Copyright in teaching and learning at HKU

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Copyright in teaching and learning at HKU

Policy & Guidelines


Use of library resources & services

  1. University Libraries Website Copyright & Disclaimer

  2. Library databases

  3. Copying of copyrighted materials

  4. Performing, playing or showing of copyright works

    • Under the Hong Kong Copyright Ordinance (Cap. 528 s. 43),performing, playing or showing copyright works is allowed if it is before an audience consisting wholly or mainly of teachers and pupils at an educational establishment, parents or guardians of pupils at the establishment, and other persons directly connected with the activities of the establishment for the purposes of giving or receiving instruction.  The performing, playing or showing of a sound recording, film, broadcast or cable programme in public or for other purposes may require further licensing and permission from the copyright owner or licensing bodies to avoid copyright infringement. Consult the Copyright Licensing Bodies Registry maintained by the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department.
  5. Interlibrary loans & document delivery


HKU Intellectual Property Rights Policy (HKU Research Services)

This Policy, approved by the Council in 2011, sets out the University's policy on Intellectual Property Rights for works produced at the University by staff, students and visitors of the HKU. See section 5 for copyright in relation to various categories of works.


Intellectual Property Rights: To Protect Educational Materials (Teaching & Learning@HKU)

This guidance is issued to raise the awareness of protecting the copyright of all HKU educational materials.


ITS' HKU Statement of Ethics on Information Technology (IT) Use