New Acquisitions List by Subject

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New Acquisitions List for General-Social Sciences

English | CJK

Call NumberTitle
(WEB) International journal of economics, politics, humanities & social sciences.
(Batman Merkez, Türkiye : Batman Üniversitesi)
(WEB) Journal of management theory and practices research.
(2023- : Ankara, Turkey : Akademik Çalışmalar Derneği 2020-2022: Batman, Turkey : Osman Yilmaz)
(WEB) International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM.
(Sofia, Bulgaria : STEF92 Technology Ltd.)
(WEB) H53.F7 Nature and nurture in French social sciences, 1859-1914 and beyond / Martin S. Staum.
Book by Staum, Martin S., (Montréal ; Ithaca [N.Y.] : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2011])
(WEB) H61.25 Introduction to the theory of complex systems / Stefan Thurner, Rudolf Hanel, and Peter Klimek.
Book by Thurner, Stefan, & Hanel, R. A., & Klimek, Peter, (Oxford ; New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2018.)
(WEB) H61 Research exposed : how empirical social science gets done in the digital age / edited by Eszter Hargittai.
Book by Hargittai, Eszter, (New York : Columbia University Press, [2021])
(WEB) H61 Methodology of social sciences / František Ochrana ; translated from the Czech original Metodologie sociálních věd ... by Vojtěch Menzl.
Book by Ochrana, František, ([Prague] : Charles University Karolinum Press, 2018.)
(WEB) H62.5.A8 The Cambridge handbook of the social sciences in Australia / edited by Ian McAllister, Steve Dowrick, Riaz Hassan.
Book by McAllister, Ian. & Dowrick, Steve. & Hassan, Riaz, (New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003.)
(WEB) H62 Becoming a qualitative researcher : narratives of doctoral studies in management / editors: Khairul Akmaliah Adham, Mohd Fuaad Said, Saida Farhanah Sarkam.
Book by Khairul Akmaliah Adham, & Said, Mohd Fuaad. & Sarkam, Saida Farhanah., (Negeri Sembilan : USIM Press, 2018.)
(WEB) H62 The longue durée and world-systems analysis / edited by Richard E. Lee ; with a new translation of Fernand Braudel's "Histoire et Sciences sociales, la longue durée" by Immanuel Wallerstein.
Book by Lee, Richard E., (New York : State University of New York Press, 2012.)
(WEB) LC5225.L42 Creating a learning society : a new approach to growth, development, and social progress / Joseph E. Stiglitz and Bruce Greenwald ; with commentary and contributions from Philippe Aghion, Kenneth J. Arrow, Robert M. Solow, and Michael Wood Ford.
Book by Stiglitz, Joseph E., & Greenwald, Bruce C., (New York : Columbia University Press, [2014])
(WEB) P106 What kind of creatures are we? / Noam Chomsky.
Book by Chomsky, Noam, (New York : Columbia University Press, [2016])
(WEB) P118.2 Усвоение второго языка в сложном языковом окружении : как носители русского языка усваивают литературные и нелитературные разновидности немецкого и чешского языков / Юулиане Бестерс-Дилгер, Гана Гладкова (ред.).
Book by Besters-Dilger, Juliane, & Gladkova, Hana, (Praha : Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, 2016)
(WEB) P118 Why only us : language and evolution / Robert C. Berwick, Noam Chomsky.
Book by Berwick, Robert C., & Chomsky, Noam, (Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : The MIT Press, [2016])
(WEB) P118 Community-based language learning : a framework for educators / Joan Clifford, Deborah S. Reisinger.
Book by Clifford, Joan, & Reisinger, Deborah Streifford, (Washington, DC : Georgetown University Press, [2019])
(WEB) P140 Language choice in Enlightenment Europe : education, sociability, and governance / edited by Vladislav Rjéoutski and Willem Frijhoff.
Book by Rjéoutski, Vladislav, & Frijhoff, Willem, (Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, [2018])
(WEB) P27 Language, thought, and reality : selected writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf / Benjamin Lee Whorf ; edited by John B. Carroll, Stephen C. Levinson, and Penny Lee ; introduction by John B. Carroll ; foreword by Stephen C. Levinson.
Book by Whorf, Benjamin Lee, & Carroll, John B. & Levinson, Stephen C. & Lee, Penny, (Cambridge, Mass. : The MIT Press, [2012])
(WEB) P302.7 Narrative complexity : cognition, embodiment, evolution / edited by Marina Grishakova and Maria Poulaki.
Book by Grishakova, Marina, & Poulaki, Maria, (Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, [2019])
(WEB) P325.5 Questions / Veneeta Dayal.
Book by Dayal, Veneeta, (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016.)
(WEB) P325 Context-sensitivity and semantic minimalism : new essays on semantics and pragmatics / edited by Gerhard Preyer and Georg Peter.
Book by Preyer, Gerhard. & Peter, Georg., (Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2007.)
(WEB) P326.5.P45 Facets of prefabrication : perspectives on modelling and detecting phraseological units / Piotr Pęzik.
Book by Pęzik, Piotr, (Łódź : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódźkiego, 2018.)
(WEB) P37.5.S68 Native listening : language experience and the recognition of spoken words / Anne Cutler.
Book by Cutler, Anne, (Cambridge, MA : The MIT Press, 2012.)
(WEB) P37 A history of psycholinguistics : the pre-Chomskyan era / Willem J.M. Levelt.
Book by Levelt, W. J. M., (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.)
(WEB) P95.45 Repairing the broken surface of talk : managing problems in speaking, hearing, and understanding in conversation / Gail Jefferson ; edited and with an introduction by Jörg Bergmann and Paul Drew.
Book by Jefferson, Gail, & Bergmann, Jörg R., & Drew, Paul, (New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2018])
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(WEB) GT2341.C6 脂粉春秋 : 中国历代妆饰 / 李芽著.
Book by 李芽, (北京市 : 中国纺织出版社, 2015.)
(WEB) GT2905 茶事微论 / 金刚石著.
Book by 金刚石, (北京市 : 旅游教育出版社, 2014.)
(WEB) GT2907.C6 茶艺点津 / 主编王明强, 刘晓芬 ; 副主编李晓梅, 许萌 ; 参编魏娟, 刘恩云, 余磊.
Book by 王明强, & 刘晓芬, (天津市 : 天津大学出版社, 2011.)
(WEB) GT2907.C6 茶艺表演 / 主编殷安全, 彭景 ; 副主编谭明, 田方, 刘容 ; 参编何婷婷 [and 4 others].
Book by 殷安全, & 彭景, (重庆市 : 重庆大学出版社, 2014.)
(WEB) GT2907.C6 茶艺实训教程 / 主编李玉梅 ; 副主编何梦丽.
Book by 李玉梅, & 何梦丽, (成都市 : 四川大学出版社, 2015.)
(WEB) GT2907.C6 茶艺技能训练 / 姜春红编著.
Book by 姜春红, (长春市 : 吉林人民出版社, 2015.)
(WEB) GT2907.C6 茶艺师 / 湖北省人力资源和社会保障厅, 湖北省劳动就业管理局编 ; 本书主编张新华 ; 本书参编李峰, 龙文艺, 张具权.
Book by 张新华, (武汉市 : 湖北科学技术出版社, 2009.)
(WEB) GT2907.C6 茶艺 / 主编朱亮 ; 副主编张恬静, 唐瑶佩.
Book by 朱亮, & 张恬静, & 唐瑶佩, (成都市 : 电子科技大学出版社, 2015.)
(WEB) GT2907.C6 茶坊全话 / 微岑编著.
Book by 微岑, (济南市 : 山东科学技术出版社, 2013.)
(WEB) GT2907.C6 茶师 / 韩义海编著.
Book by 韩义海, (长春市 : 吉林人民出版社, 2017.)
(WEB) GT2907.C6 茶中故旧是蒙山 / 名山中学语文教研组编 ; 主编程大菊, 周冰清.
Book by 程大菊, & 周冰清, (成都市 : 电子科技大学出版社, 2014.)
(WEB) GT2907.C6 茶与茶文化 / 主编陈丽敏.
Book by 陈丽敏, (重庆市 : 重庆大学出版社, 2012.)
(WEB) GT2907.C6 茶人老杨教你识茶·泡茶·品茶 / 杨学军编著.
Book by 杨学军, (北京市 : 中国纺织出版社, 2016.)
(WEB) GT2907.C6 茶道智慧 / 姚华著.
Book by 姚华, (西安 : 陕西人民出版社, 2017.)
(WEB) GT2907.C6 茶道与茶艺 / 主编王绍梅, 宋文明 ; 副主编李亚莉, 邹瑶.
Book by 王绍梅, & 宋文明, (重庆市 : 重庆大学出版社, 2011.)
(WEB) GT2907.C6 茶悦 : 奇茗30品 / 陈勇光著.
Book by 陈勇光, (济南市 : 山東畫報出版社, 2014.)
(WEB) HB3654.S894 苏州人口和计划生育工作十年回顾 / 谭伟良主编.
Book by 谭伟良, (北京市 : 中国人口出版社 , 2013.)
(WEB) HC426.5.A2 继承者们 : 站在财富上的奋斗 / 朱丹红著.
Book by 朱丹红, (武汉 : 华中大学出版社, 2016.)
(WEB) HC426.5.G8634 耕者无疆 : 郭根荣的创业人生 / 王滟著.
Book by 王滟, (北京市 : 经济日报出版社, 2014.)
(WEB) HC427 咨询与决策.
(武汉市 : 湖北大学, 1978-)
(WEB) HD1537.C5 讀「湖南農民運動考察報告」 / 陳伯達著
Book by 陳伯達, (大連 : 新華書店, 1949)
(WEB) HD8039.A43 航空服务礼仪与化妆 / 民航教程编委会编.
(北京市 : 经济日报出版社, 2015.)
(WEB) HD9198.C62 茶店经营与网店营销 / 主编张星海.
Book by 张星海, (杭州市 : 浙江工商大学出版社, 2011.)
(WEB) HD9198.C62 茶江湖 : 茶业营销策划的实践和思考 / 徐方著.
Book by 徐方, (武汉市 : 华中科技大学出版社, 2016.)
(WEB) HE571 航运大数据 / 张云, 韩彦岭主编.
Book by 张云, & 韩彦岭, (上海 : 上海科学技术出版社, 2016.)
(WEB) HG187.C6 上海金融學報.
([上海市] : [上海金融學報編輯部])
(WEB) HM1166 能说会道社交秀才 / 方国荣, 李海燕主编.
Book by 方国荣, & 李海燕, (合肥市 : 安徽人民出版社, 2013.)
(WEB) HN740.S894 苏州城乡社区治理模式创新探索 = Exploring Suzhou urban-rural community governing modes innovation / 主编张伟.
Book by 张伟, (苏州市 : 苏州大学出版社, 2015.)
(WEB) HX416.5 继承与创新 : 马克思主义中国化理论与实践问题研究 / 许春玲, 鲁宽民主编.
Book by 许春玲, & 鲁宽民, (西安 : 陕西人民出版社, 2012.)

Last Updated: 24-07-2024