New Acquisitions List for General-Arts and Humanities
Call Number | Title |
(WEB) | Etruscan and Italic studies. (Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2018-) |
(WEB) B171 | Apeiron : a journal for ancient philosophy and science. (July 1967-1985 : Clayton, Victoria, Australia : Department of Classical Studies, Monash University, [1967]- Fall 1985- : South Edmonton, Alberta, Canada : Academic Printing & Publishing <2012-> : [Boston, MA] : [Walter de Gruyter, Inc.]) |
(WEB) B175.I7 | Elenchos : rivista di studi sul pensiero antico. (Napoli : Bibliopolis 2017- : Berlin : De Gruyter) |
(WEB) B2750 | Kant yearbook. (Berlin ; New York : Walter de Gruyter, [2009]-) |
(WEB) B3056.V662 | On the divine things and their revelation / Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi ; translated and with an introduction by Paolo Livieri. Book by Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich, & Livieri, Paolo, (Montreal ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2024]) |
(WEB) B4370 | Kierkegaard studies. Yearbook / edited on behalf of the Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre. (Berlin : Walter de Gruyter) |
(WEB) B823 | Journal of transcendental philosophy. (Berlin, Germany : Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2020-) |
(WEB) BF637.M56 | Mindfulness for life / Willem Kuyken. Book by Kuyken, W., (New York : The Guilford Press, [2024]) |
(WEB) BM70 | Latin American Jewish studies. (Brookline, MA : Academic Studies Press, 2022-) |
(WEB) BP130.8 | Journal of the International Qur'anic Studies Association. (Atlanta, GA : Lockwood Press : International Qur'anic Studies Association, 2016-) |
(WEB) BR115 | Justice and Truth Shall Meet : A Dominican Exploration. Book by Nolan, Albert, & O'Driscoll, Mary., (Adelaide : ATF Press, 2024.) |
(WEB) BR120 | Journal of early modern christianity. (Berlin : De Gruyter, 2014-) |
(WEB) BS511.3 | Journal of the Bible and its reception. ([Berlin] : Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2014-) |
(WEB) BV1 | International journal of practical theology. (Berlin ; New York : Walter De Gruyter) |
(WEB) BV3660.T3 | Gondwana theology : a Trawloolway man reflects on Christian faith / Garry Worete Deverell. Book by Deverill, Garry Worete, (Adelaide : ATF Press, 2024.) |
(WEB) BX1753 | On the dignity of society : Catholic social teaching and natural law / F. Russell Hittinger ; edited by Scott J. Roniger ; foreword by Mary Ann Glendon. Book by Hittinger, F. Russell, & Roniger, Scott J., & Glendon, Mary Ann, (Washington, D.C. : The Catholic University of America Press, [2024]) |
(WEB) BX3009.G4 | Faith in education at the Skidaway Island Benedictine mission / Laura Seifert. Book by Seifert, Laura, (Athens : The University of Georgia Press, [2024]) |
(WEB) BX4840 | Plagues of the heart : crisis and covenanting in a seventeenth-century Scottish town / Michelle D. Brock. Book by Brock, Michelle D., (Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2024.) |
(WEB) BX6383 | Appalachian mountain Christianity : the spirituality of otherness / Bill J. Leonard. Book by Leonard, Bill, (Athens : The University of Georgia Press, [2024]) |
(WEB) D16.163 | International public history. ([Germany] : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018-) |
(WEB) D51 | Journal of ancient history. ([Boston] ; [Berlin] : De Gruyter, [2013]-) |
(WEB) DR589 | Facing the victorious Turks : how the French misread the Turkish war of independence / Andrew Orr. Book by Orr, Andrew, (Lawrence, Kansas : University Press of Kansas, [2024]) |
(WEB) DS41 | Journal of ancient Near Eastern history. (Boston, MA : Walter de Gruyter, Inc., 2014-) |
(WEB) DS56 | Journal of the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies. (Toronto, Ontario : Canadian Society for Syriac Studies <2016-> : Piscataway, NJ : Gorgias Press) |
(WEB) DT569.5 | Heritage and History in Africa : social and Ethno-Historical Perspectives on Heritage Elements in Cameroon. (Oxford : African Books Collective 2024) |
(WEB) E457.52 | Black Americans in mourning : reactions to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln / Leonne M. Hudson. Book by Hudson, Leonne M., (Carbondale : Southern Illinois University Press, [2024]) |
(WEB) E99.C59 | Before the roads, before the mines : Denesułiné memories, narratives, and the legacy of a northern hunting society / Robert Jarvenpa. Book by Jarvenpa, Robert, (Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, [2024]) |
(WEB) HC470.3 | Until death do us pay ; Climbing high / TVB News, Current Affairs & Documentaries Production. Book by Gecolea, Melissa, & Chen, Ruixuan, & Ho, Kelly, & Chow, Raymond, & Tang, Ruger, & Wan, Tak Ming, & Yip, Sam, & Wong, Michael, ([Hong Kong] : Television Broadcasts Limited, [2024].) |
(WEB) HC470.3 | The French connection ; On higher ground / TVB News, Current Affairs & Documentaries Production. Book by Gecolea, Melissa, & Ho, Kelly, & Wan, Tak Ming, & Tang, Ruger, & Tsang, Wai Chuen, & Yip, Sam, & Wong, Michael, ([Hong Kong] : Television Broadcasts Limited, [2024]) |
(WEB) HC470.3 | Rainbow nation ; Cure on wheels / TVB News, Current Affairs & Documentaries Production. Book by Gecolea, Melissa, & Chin, Zela, & Jiang, Tina, & Wan, Tak-ming, & Ho, Christian, & Wong, Michael, ([Hong Kong] : Television Broadcasts Limited, [2024]) |
(WEB) JQ751.A58 | Resistance Through Higher Education : Myanmar Universities' Struggle Against Authoritarianism. Book by Proserpio, Licia, (Bristol : Bristol University Press, 2024.) |
(WEB) P1.A1 | Linguistics vanguard. (Berlin, Germany : De Gruyter Mouton) |
(WEB) P121 | Glottotheory. ([Place of distribution not identified] : De Gruyter, 2008-) |
(WEB) P129 | European journal of applied linguistics. ([Berlin, Germany] : De Gruyter Mouton, 2013-) |
(WEB) P143 | Mother tongue : journal of the Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory. (Brookline, MA : The Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory, [1995]- 2020- [Piscataway, NJ] : Gorgias Press LLC) |
(WEB) P165 | Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association. (Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, [2013]-) |
(WEB) P1 | Corpus linguistics and linguistic theory. (Germany : Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG. <Oct 2015-> : [Germany?] : De Gruyter Mouton) |
(WEB) P201 | Papers on grammar / Consiglio nazionale delle richerche, Università di Bologna, Istituto di filologia latina e medioevale. |
(WEB) P201 | Journal of Latin linguistics. ([Berlin] : De Gruyter, 2013-) |
(WEB) P326.5.P45 | Yearbook of phraseology. ([Berlin] : Mouton de Gruyter) |
(WEB) P367 | Dialectologia et geolinguistica : DiG. (München : Published for SIDG by Lincom Europa <November 2015-> : [Place of publication not identified] : De Gruter Mouton) |
(WEB) P40.8 | Educational linguistics. (Berlin, Germany : Walter de Gruyter GmbH., 2022-) |
(WEB) P501 | Indogermanische Forschungen. Book by Brugmann, Karl, & Streitberg, Wilhelm, & Leskien, A., (Berlin ; New York : W. de Gruyter, 1891-) |
(WEB) P96.A53 | Virtual menageries : animals as mediators in network cultures / Jody Berland. Book by Berland, Jody, (Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2019]) |
(WEB) P99.4.P72 | Lodz papers in pragmatics. (<2007-> : Warsaw : Versita <2013-> : Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton) |
(WEB) PA3 | Philologus. (Berlin, Germany : De Gruyter, [2013?]-) |
(WEB) PA6507 | Clever little books : Martial's epigrams and sexual knowledge in early modern Europe / Ian Frederick Moulton. Book by Moulton, Ian Frederick, (Toronto ; Buffalo : University of Toronto Press, [2024]) |
(WEB) PE3 | Anglia. |
(WEB) PJ7542.E4 | Of lost cities : the Maghribī poetic imagination / Nizar F. Hermes. Book by Hermes, Nizar F., (Montreal ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2024]) |
(WEB) PK1501 | Journal of South Asian languages and linguistics. (Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, [2014]-) |
(WEB) PL501 | Journal of Japanese linguistics. |
(WEB) PL8506.M361 | Akósè : reader & grammar. Book by Ekane, Ajale Joseph, (Oxford : Oxford : African Books Collective, 2024) |
(WEB) PM3968.85.C54 | Caracoleando among worlds : reconstructing Maya worldviews in Chiapas / Silvia Soto. Book by Soto, Silvia, (Tucson : University of Arizona Press, 2024.) |
(WEB) PN212 | Frontiers of narrative studies. (Berlin : Walter de Gruyter, 2014-) |
(WEB) PN3435 | Ghosts and their hosts : the colonization of the invisible world / Sladja Blažan. Book by Blažan, Sladja, (Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press, 2024.) |
(WEB) PN3503 | Swallowing a world : globalization and the maximalist novel / Benjamin Bergholtz. Book by Bergholtz, Benjamin, (Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, [2024]) |
(WEB) PN45 | Journal of literary theory. (Berlin : De Gruyter) |
(WEB) PN56.B36 | Greening Bohemia : the environmental arc of beat generation literature / Chad Weidner. Book by Weidner, Chad, (Clemson : Clemson University Press in association with Liverpool University Press, 2024.) |
(WEB) PN6112 | Journal of contemporary drama in English. ([Berlin] : De Gruyter, 2013-) |
(WEB) PN6149.P5 | The philosophy of humor yearbook. (Berlin : De Gruyter, 2020-) |
(WEB) PN75.S64 | The flesh of the matter : a critical forum on Hortense Spillers / edited by Margo Natalie Crawford and C. Riley Snorton. Book by Crawford, Margo Natalie, & Snorton, C. Riley, (Nashville, Tennessee : Vanderbilt University Press, [2024]) |
(WEB) PQ4681.A3 | Life / Vittorio Alfieri ; edited, translated, and annotated by Gianpiero W. Doebler ; with an introduction by Giorgio Ficara. Book by Alfieri, Vittorio, & Doebler, Gianpiero W., & Ficara, Giorgio, (Toronto ; Buffalo ; London: University of Toronto Press, 2025.) |
(WEB) PQ6073.R4 | Cartographies of disappearance : vestiges of everyday life in literature / Enric Bou. Book by Bou, Enric, (Toronto ; Buffalo ; London : University of Toronto Press, 2024.) |
(WEB) PQ6105 | Perilous passions : ethics and emotion in early modern Spain / Hilaire Kallendorf. Book by Kallendorf, Hilaire, (Toronto ; Buffalo ; London : University of Toronto Press, 2024.) |
(WEB) PQ6147.F35 | Specters, monsters, and the damned : fantastic threats to the social order in nineteenth-century Spanish fiction / Wan Sonya Tang. Book by Tang, Wan Sonya, (Nashville, Tennessee : Vanderbilt University Press, [2024]) |
(WEB) PR6053.A4855 | Ramsey Campbell / Keith M. C. O'Sullivan. Book by O'Sullivan, Keith M. C., ([Cardiff] : University of Wales Press, 2023.) |
(WEB) PR6102.A77 | Allyship actually : why it's 'we' and not 'me' / Lucy Grimwade and David Barrow. Book by Barrow, David, & Grimwade, Lucy, (Ely, Cambridgeshire : IT Governance Publishing Ltd, [2024]) |
(WEB) PR830.T3 | Gothic literary travel and tourism / Alex Bevan. Book by Bevan, Alex, (Cardiff : University of Wales Press, 2023.) |
(WEB) PR9265 | Inside Tenement Time : Suss, Spirit, and Surveillance. Book by Page, Kezia, (New Brunswick : Rutgers University Press, 2024.) |
(WEB) PS153.B53 | Black speculative feminisms : memory and liberated futures in Black women's fiction / Cassandra L. Jones. Book by Jones, Cassandra L., (Columbus : The Ohio State University Press, [2024]) |
(WEB) PS3057.I5 | Unsettling Thoreau : Native Americans, settler colonialism, and the power of place / John J. Kucich. Book by Kucich, John J., (Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, [2024]) |
(WEB) PS310.B53 | Pitfalls of prestige : Black women and literary recognition / Laura Elizabeth Vrana. Book by Vrana, Laura, (Columbus : The Ohio State University Press, [2024]) |
(WEB) PT123.G7 | Angermion : yearbook for Anglo-German literary criticism, intellectual history and cultural transfers = Jahrbuch für britisch-deutsche Kulturbeziehungen. Book by Görner, Rüdiger, (Berlin : De Gruyter) |
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[中] AC149 .B3578 2023 | 学术之路 : 跨学科国际学者对谈集 = Pathways of scholarship : reflective and methodological conversations with international scholars in humanities and social sciences / 白若云, 陈利编著. Book by 白若云, & 陈利, (北京 : 商务印书馆, 2023.) |
[中] AC150 .J524 2023 | 江藩全集 / (清)江藩著 ; 高明峰整理. Book by 江藩, & 高明峰, (南京市 : 鳳凰出版社, 2023.) |
[中] BL1950.M3 N284 2024 | 拿督公研究 : 史料与田野调查 / 主编陈爱梅 = The studies of Datuk Gong : historical materials and fieldworks / editor Tan Ai Boay. Book by 陈爱梅, (Selangor, Malaysia : 拉曼大学出版社, 2024.) |
Last Updated: 18-12-2024