From |
Till |
Title |
Content |
Bibliography |
2011-02-14 |
2011-03-13 |
100th Anniversary of Aviation in Hong Kong 香港航空百周年展 |
2009-10-28 |
2009-11-15 |
A Celebration: Charles Darwin & the Evolutionary Theory |
2012-03-01 |
2012-03-21 |
A Century of Changes : Urban Transformation of Hong Kong 香江舊影:香港城市的變遷(1841-1941) |
2008-02-29 |
2008-03-27 |
Across Asia on a Shoestring 隨心隨緣看亞洲 |
2004-07-02 |
2004-07-31 |
Australia 澳洲 |
2003-12-17 |
2004-01-04 |
Aviation History 航空歷史 |
2005-11-17 |
2005-11-20 |
Ba Jin 巴金 |
2011-11-14 |
2011-12-18 |
British Army Aid Group Drawings 英軍服務團情報草圖展覽 |
2007-11-07 |
2007-12-09 |
Central-Western District old stores 中西區的老店 |
2005-08-01 |
2005-08-31 |
Central-Western District 中西區 |
2005-06-01 |
2005-06-30 |
China Rural Education : a Photographic Exhibition 中國山區教育圖片展 |
2011-09-03 |
2011-10-15 |
China's 1911 Revolution 辛亥革命 |
2005-11-21 |
2005-12-14 |
Chinese Herbs 中醫藥與食療 |
2011-01-18 |
2011-02-12 |
Chinese Landscape Painting 中國山水畫 |
2006-01-16 |
2006-02-19 |
Chinese New Year Customs 春節習俗 |
2012-01-17 |
2012-02-29 |
Chinese New Year Poster 中國年畫 |
2010-01-18 |
2010-02-28 |
Chinese Paper Cutting 中國剪紙 |
2003-11-07 |
2003-12-07 |
Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the University of Hong Kong 孫中山與香港大學 |
2007-10-13 |
2007-11-05 |
Eileen Chang: Hong Kong Legend (1939-1941) 張愛玲的香港傳奇 |
2006-02-20 |
2006-03-12 |
Exploration of Shanxi & Beijing 山西北京大開發 |
2010-03-15 |
2010-04-15 |
Gabriel Garcia Marquez 加夫列爾·賈西亞·馬奎斯 |
2011-06-20 |
2011-07-23 |
Hong Kong Chinese Business : History and Documents 香港華人商業 : 歷史和文獻 |
2004-09-23 |
2004-10-12 |
Hong Kong Football Association 90th Anniversary 香港足球總會九十週年紀念 |
2009-09-22 |
2009-10-24 |
Hong Kong Marine Police 香港水警 (1940-80s) |
2006-07-03 |
2006-08-14 |
Hong Kong Nature |
2010-06-17 |
2010-08-02 |
Hong Kong Nature Landscapes 香港自然風景 |
2006-03-27 |
2006-04-11 |
Legal History of Hong Kong |
2008-01-24 |
2008-02-28 |
Lion Dance 新春談舞獅 |
2003-10-20 |
2003-11-20 |
Local Snacks in Hong Kong 香港地道小吃 |
2008-08-01 |
2008-09-11 |
Olympic Games 奧林匹克運動會 |
2010-05-24 |
2010-06-16 |
Pinto Fernao Mendes 費爾南·門德斯·平托 |
2006-08-16 |
2006-09-17 |
Policing in Turbulent Hong Kong 動盪時期之香港警政(1940-60s) |
2006-12-04 |
2007-01-03 |
Professor Jao Tsung-I and the University of Hong Kong 饒宗頤教授與香港大學 |
2005-02-23 |
2005-04-03 |
Public Transport in Hong Kong 香港交通工具 |
2004-05-11 |
2004-06-07 |
School Stories 學校故事 |
2010-04-19 |
2010-05-23 |
Selected Bibliography of Wanchai, Causeway Bay & Happy Valley 灣仔、銅鑼灣及跑馬地書目資料選輯 |
2004-11-12 |
2004-12-03 |
Slope Safety in Hong Kong 香港斜坡安全 |
2007-02-05 |
2007-02-25 |
Spring Festival 春節 |
2011-04-18 |
2011-05-22 |
Sustainability 可持續發展 |
2012-01-04 |
2012-01-15 |
Szeto Wah Collection Turnover Ceremony cum Exhibition 「司徒華書房」移交典禮暨展覽 |
2007-08-13 |
2007-09-14 |
The Morrison Library 馬禮遜圖書館 |
2011-03-14 |
2011-04-16 |
The University of Hong Kong Libraries Centenary Exhibition 香港大學圖書館百周年展 (1912-2012) |
2010-09-01 |
2010-09-16 |
The University of Hong Kong Libraries 香港大學圖書館 (1912-2011) |
2005-07-04 |
2005-07-16 |
Travel Writing |
2007-03-21 |
2007-04-23 |
Triennial Intervarsity Games (TIG) 四角大學賽 |
2010-10-11 |
2011-02-21 |
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 140th Anniversary Exhibition 東華三院一百四十周年展覽 (1870-2010) |
2005-05-01 |
2005-05-30 |
Wildlife and Nature 野生動物與大自然 |
2004-08-09 |
2004-09-04 |
Yue Lan Festival (Festival of the Hungry Ghosts) 盂蘭節 |
2010-10-11 |
2010-11-04 |
勞動歲月相片展 |
2009-11-16 |
2009-11-30 |
南社成立百周年紀念展覽 (1909-2009) |