News & Announcements

4/F Main Library

Archive for August, 2019

Aug 28 2019

Introducing uPrint service at the Libraries


Introducing uPrint service at the Libraries

The University Libraries is pleased to announce the implementation of uPrint service.

The uPrint service is now available in the Main Library and all Branch Libraries.  Developed by HKU Information Technology Services (ITS), uPrint operates on a quota-based system using the HKU staff/student/facilities access card for printing and photocopying on campus.

Benefits of uPrint at the Libraries:

  • Flexible and easy to use. You are no longer required to specify the printer to which your print jobs are sent or input any passcode to retrieve your print jobs. You can retrieve your print jobs at any printers by simply touching your staff/student/library card on the smart card pad installed on every machine.
  • Latest technology. All our current printers/photocopiers were replaced by brand new machines, enhancing printing quality.
  • Unified system. With the adoption of uPrint in the Libraries, the printing and photocopying service is standardized across campus. Undergraduate students can now use their free printing units in the Libraries.
  • On-the-go printing. In addition to laptop printing, mobile and tablet printing is supported for both iOS and Android systems.

HKU staff and students with a valid HKU portal account can add printing units (quota) using the HKU uPrint app or use an Octopus card at an ITS Add Value Machines (AVM) or any AVMs in the Libraries.

Library patrons holding a facilities access card or without an HKU portal account can add printing units to their uPrint accounts using the AVMs in the Libraries only.  The Library’s AVMs are located in the Main Library (2/F and Level 3) and in all Branch Libraries.

For more details and technical support, go to: or feel free to email us or visit any library counter.


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Aug 23 2019

New Overnight Open Area Arrangements at the Main Library

New Overnight Open Area Arrangements at the Main Library

Effective from 2 September 2019, the new overnight open area arrangements at the Main Library will take effect as noted below:

The area will be closed for cleaning between 7:30am and 8:30am from Monday to Saturday and between 9:00am and 10:00am on Sunday.

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Aug 20 2019

Libraries launches Reading Lists Service

The University Libraries is pleased to launch the Reading Lists Service through which course readinglists can be created for teaching staff.  You are invited to contact your Faculty or Branch Librarians for further details or to have reading lists set up for you.

With the help of ITS, ReadingList@HKUL is now fully integrated and available in all Moodle courses starting from the first semester of 2019-20.


ReadingList@HKUL is a powerful and convenient tool that helps teaching staff create dynamic readinglists that can be shared with students in a Moodle course.  It is fully integrated with the Libraries’ system and HKU Moodle.  Course readings can be set up with ReadingList@HKUL either in the public list at or embedded in courses on HKU Moodle.  With this tool, you can easily build lists to include a wide range of sources such as books, ebooks, online articles, streaming videos or websites.


ReadingList@HKUL, by bridging the Libraries’ system and HKU Moodle, brings the best of both systems to students and enhances students’ learning experiences.  More information about ReadingList@HKUL is available at



Peter Sidorko

University Librarian

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