(Translated from The Wheel of Life: A Memoir of Living and Dying by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross)
About the books
《天使走過人間》是《論死亡與臨終》作者伊莉莎白。庫伯勒 ﹣羅斯醫生在晚年中風後,於生命餘燼中回顧自己一生的真情告白。本書敘述了許多她生命中經歷的甜蜜,痛苦,挫折與苦難。然而隨著歲月經過,對於生命與死亡不斷的思考,這一切有了不同的意義與面貌。在閱讀的過程中,我每每掩卷,被庫伯勒 ﹣羅斯醫生無私的奉獻,無法摧折的生命力與持續散發的光與熱撼動 ,無法自己。《天使走過人間》提醒了我們思考死亡之必要,因為那是關懷與愛的力量來源。
An authority on death and dying offers a memoir of her lifetime of work, from war-ravaged Poland to her seminars at the University of Chicago, and details her belief that there is life after death.
Synopsis from Amazon.com
Dr. K. Wong 黃岐醫生
Moderator: Dr. Chan Kow Tak 陳求德醫生
Language: Cantonese
Date: Thursday, 18 April 2002
Time: 7:15 - 9:00 pm
Venue: Main Library
About the Speaker
After obtaining his Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from HKU in 1980 and his medical qualifications in Emergency Medicine, Dr. K. Wong 黃岐醫生 furthered his studies in business administration, legal studies and translation with higher degrees from Chinese University of Hong Kong and City University. He is currently working as Consultant Emergency Physician in the Eastern Hospital. Apart from teaching in HKU's Department of Anaesthesia (Faculty of Medicine) and Department of Social Work (Faculty of Social Sciences), Dr. Wong has authored and edited several books on ER including 急症室看人生, 急症室真實故事, 急症室悲歡離合, and 急症室兜兜轉轉.