Call Number | Title |
(WEB) | Bulletin of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade. ([Belgrade] : Natural History Museum Belgrade, 2008-) |
(WEB) G845 | The West Antarctic ice sheet : behavior and environment / Richard B. Alley and Robert A. Bindschadler, editors. Book by Alley, Richard B. & Bindschadler, R. A., (Washington, D.C. : American Geophysical Union, 2001.) |
(WEB) GB1197.77 | Managed groundwater recharge and rainwater harvesting : outlook from Developing Countries / Dipankar Saha, Karen G. Villholth, Mohamed Shamrukh, editors. Book by Saha, Dipankar & Villholth, Karen G., & Shamrukh, Mohamed, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) GB1197.77 | Managed aquifer recharge in MENA countries : developments, applications, challenges, strategies, and sustainability / Mustafa El-Rawy, Abdelazim Negm, editors. Book by El-Rawy, Mustafa, & Negm, Abdelazim M., (Cham : Springer, [2024]) |
(WEB) GB1339 | Rivers of India : past, present and future / Shyam Kanhaiya, Saurabh Singh, Arohi Dixit, Atul Kumar Singh, editors. Book by Kanhaiya, Shyam, & Singh, Saurabh, & Dixit, Arohi, & Singh, Atul Kumar, (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) GB1398.2 | River ice processes and ice flood forecasting : a guide for practitioners and students / Karl-Erich Lindenschmidt. Book by Lindenschmidt, Karl-Erich, (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) GB1399 | Flood risk management : assessment and strategy / Brototi Biswas, Bhagwan Balasaheb Ghute, editors. Book by Biswas, Brototi, & Ghute, Bhagwan Balasaheb, (Singapore : Springer, [2024]) |
(WEB) GB2803.2 | Hydrometeorology : forecasting and applications / Kevin Sene. Book by Sene, Kevin, (Cham : Springer, [2024]) |
(WEB) GB406 | Geomorphic risk reduction using geospatial methods and tools / Raju Sarkar, Sunil Saha, Basanta Raj Adhikari, Rajib Shaw, editors. Book by Sarkar, Raju, & Saha, Sunil, & Adhikari, Basanta Raj, & Shaw, Rajib, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) GB431 | Latin American geomorphology : from the crust to Mars / Andrea Coronato, Grace B. Alves, editors. Book by Coronato, Andrea. & Alves, Grace B., (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) GB438.N35 | The nature of geomorphological hazards in the Nepal Himalaya / Jan Kalvoda, Eva Novotná, editors. Book by Kalvoda, Jan, & Novotná, Eva, (Cham : Springer, [2024]) |
(WEB) GB439.P7 | Landscapes and landforms of Poland / Piotr Migoń, Kacper Jancewicz, editors. Book by Migoń, Piotr. & Jancewicz, Kacper., (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) GB501.2 | Mountain environments : changes and impacts : natural landscapes and human adaptations to diversity / José M. García-Ruiz, José Arnáez, Teodoro Lasanta, Estela Nadal-Romero, Juan Ignacio López- Moreno. Book by García-Ruiz, José M. & Arnáez Vadillo, José, & Lasanta, Teodoro, & Nadal-Romero, Estela, & López- Moreno, Juan Ignacio, (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) GB561 | Gravel-bed rivers : processes and disasters / edited by Daizo Tsutsumi and Jonathan B. Laronne. Book by Tsutsumi, Daizo, & Laronne, Jonathan B., (Chichester, UK ; Hoboken, NJ : Wiley Blackwell, 2017.) |
(WEB) GB568.71 | Riverbank erosion in the Bengal Delta : an integrated perspective / Aznarul Islam, Sanat Kumar Guchhait. Book by Islam, Aznarul, & Guchhait, Sanat Kumar., (Cham : Springer, 2023.) |
(WEB) GB608.68.M66 | Speleology of Montenegro / Goran Barovic, editor. Book by Barovic, Goran., (Cham : Springer International Publishing AG, 2024.) |
(WEB) GB656.2.C63 | Python for water and environment / Anil Kumar, Manabendra Saharia. Book by Kumar, Anil, & Saharia, Manabendra, (Singapore : Springer, [2024]) |
(WEB) GB656.2.H9 | Hydrological processes modelling and data analysis : a primer / Vijay P. Singh, Rajendra Singh, Pranesh Kumar Paul, Deepak Singh Bisht, Srishti Gaur. Book by Singh, V. P. & Singh, Rajendra, & Paul, Pranesh Kumar, & Bisht, Deepak Singh, & Gaur, Srishti, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) GB661.2 | Hydrology and its discontents : contemplations on the innate paradoxes of water research / John T. Van Stan II, Jack Simmons. Book by Van Stan, John Toland, & Simmons, Jack, (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) GC11.2 | Ocean -- the secret of Planet Earth / Carlos M. Duarte. Book by Duarte, Carlos M, (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) GC401 | The polar oceans and their role in shaping the global environment : the Nansen centennial volume / O.M. Johannessen, R.D. Muench, J.E. Overland, editors. Book by Nansen, Fridtjof, & Johannessen, Ola M. & Muench, Robin D. & Overland, James E., (Washington, DC, USA : American Geophysical Union, [1994]) |
(WEB) GC671 | The Aegean Sea environment : the geodiversity of the natural system / volume editors, Christos L. Anagnostou [and five others] ; with contributions by K. Aikaterini [and 67 others]. Book by Anagnostou, Christos L., (Cham : Springer, [2024]) |
(WEB) GC89 | Sea level : a history / Wilko Graf von Hardenberg. Book by Hardenberg, Wilko Graf von, (Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2024.) |
(WEB) QC801 | The earth beneath the continents a volume of geophysical studies in honor of Merle A. Tuve. Editors: John S. Steinhart [and] T. Jefferson Smith. Book by Steinhart, John S, & Tuve, Merle Antony, & Smith, Thomas Jefferson, (Washington, American Geophysical Union, 1966.) |
(WEB) QC801 | Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Physical and Mathematical Modelling of Earth and Environmental Processes / Vladimir Karev, editor. Book by Karev, Vladimir, (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) QC807 | Energy flow and Earth : how Earth works / John A. Whitehead. Book by Whitehead, John A., (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) QC851 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Radioscience, Equatorial Atmospheric Science and Environment and Humanosphere Science : INCREASE 2023, 21-22 Nov, Indonesia / Sopia Lestari, Heru Santoso, Marfasran Hendrizan, Trismidianto, Ginaldi Ari Nugroho, Afif Budiyono, Sri Ekawati, editors. Book by Lestari, Sopia. & Santoso, Heru. & Hendrizan, M. & Trismidianto. & Nugroho, Ginaldi Ari. & Budiyono, Afif. & Ekawati, Sri., (Singapore : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) QC880.4.A8 | The North Atlantic oscillation : climatic significance and environmental impact / James W. Hurrell, Yochanan Kushnir, Geir, Ottersen, Martin Visbeck,editors. Book by Hurrell, James W., & Kushnir, Yochanan, & Ottersen, Geir, & Visbeck, Martin, (Washington, DC : American Geophysical Union, [2003].) |
(WEB) QC881.2.I6 | The ionosphere with GNSS SDR : specialized software-defined radio and in-depth ionospheric research / Ivan G. Petrovski II. Book by Petrovski, Ivan G., (Cham : Springer, [2024]) |
(WEB) QC882.42 | Aerosol optical depth and precipitation : measuring particle concentration, health risks and environmental impacts / Sneha Gautam, Roshini Praveen Kumar, Cyril Samuel, editors. Book by Gautam, Sneha, & Kumar, Roshini Praveen, & Samuel, Cyril, (Cham : Springer, [2024]) |
(WEB) QC883.8 | Micrometeorology / Thomas Foken, Matthias Mauder. Book by Foken, Th., & Mauder, Matthias, (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) QC884.5.T73 | The Quarternary in the Tropics : a reconstruction of the palaeoclimate / Klaus Heine. Book by Heine, Klaus, (Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2024]) |
(WEB) QC928.6 | Learning from weather modification law for the governance of regional solar radiation management / Manon Simon. Book by Simon, Manon, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) QC966 | Rocket-triggered lightning : the development of physical process and effect of lightning discharge / Li Cai, Jianguo Wang, Mi Zhou, Jinxin Cao, Yadong Fan. Book by Cai, Li, & Wang, Jianguo, & Zhou, Mi, & Cao, Jinxin, & Fan, Yadong, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) QC980 | Climate processes and climate sensitivity / edited by James E. Hansen, Taro Takahashi. Book by Hansen, James E. & Takahashi, Taro., (Washington, D.C. : American Geophysical Union, 1984.) |
(WEB) QC981.7.U7 | Livable cities : urban heat islands mitigation for climate change adaptation through urban greening / Mohsen Aboulnaga, Antonella Trombadore, Mona Mostafa, Ahmed Abouaiana. Book by Aboulnaga, Mohsen M., & Trombadore, Antonella, & Mostafa, Mona, & Abouaiana, Ahmed, (Cham : Springer, [2024]) |
(WEB) QE1 | Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark. (Copenhagen : Geological Society of Denmark, 1970-) |
(WEB) QE276.3 | Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland. (Helsinki : The Society, 1968-) |
(WEB) QE285 | Discovering the unique geology of the Bergell Alps / Hans-Rudolf Wenk, Elizabeth Wenk. Book by Wenk, Hans-Rudolf, & Wenk, Elizabeth., (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) QE299.5 | Buletin Persatuan Geologi Malaysia = Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia. (Kuala Lumpur : Printed by Penerbit Universiti Malaya, [1977?-]) |
(WEB) QE328 | The geology of North Africa / Zakaria Hamimi, Moulley Charaf Chabou, Ezzoura Errami, Abdel-Rahman Fowler, Nuri Fello, Amara Masrouhi, Rémi Leprêtre, editors. Book by Hamimi, Zakaria, & Chabou, Moulley Charaf, & Errami, Ezzoura, & Fowler, Abdel-Rahman, & Fello, Nuri, & Masrouhi, Amara, & Leprêtre, Rémi, (Cham : Springer, [2024]) |
(WEB) QE33.2.M3 | Exploratory potential methods in geothermal power generation : a survey on innovative gravimetry and magnetometry / Willi Freeden, Helga Nutz. Book by Freeden, W. & Nutz, Helga, (Cham : Birkhäuser, 2024.) |
(WEB) QE33.2.R4 | Quantitative remote sensing of land surfaces / Shunlin Liang. Book by Liang, Shunlin, (Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Interscience, [2004]) |
(WEB) QE350.22.M52 | The natural environment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge : a case study of the potential mining site / Teresa Radziejewska, Jan Marcin Węsławski, Michał Tomczak, editors. Book by Radziejewska, Teresa, & Węsławski, Jan Marcin, & Tomczak, Michał, ([Place of publication not identified] : SPRINGER, 2024.) |
(WEB) QE431.2 | Statistical rock physics / Gabor Korvin. Book by Korvin, G., (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) QE438 | Fire-cracked rock analysis : a guide to function, cooking and interpretation / Fernanda Neubauer. Book by Neubauer, Fernanda, (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) QE462.B3 | Basalts and phase diagrams : an introduction to the quantitative use of phase diagrams in igneous petrology / Stearns A. Morse. Book by Morse, Stearns A., (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) QE471.2 | Fluvial sedimentology VI / edited by N.D. Smith and J. Rogers. Book by Smith, Norman D. & Rogers, J., (Oxford ; Malden, Mass : Blackwell Science, 1999.) |
(WEB) QE501 | Neogenic evolution of the Mediterranean Region : geodynamics, tectonics and seismicity / Enzo Mantovani, Marcello Viti, Daniele Babbucci, Caterina Tamburelli. Book by Mantovani, E., & Viti, Marcello, & Babbucci, Daniele, & Tamburelli, Caterina, (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) QE509.5 | Validation and reconstruction of remote sensing land surface temperature products / Wenping Yu, Yuechen Li, Xujun Han, Lei Fan, Wei Zhou, Mingguo Ma, Weiyu Shi. Book by Yu, Wenping, & Li, Yuechen, & Han, Xujun, & Fan, Lei, & Zhou, Wei, & Ma, Mingguo, & Shi, Weiyu, (Singapore : Springer, [2024]) |
(WEB) QE515 | Quantum geochemistry / Giulio Armando Ottonello. Book by Ottonello, Giulio, (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) QE522 | Volcanology : processes, deposits, geology and resources / Ray Cas, Guido Giordano, John V. Wright. Book by Cas, R. A. F. & Giordano, G. & Wright, J. V., (Cham : Springer, [2024]) |
(WEB) QE534.3 | Recent developments in earthquake seismology : present and future of seismological analysis / Rohtash Kumar, Raghav Singh, Shyam Kanhaiya, Satya Prakash Maurya, editors. Book by Kumar, Rohtash, & Singh, Raghav, & Kanhaiya, Shyam, & Maurya, Satya Prakash, (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) QE538.8 | Earthquake prediction : an international review / edited by David W. Simpson, Paul G. Richards. Book by Simpson, David W. & Richards, Paul G., (Washington, D.C. : American Geophysical Union, [1981]) |
(WEB) QE571 | Surface environments and human interactions : reflections from Asia / Rajat Mazumder, Rajib Shaw, editors. Book by Mazumder, R. & Shaw, Rajib., (Singapore : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) QE581 | Modern and ancient fluvial systems / edited by J.D. Collinson and J. Lewin. Book by Collinson, J. D. & Lewin, John, (Oxford ; Boston : Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1983.) |
(WEB) QE598.2 | Remote sensing for characterization of geohazards and natural resources / Estelle Chaussard, Cathleen Jones, Jingyi Ann Chen, Andrea Donnellan, editors. Book by Chaussard, Estelle, & Jones, Cathleen, & Chen, Jingyi Ann, & Donnellan, Andrea, (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) QE599.2 | Landslide: susceptibility, risk assessment and sustainability : application of geostatistical and geospatial modeling / Gopal Krishna Panda, Rajib Shaw, Subodh Chandra Pal, Uday Chatterjee, Asish Saha, editors. Book by Panda, G. K. & Shaw, Rajib, & Pal, Subodh Chandra, & Chatterjee, Uday, & Saha, Asish, (Cham : Springer, [2024]) |
(WEB) QE599.A1 | Advances in debris-flow science and practice / Matthias Jakob, Scott McDougall, Paul Santi, editors. Book by Jakob, Matthias, & McDougall, Scott, & Santi, Paul M., (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) QE599.I4 | Landslide risk assessment and mitigation in India : proceedings of the national conference, November 01-02, 2022, New Delhi, India / Haroon Sajjad, Masood Ahsan Siddiqui, Atiqur Rahman, Lubna Siddiqui, Hasan Raja Naqvi, Adnan Shakeel, Asif, editors. Book by Sajjad, Haroon & Siddiqui, Masood Ahsan. & Rahman, Atiqur, & Siddiqui, Lubna. & Naqvi, Hasan Raja. & Shakeel, Adnan. & Asif., (Singapore : Springer Singapore Pte. Limited, 2024.) |
(WEB) QE604 | Mechanical behavior of crustal rocks : the Handin volume / [edited by] N.L. Carter [and others]. Book by Handin, John. & Carter, N. L., (Washington, D.C. : American Geophysical Union, 1981.) |
(WEB) QE615.5.C6 | Field trip guidebook on Chinese sedimentary geology / Xiumian Hu, editor. Book by Hu, Xiumian, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) QH76.5.L8 | Oilscapes of Louisiana : neopragmatic reflections on the ambivalent aesthetics of landscape constructions / Olaf Kühne, Lara Koegst, Karsten Berr. Book by Kühne, Olaf, & Koegst, Lara, & Berr, Karsten, (Wiesbaden, Germany : Springer VS, 2024.) |
(WEB) TN264 | Deep-sea minerals developments in the 20th Century / David S. Cronan. Book by Cronan, D. S., (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) TN799.5 | Current trends in mineral-based products and utilization of wastes : recent studies from India : prospects and challenges of mineral based products and utilization of wastes for the 'Make in India' Initiative, Nagpur November 10-11, 2022 / Kirtikumar Randive, Ashok Kumar Nandi, Pradeep Kumar Jain, Sanjeevani Jawadand, editors. Book by Randive, K. R., & Nandi, Ashok Kumar, & Jain, Pradeep Kumar, & Jawadand, Sanjeevani, (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) TN800 | Sedimentology of coal and coal-bearing sequences / edited by R.A. Rahmani and R.M. Flores. Book by Rahmani, R. A. & Flores, Romeo M., (Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1984.) |
(WEB) TN86.U7 | Geology, petrochemistry and ore content of carbonaceous deposits of the Kumak Ore Field / Alexandra V. Panteleeva, Aleksandr V. Snachev, editors. Book by Panteleeva, Alexandra V. & Snachëv, A. V., (Cham : Springer, 2024.) |
(WEB) TN870.57 | Applied matrix acidizing of carbonate reservoir / Ehsan Khamehchi, Mohammad Reza Khaleghi, Amirhossein Abbasi, Javad Mahdavi Kalatehno. Book by Khamehchi, Ehsan, & Khaleghi, Mohammad Reza, & Abbasi, Amirhossein, & Mahdavi Kalatehno, Javad, (Cham : Springer, [2024]) |
(WEB) TN876.A98 | Pliocene hydrocarbon sedimentary series of Azerbaijan / Akif Alizadeh, Ibrahim Guliyev, Parviz Mamedov, Elmira Aliyeva, Akper Feyzullayev, Dadash Huseynov, Lev Eppelbaum. Book by Alizadeh, Akif A., & Guliyev, I. S. & Mamedov, Parviz, & Aliyeva, Elmira, & Feyzullayev, Akper, & Huseynov, Dadash, & Eppelbaum, Lev V., (Cham : Springer, [2024]) |
(WEB) TN876.C5 | Paleogeography and gas exploration of marine multiple formations in Central Sichuan Basin / Qiufen Li, Tongshan Wang. Book by Li, Qiufen, & Wang, Tongshan, (Singapore : Springer, 2024.) |