Theme Book : | «善與人同-與香港同步成長的東華三院»
(Organizational History of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 1870-1997) |
Speaker : | Dr Joseph Ting (丁新豹博士) |
Moderator: | Ms Stella See 史秀英女士 (東華三院檔案及歷史文化總主任, The Head of Records and Heritage Office of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals) |
Date : | 13 January 2011 (Friday) |
Time : | 7:15 - 9:00 pm |
Venue : | Special Collections, 1/F, Main Library, The University of Hong Kong |
Language : | Cantonese |
About the Speaker
丁新豹博士 Dr Joseph Ting,香港大學博士,香港歷史博物館前總館長,任內籌建了香港歷史博物館新館、香港海防博物館及香港孫中山紀念館。現為香港中文大學歷史系客席教授、香港地方志辦公室副主任、英國皇家亞洲學會香港分會名譽院士、內地及香港多間博物館之榮譽顧問。研究範圍包括晚清外銷畫、香港華人社會史、廣州及澳門歷史等。主要編著作品有《善與人同:與香港同步成長的東華三院(1870-1997)》(2010)、《香港歷史散步》(2008)、《人物與歷史-跑馬地香港墳場初探》(2008) 等。
About the Book
「百年老店」東華三院創立才26載,便給政府醫官以組織渙散及衞生惡劣為由力促整治; 幸獲有心人居中調停,危機得以紓解。究竟甚麼觸發醫官對東華進行調查? 該院衞生狀況有多嚇人? 有哪些人拔刀相助?
This book gives a vivid demonstration of Tung Wah’s founding principle shan ru ren tong (charity brings happiness to the giver), describing how the organization strives to provide the much-needed assistance to the poor, overseas Chinese, critically ill patients, children deprived of schooling and the desolate. Tung Wah has upheld its mission through the years, even during such difficult times like the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong. The chapters cover Tung Wah’s relationship with the British colonial government as well as how Tung Wah has transformed from a relief provider to a social service organization after World War II. When reading the book, readers will find themselves embarking on a journey back in time to learn about Tung Wah’s development since 1870 and get a glimpse of Hong Kong’s early healthcare, social service and education systems. It is a book about the history of both Tung Wah and Hong Kong. |