Treasure Night
Treasure Night is organised by the HKUL Reading Club with a view to make HKUL a good place for the exchange of ideas among people who love rare books. Details of the first meeting:
Speakers: Professor Eric Chen; Mr Otto Lam; Mr Chan Wai Ming
Date: 1 December 2005 (Thursday)
Time: 7:15 - 9:00 pm
Venue: Special Collections, 1/F Main Library, HKU
Language: Cantonese 廣東話
Speaker: Professor Eric Chen 陳友凱教授
崇禎中刊 天主降生出像經解 / G Aleni (Tien-chu chiang-sheng ch'u-hsiang ching-chieh=Illustrated history of the life of Christ. Late Ming (1637), printed at Chin-chian Fukien by The Chin-chiang Church)
Click the image to enlarge
![]() Road of Passion |
![]() People of the World |
Speaker: Mr Otto Lam 林準祥先生
A Dictionary of the most Useful Words of the Chinese Language, 字典 containing in all about 5,000 characters 共五千字 , a manuscript in ink by Sir John Francis Davis, Macao, 1815.
About the Book Sir John Francis Davis (1795-1890) was a president of the East India Company in Canton, second governor of Hong Kong, scholar and Sinologue. He was educated at the College of Hertford. In 1813, Sir Davis arrived in Canton when he was the age of eighteen. Considering his linguistic abilities, he was appointed as a writer of the East India Company since 1815. He started to produce a series of literary works. His early translation was sent from Canton to the Court of Directors and placed in the library of the India House. Sir Davis collected over 4,500 Chinese characters with his translation in English or Latin. He wrote down the content by hand in a leather cover pocket book for his own access. His manusript contains material of outstanding research importance of the development of Chinese-English dictionary in China in the early nineteenth century.
Click the image to enlarge. |
Speaker: Mr Chan Wai Ming 陳偉明先生
五代史輯注 / 朱彝尊 (Wu dai shi ji zhu by Zhu, Yizun). 清康熙乾隆間 [1665-1795]. 清初鈔本.
About the Book | Click the image to enlarge |
"Wu dai shi ji zhu" (五代史輯注) is the manuscript copy of Zhu Yizun’s (朱彝尊, 1629-1709) “Wu dai shi ji zhu” (五代史記注). Zhu was the famous scholar in the early Qing dynasty, and this is the only copy which has never been published. “Wu dai shi ji” (五代史記, also known as Xin Wu dai shi 新五代史) was originally written by Ouyang Xiu (歐陽修, 1007-1072) and was the official history of the Five dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (五代十國). Zhu provided detailed annotations and remained some primary materials inside his work. This annotated copy is also valuable in that it provides another source to compare the engraved edition of “Wu dai shi ji”.