2023])
(WEB) HF5679 Digital transformation in accounting and auditing : navigating technological advances for the future / Arif Perdana, Tawei Wang, editors.
Book by Perdana, Arif, & Wang, Tawei, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HF5691 The mathematics of banking and finance / Dennis Cox and Michael Cox.
Book by Cox, Dennis W, & Cox, Michael A. A., (Chichester, England ; Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2006.)
(WEB) HF5691 Math for business and economics : compendium of essential formulas / Franz W. Peren.
Book by Peren, Franz W., (Berlin : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HG1-9999 Is China's currency increasingly important? : new evidence from renminbi exchange rates / Yinggang Zhou, Xin Cheng.
Book by Zhou, Yinggang, & Cheng, Xin, (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HG1561 A history of banks : from the Knights Templar to the present era / Mehmet Baha Karan, Wim Westerman, Jacob Wijngaard.
Book by Karan, Mehmet Baha, & Westerman, Wim, & Wijngaard, Jacob, (Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HG1601 Commercial banking in transition : a cross-country analysis / Marco Bodellini, Gabriella Gimigliano, Dalvinder Singh, editors.
Book by Bodellini, Marco, & Gimigliano, Gabriella, & Singh, Dalvinder, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HG1708.7 Financial inclusion, technology and virtual banking : a theoretical perspective / Sau Wai Law.
Book by Law, Sau Wai, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HG1710 Decoding digital assets : distinguishing the dream from the dystopia in stablecoins, tokenized deposits, and central bank digital currencies / Leon V. Schumacher.
Book by Schumacher, Leon V., (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HG173 Financial system 2030 : digitalization, nation states and (de-)regulation as drivers of change / Thomas Puschmann, H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein.
Book by Puschmann, Thomas, & Michael, (Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HG173 National and international monetary payments : from Smith to Keynes and Schmitt / Andrea Carrera, Alvaro Cencini.
Book by Carrera, Andrea, & Cencini, Alvaro, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HG176.7 Finite difference methods in financial engineering : a partial differential equation approach / Daniel J. Duffy.
Book by Duffy, Daniel J, (Chichester, England ; Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley, [2006])
(WEB) HG187.5.A2 Women and finance in Africa : inclusion and transformation / Tinuade Adekunbi Ojo, editor.
Book by Ojo, Tinuade Adekunbi, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HG187.C6 Green finance in China : policies, experiences and challenges / Wenting Zhang, Dawei Zhao.
Book by Zhang, Wenting, & Zhao, Dawei, (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HG187.C6 The household finance issues in China / Sibo Zhao, Dawai Zhao.
Book by Zhao, Sibo, & Zhao, Dawei., (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HG1976.A35 Perspectives on development banks in Africa : case studies and emerging practices at the national and regional level / Joshua Yindenaba Abor, Daniel Ofori-Sasu, editors.
Book by Abor, Joshua Yindenaba, & Ofori-Sasu, Daniel, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HG220.3 The Palgrave handbook of philosophy and money. Volume 2, Modern thought / Joseph J. Tinguely, editor.
Book by Tinguely, Joseph J., (Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HG220.3 The Palgrave handbook of philosophy and money. Volume 1, Ancient and medieval thought / Joseph J. Tinguely, editor.
Book by Tinguely, Joseph J., (Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HG221 Modern money theory : a simple guide to the monetary system / Dirk Ehnts.
Book by Ehnts, Dirk, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HG229 The resurgence of inflation : lessons from history and policy recommendations / Michael Heine, Hansjörg Herr.
Book by Heine, Michael, & Herr, Hansjörg, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HG230.3 Modern money theory : a primer on macroeconomics for sovereign monetary systems / L. Randall Wray.
Book by Wray, L. Randall, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HG2974 Sustainable finance in Europe : corporate governance, financial stability and financial markets / Danny Busch, Guido Ferrarini, Seraina Grünewald, editors.
Book by Busch, Danny, & Ferrarini, Guido, & Grünewald, Seraina Neva, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HG3300.55.A6 Post-Asian financial crisis reforms in Thailand : a 20 year retrospective on the banking industry / Wanxue Lu.
Book by Lu, Wanxue, (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HG3314 Bank competition and the effects on financial stability : insights into the emerging banking markets of the Philippines / Jovi Clemente Dacanay, Ella Mae Odtuhan Leonida, Michaela Nicole E. Meriño.
Book by Dacanay, Jovi Clemente, & Odtuhan Leonida, Ella Mae, & Meriño, Michaela Nicole E., (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HG3701 Practical credit risk and capital modeling, and validation : CECL, Basel capital, CCAR, and credit scoring with examples / Colin Chen.
Book by Chen, Colin, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HG3851 Currency strategy : the practitioner's guide to currency investing, hedging and forecasting / Callum Henderson.
Book by Henderson, Callum, (Chichester, England ; Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley and Sons, [2006])
(WEB) HG3851 The FX bootcamp guide to strategic and tactical Forex trading / Wayne McDonell.
Book by McDonell, Wayne, (Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, [2008])
(WEB) HG3851 The Ed Ponsi Forex playbook : strategies and trade set-ups / Ed Ponsi.
Book by Ponsi, Ed, (Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, [2010])
(WEB) HG3853 The Forex options course : a self-study guide to trading currency options / Abe Cofnas.
Book by Cofnas, Abe, (Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, [2009])
(WEB) HG3881 The forgotten financiers of the Louisiana Purchase : European bankers, the US, and the rise of international finance / Larry Neal.
Book by Neal, Larry, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HG4515.5 AI and chatbots in Fintech : revolutionizing digital experiences and predictive analytics / Gioia Arnone.
Book by Arnone, Gioia, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HG4515.5 Applications of block chain technology and artificial intelligence : lead-ins in banking, finance, and capital market / Mohammad Irfan, Khan Muhammad, Nader Naifar, Muhammad Attique Khan, editors.
Book by Irfan, Mohammad. & Muhammad, Khan. & Naifar, Nader. & Attique Khan, Muhammad., (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HG4515.5 Algorithmic trading systems and strategies : a new approach : design, build, and maintain an effective strategy search mechanism / Viktoria Dolzhenko.
Book by Dolzhenko, Viktoria, (New York, NY : Apress, [2024])
(WEB) HG4529.5 Professional investment portfolio management : boosting performance with machine-made portfolios and stock market evidence / James W. Kolari, Wei Liu, Seppo Pynnönen.
Book by Kolari, James W., & Liu, Wei, & Pynnönen, Seppo, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.)
(WEB) HG4529 Asset and risk management : risk oriented finance / Louis Esch [and others].
Book by Esch, Louis., (Chichester, West Sussex, England ; Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley, [2005])
(WEB) HG4529 The universal principles of successful trading : essential knowledge for all traders in all markets / Brent Penfold.
Book by Penfold, Brent, (Singapore ; Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, [2010])
(WEB) HG4530 Investment strategies of hedge funds / Filippo Stefanini.
Book by Stefanini, Filippo, (Chichester, England ; Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, [2006])
(WEB) HG4538 Weaponising investments. Volume II / Jens Hillebrand Pohl, Thomas Papadopoulos, Janosch Wiesenthal, Joanna Warchol, editors.
Book by Hillebrand Pohl, Jens, & Papadopoulos, Thomas, & Wiesenthal, Janosch, & Warchol, Joanna, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HG4661 The handbook of pairs trading : strategies using equities, options, and futures / Douglas S. Ehrman.
Book by Ehrman, Douglas S., (Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley and Sons, [2006])
(WEB) HG4661 Statistical arbitrage : algorithmic trading insights and techniques / Andrew Pole.
Book by Pole, Andrew, (Hoboken, N.J. : J. Wiley and Sons, [2007])
(WEB) HG4661 Trade like an O'Neil disciple : how we made over 18,000% in the stock market / Gil Morales and Chris Kacher.
Book by Morales, Gil, & Kacher, Chris., (Hoboken, N.J : John Wiley and Sons, [2010])
(WEB) HG4751 Private equity : fund types, risks and returns, and regulation / [edited by] Douglas Cumming.
Book by Cumming, Douglas., (Hoboken : John Wiley and Sons, 2010.)
(WEB) HG4751 Women in alternative finance : exploring the benefits of equity crowdfunding / Francesca Battaglia, Emanuela Giusi Gaeta.
Book by Battaglia, F. & Giusi Gaeta, Emanuela, (Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, an imprint of Springer Nature Switzerland, [2023])
(WEB) HG4910 Following the ticker : the political origins and consequences of stock market perceptions / Ian G. Anson.
Book by Anson, Ian G., (Albany, NY : State University of New York Press, [2023])
(WEB) HG4930 Evaluating hedge fund performance / Vinh Q. Tran.
Book by Tran, Vinh Quang, (Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, [2006])
(WEB) HG538 Inflation decade, 1910-1920 : Americans confront the high cost of living / David I. Macleod.
Book by Macleod, David I., (Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HG5750.6.A3 New initiatives in the Malaysian capital market : with a focus on LEAP and SPAC / Hon Wei Leow, Wee Yeap Lau.
Book by Leow, Hon Wei, & Lau, Wee Yeap, (Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HG5822 Chinese investment in Africa : its variegated and contradictory character in relation to land, agriculture, mining and infrastructure / Freedom Mazwi, George T. Mudimu, Kirk Helliker, editors.
Book by Mazwi, Freedom, & Mudimu, George T. & Helliker, Kirk, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HG6024.A3 Financial derivatives in theory and practice / P.J. Hunt, J.E. Kennedy.
Book by Hunt, P. J. & Kennedy, J. E., (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2004.)
(WEB) HG6024.A3 The volatility surface : a practitioner's guide / Jim Gatheral ; foreword by Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
Book by Gatheral, Jim, (Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley and Sons, [2006])
(WEB) HG6024.A3 The financial metaverse : tokens, derivatives and other synthetic assets / Albin Spinner.
Book by Spinner, Albin, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HG6046 Energy trading and risk management / Felix Müsgens, Alexander Bade.
Book by Müsgens, Felix, & Bade, Alexander, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HJ2321 Tax avoidance research : exploring networks and dynamics of global academic collaboration / Antonio De Vito, Francesco Grossetti.
Book by De Vito, Antonio, & Grossetti, Francesco, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HJ3801 The Palgrave handbook of sovereign wealth funds / H. Kent Baker, Jeffrey H. Harris, Ghiyath Nakshbendi, editors.
Book by Baker, H. Kent & Harris, Jeffrey H., & Nakshbendi, Ghiyath, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HM480 Unworkable : delusions of an imploding civilization / Fabio Vighi.
Book by Vighi, Fabio, (Albany : SUNY Press, [2022])
(WEB) HM846 Technology fears and scapegoats : 40 myths about privacy, jobs, AI, and today's innovation economy / Robert D. Atkinson, David Moschella.
Book by Atkinson, Robert D., & Moschella, David, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) HT241 The blue book : smart sustainable coastal cities and blue growth strategies for marine and maritime environments / Stamatina Th. Rassia, editor.
Book by Rassia, Stamatina Th., (Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HT321 City responses to disruptions in 2020 : from lockdowns to aftermath / Giuseppe T. Cirella, Bharat Dahiya, editors.
Book by Cirella, Giuseppe T. & Dahiya, Bharat, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) HT395.C55 Regional development and its spatial structure / Dadao Lu.
Book by Lu, Dadao, (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) HV4070.B84 The slum and the city : culture and dissidence in the Villas Miseria of Buenos Aires / Agnese Codebò.
Book by Codebò, Agnese, (PIttsburgh, Pa. : University of Pittsburgh Press, [2024])
(WEB) HV9288 Employing our returning citizens : an employer centric view / Nicole C. Jones Young, Jakari N. Griffith, editors.
Book by Young, Nicole C. Jones, & Griffith, Jakari N., (Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, an imprint of Springer Nature Switzerland AG, [2024])
(WEB) HX365.5.A6 Mediating spaces : literature, politics, and the scales of Yugoslav socialism, 1870-1995 / James M. Robertson.
Book by Robertson, James M., (Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2024.)
(WEB) HX40 Rethinking socialist space in the twentieth century / Marcus Colla, Paul Betts, editors.
Book by Colla, Marcus, & Betts, Paul, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) HX806 Rethinking democracy for post-utopian worlds : alternative political projects after the sovereign state / Jorge León Casero, Julia Urabayen, editors.
Book by León Casero, Jorge, & Urabayen Pérez, Julia, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) JZ1252 The political economy of the Eurozone's rollercoaster : Greece and Portugal from the Global Financial Crisis to Covid-19 / Konstantinos Myrodias.
Book by Myrodias, Konstantinos, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) ML3790 The economics of the popular music industry : modelling from microeconomic theory and industrial organization / Christie Byun.
Book by Byun, Chong Hyun Christie, (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, [2024])
(WEB) NC1766.U52 Hanna-Barbera, the recorded history : from modern stone age to meddling kids / Greg Ehrbar ; foreword by Tim Matheson ; a personal note by Leonard Maltin.
Book by Ehrbar, Greg, & Matheson, Tim, & Maltin, Leonard, (Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, [2024])
(WEB) S494.5.D3 IoT and AI in agriculture : smart automation systems for increasing agricultural productivity to achieve SDGs and Society 5.0 / Tofael Ahamed.
Book by Ahamed, Tofael, (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) S494.5.I5 Technological approaches for climate smart agriculture / Pavan Kumar, Aishwarya, editors.
Book by Kumar, Pavan. & Aishwarya., (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) S494.5.S86 Plant production for sustainable society as a semi-closed ecosystem / Yoshiaki Kitaya.
Book by Kitaya, Yoshiaki, (Singapore : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) S566.55 Agricultural survey methods / edited by Roberto Benedetti [and others].
Book by Benedetti, Roberto, (Chichester, U.K. : Wiley, [2010])
(WEB) S600.64.I4 Climate change, shifting cultivation and livelihood vulnerabilities in India : an analytical study / Niranjan Roy, Avijit Debnath, Sunil Nautiyal.
Book by Roy, Niranjan, & Debnath, Avijit, & Nautiyal, Sunil, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) SH329.S53 Implementation of the small-scale fisheries guidelines : a legal and policy scan / Julia Nakamura, Ratana Chuenpagdee, Svein Jentoft, editors.
Book by Nakamura, Julia, & Ratana Chuenpagdee, & Jentoft, Svein, (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) T173.8 Innovation through research and development : strategies for success / Hamed Taherdoost.
Book by Taherdoost, Hamed, (Cham : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) T173.8 Technology, innovation, entrepreneurship and rducation : 4th EAI International Conference, TIE 2023, Cambridge, UK, September 27-28, 2023, proceedings / David Crawford, Jeremy Foss, Nicholas Lambert, Martin Reed, Jennah Kriebel, editors.
Book by Crawford, David, & Foss, Jeremy, & Lambert, Nicholas, & Reed, Martin, & Kriebel, Jennah, (Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) T58.5 Emerging technologies for developing countries : 6th EAI International Conference, AFRICATEK 2023, Arusha, Tanzania, December 11-13, 2023, proceedings / Muthoni Masinde, Sabine Möbs, Antoine Bagula, editors.
Book by Masinde, Muthoni, & Möbs, Sabine, & Bagula, Antoine B., (Cham : Springer, [2024])
(WEB) TD195.T48 Climate action through eco-friendly textiles / Sadhna, Rajesh Kumar, S. Greeshma, editors.
Book by Sadhna, & Kumar, Rajesh, & Greeshma, S., (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) TN194 Mining development report of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Member Countries (2023) / Jinrong Tang, Jun Hong, Zixin He, Yongwei Gao, Yanjun Luo, Zhongping Ma.
Book by Tang, Jinrong, & Hong, Jun, & He, Zixin, & Gao, Yongwei, & Luo, Yanjun, & Ma, Zhongping, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.)
(WEB) TP548.5.T68 Strategic management in the wine tourism industry : competitive strategies, wine tourism behaviour and new strategic tools / Javier Martínez-Falcó, Bartolomé Marco-Lajara, Eduardo Sánchez-García, Luis A. Millán-Tudela, editors.
Book by Martinez Falcó, Javier, & Marco Lajara, Bartolomé, & Sánchez García, Eduardo & Millán-Tudela, Luis A., (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.)
(WEB) TX911.3.L62 Site selection and value evaluation of new hotel projects : a TSPV analysis framework / Yue He, Shuangshuang Ye, Lei Ding, Anping Wu.
Book by He, Yue, & Ye, Shuangshuang, & Ding, Lei, & Wu, Anping, (Singapore : Springer ; [Zhejiang] : Zhejiang University Press, [2024])
(WEB) TX945.5.M33 None of us is as good as all of us : how McDonald's prospers by embracing inclusion and diversity / Patricia Sowell Harris.
Book by Harris, Patricia Sowell, (Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley and Sons, [2009])
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(WEB) HC21 小巴牌價大跌 ; 香港國際影視展 / 編導叢健溢 ; 監製許美蓮 ; 新聞及資訊部專題節目科製作.
Book by 許美蓮, & 叢健溢, & 賴君蕊, & 黃珊, & 陳瑞軒, & 曾浤晉, & 馬永威, ([香港] : 電視廣播有限公司, [2024])
(WEB) HC21 一人經濟 ; 波恤收藏有價 / 編導叢健溢 ; 監製許美蓮 ; 新聞及資訊部專題節目科製作.
Book by 許美蓮, & 叢健溢, & 賴君蕊, & 曾曉婷, & 林希樺, & 邵思樺, & 馬永威, ([香港] : 電視廣播有限公司, [2024])
(WEB) HC21 超級商舖市道 ; 微網紅經濟 / 編導叢健溢 ; 監製許美蓮 ; 新聞及資訊部專題節目科製作.
Book by 許美蓮, & 叢健溢, & 賴君蕊, & 曾曉婷, & 黃珊, & 王嘉豪, & 曾浤晉, & 黃千倬, & 馬永威, ([香港] : 電視廣播有限公司, [2024])
(WEB) HC21 復活節外遊 ; 季度大比拼第二季 / 編導叢健溢 ; 監製許美蓮 ; 新聞及資訊部專題節目科製作.
Book by 許美蓮, & 叢健溢, & 賴君蕊, & 曾曉婷, & 劉皓容, & 譚國慶, & 曾浤晉, & 夏狄行, & 馬永威, ([香港] : 電視廣播有限公司, [2024])
(WEB) HC21 追捧被動型基金 ; 證券業轉型 / 編導叢健溢 ; 監製許美蓮 ; 新聞及資訊部專題節目科製作.
Book by 許美蓮, & 叢健溢, & 賴君蕊, & 林希樺, & 劉皓容, & 黃千倬, & 尹德明, & 曾浤晉, & 馬永威, ([香港] : 電視廣播有限公司, [2024])
(WEB) HC21 比特幣減半效應 ; 健身食品潮流 / 編導叢健溢 ; 監製許美蓮 ; 新聞及資訊部專題節目科製作.
Book by 許美蓮, & 叢健溢, & 賴君蕊, & 曾曉婷, & 林希樺, & 周振文, & 馬永威, ([香港] : 電視廣播有限公司, [2024])
(WEB) HC21 24小時健身市場 ; 財赤找解藥 / 編導叢健溢 ; 監製許美蓮 ; 新聞及資訊部專題節目科製作.
Book by 許美蓮, & 叢健溢, & 賴君蕊, & 曾曉婷, & 黃珊, & 曾浤晉, & 馬永威, ([香港] : 電視廣播有限公司, [2024])
(WEB) HC21 網絡安全保險 ; DSE內地市場 / 編導叢健溢 ; 監製許美蓮 ; 新聞及資訊部專題節目科製作.
Book by 許美蓮, & 叢健溢, & 賴君蕊, & 林希樺, & 黃珊, & 夏狄行, & 馬永威, ([香港] : 電視廣播有限公司, [2024])
(WEB) HC21 總部辦事處 ; 素食市場 / 編導叢健溢 ; 監製許美蓮 ; 新聞及資訊部專題節目科製作.
Book by 許美蓮, & 叢健溢, & 賴君蕊, & 劉皓容, & 陳瑞軒, & 曾浤晉, & 馬永威, ([香港] : 電視廣播有限公司, [2024])
(WEB) HC21 業績檢閱 ; 就業市場 / 編導叢健溢 ; 監製許美蓮 ; 新聞及資訊部專題節目科製作.
Book by 許美蓮, & 叢健溢, & 賴君蕊, & 曾曉婷, & 陳瑞軒, & 曾浤晉, & 黃千倬, & 馬永威, ([香港] : 電視廣播有限公司, [2024])
[中] HB175 .M25412 1961 政治经济学批判 / 馬克思著 ; 徐坚譯
Book by Marx, Karl, & 徐坚, (北京 : 人民出版社, 1961)
[中] HB74.P8 H378127 2024 一定要懂的行為經濟學 : 洞悉衝動購物、跟風投資、網路沉迷的心理, 掌握深層消費關鍵 / 橋本之克著 ; 鍾嘉惠譯.
Book by 橋本之克, & 鍾嘉惠, (香港 : 萬里機構出版有限公司, 2024.)
[中] HC430.I55 R4696 2021 新基建 : 全球大變局下的中國經濟新引擎 / 任澤平, 馬家進, 連一席著.
Book by 任澤平, & 馬家進, & 連一席, (香港 : 三聯書店(香港)有限公司, 2021.)

Last Updated: 18-09-2024