行道天涯 : 孫中山宋慶齡的革命愛情故事 / 平路著
孫中山,這位改變國族氣運的革命領袖,宋慶齡,這位理想崇高又際遇不凡的女性,命運教他們相會,情愛讓他們咀嚼,牽掛,而不可替代的死亡就像海浪拍打著礁岸...... 把情愛還給人物,讓血肉溶入歷史,便是以顛覆傳統小說體例為己志的小說家平路在她長篇作品《行道天涯》中的大膽嘗試,藉由看似自由放任,其實跌宕有致的敘事觀點轉換,作者帶領 讀者跨越了時空與生死的阻隔,進入角色最豐沛的內在生命,也透視了孫中山與宋慶齡作為真實人物最赤祼的情慾。
A love story of Sun Yat-sen and Soong Ching-ling.
Speaker: Ms Lu Ping
Language: Putonghua
Date: Thursday, 15 May 2003
Time: 7:15 - 9:00 pm
Venue: 1/F, Main Library New Wing
主講: 路平
語言: 英語
日期: 二OO三年五月十五日,星期四
時間: 晚上七時十五分 - 九時正
地點: 圖書館總館一樓新翼
About the Speaker:
LU Ping, writing in the pen name of PING Lu, has established herself as a prominent novelist, columnist and commentator in Taiwan over the past two decades. After graduating from the Department of Psychology at National Taiwan University, she pursued advanced studies at the University of Iowa and gained her master’s degree in mathematical statistics.
Prior to assuming the current post as director of Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center in January, she had been lecturing on such subjects as feminism, cultural criticism and news commentary at National Taiwan University and Taipei National University of the Arts for many years.
As a professional writer, Lu Ping is very concerned about social issues, cultural development, gender inequality, human rights, and the like. She is also noted for her unflinching support of Taiwan’s feminist movement. Although Lu Ping is best known as a novelist in Taiwan, she also writes essays, commentary and theater play. Her works include novels like Brother Chuan, The Story of Teresa and The Long Journey of Dr. Sun Yat-sen and Madam Soong Ching-ling; collections of short stories like Death in a Cornfield, Letters of Madam Soong Mei-ling, Five Paths Trough the Dusty World and Apocalypse From the Banned Books; books of critiques like Not About Chauvinism, Women Power and Women and Love; and collections of essays like Deep in My Mind and The Seven Flavored Soups of a Witch