New Acquisitions List for General-Technology
Call Number | Title |
(WEB) | Computational psychiatry. (Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, [2017]- 2021- : London : Ubiquity Press Ltd) |
(WEB) | International journal of business & engineering research. (Rajasthan, India : Sobhasaria Engineering College) |
(WEB) | Conquer : the patient voice. (Cranbury, NJ : Green Hill Healthcare Communications, LLC) |
(WEB) | Contacto científico clínica alemana. (Santiago, Chile : Clinica Alemana de Santiago) |
(WEB) | Connection scientific journal. (Sao Paulo, Brazil : ABPSEC - Associacao Brasileira de Pesquisa em Secretariado) |
(WEB) | Complementary and alternative medicine in science. (Warszawa : Agencja Wydawnicza Medsportpress, 2013-) |
(WEB) ISSN RECORD | Industrial heating. ([Pittsburgh] : [National Industrial Pub. Co.] <Apr. 1998-> : [Troy, MI] : [Business News Publishing Coompany] <2011-> : Troy, MI : BNP Media) |
(WEB) TA345 | Computer-aided engineering : CAE. ([Cleveland, Ohio] : [Penton/IPC] New York, N.Y. : Penton Media) |
(WEB) TA345 | Computational engineering and physical modeling. ([Semnan, Iran] : Pouyan Press, [2018]-) |
(WEB) TX761 | Snack food & wholesale bakery. (Northbrook, IL : Stagnito Communications <2013-> : Troy, MI : BNP Media II, L.L.C.) |
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HK 618.928589 S13 | 「賽馬會喜躍悅動計劃」訓練資源套 : 支援有注意力不足/過度活躍症的學生 / 編撰機構: 香港大學心理學系. (香港 : 香港大學心理學系, 2024.) |
HK 624.16 L78 | 戲棚搭建技藝 / 劉智鵬, 黃君健, 盧惠玲著 ; 嶺南大學策劃. Book by 劉智鵬, & 黃君健, & 盧惠玲, (香港 : 中華書局, 2024.) |
Last Updated: 09-10-2024