Speaker: |
Dr. Ho Sik Ying, Petula |
Date: |
29 April 2014 (Tuesday) |
Time: |
7:00 - 9:00 pm |
Venue: |
Special Collections, 1/F, Main Library, The University of Hong Kong |
Language: |
廣東話 Cantonese |
About the Talk
Key theme: Going against the stream and counteracting mainstream culture
Special guests:
About the Author: 何式凝博士,香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系副教授,研究領域涵蓋男同性戀、女性情慾和多元關係等課題。近作有與曾家達合著的Sex and Desire in Hong Kong和《從情慾、倫理與權力看香港的兩性問題》。 2007年遊學日本意外跌傷手腕後,何式凝開始反思自己的學術與人生。她拍攝紀錄片,打破傳統的知識生產模式,建立新的社會研究方法。 2008年與莫頌靈成立The Sik Ying HO & Jolene MOK Production,合作完成的作品收錄於【香港廿二春:師奶列傳】。借視像呈現與詮釋女性情慾和渴望。近作收錄於【母女對對配】,作品包括 《半世紀茶跡》 和《愛與罰》。 除了教學和研究,何式凝曾主持多個電臺節目,包括《形形色色何式凝》, 《黃色訊號》, 《一箋茶論盡天下》, 《自由風,自由Phone》,《今夜陽光燦爛》, 《有武心情》,《顏式生活》, 建立另類粉絲群。 2013年,嘗試多媒體劇場,創作了「何式性望愛」。 二零零七年開始寫自傳,二零一三年得以面世。 游走在藝術與學術間,談情說性,樂此不疲。
Dr. Petula, Sik Ying HO is Associate Professor at the Department of Social Work and Social Administration at the University of Hong Kong. Her main research and teaching interests are in the area of homosexuality, gender and sexuality issues. She has made important contributions to the development of a dynamic theory of gender and sexuality in the international arena that will help problematize feminist theories and resist Western hegemonies through empirical case studies that make connections between discourses, cultural practices, political economy, and social change. She is working, with Professor Stevi Jackson on a book provisionally entitled Women Doing Intimacy: Gender, Family and Modernity in Hong Kong and Britain for Palgrave Macmillan’s ‘Studies in Family and Intimate Life’ series. Dr. Ho’s current projects also include using documentary films to explore the integration of arts and scholarship. She has produced 48 documentary films based on various research projects. They include: 22 Springs: The Invincible; Whatever Will Be Will Be; Hong Kong Calling Tokyo and The “Kong-lo” Chronicles.They represent new ways of collecting data, producing new knowledge and disseminating findings. Dr. Ho’s 2013 multi-media theatre performance “Love Sex and Hope: Ho Style” explores the use of theatre as a medium for sex education. She considers it to be the most innovative research output as it is one of the first theatrical performance that has uniquely combined sex, the arts and academic research. Her new book, co-edited with Ka Tat Tsang is entitled Love and Desire in Hong Kong. It is published in English and Chinese by Hong Kong University Press and China Social Science Press in 2012.
Website: http://sikyingho.socialwork.hku.hk/
About the book: This is a story of cruelty, cruelty to oneself and onto others. This is also a story of love, as love and cruelty manifested towards each other. Ho Sik Ying’s story as a female scholar and her past 55 years of life – love for a gay man, and then a married man, her experience of colonial education and her struggles in a lower-middle class family openly demonstrates how painful, but also, how joyous, her life-long project has been, despite of all the difficulties, social pressures and expectation. Every one of us, in our own ways, tries to forge a level of being that is honest with ourselves as well as coherent with our conception of good. Some of us are more successful, more diligent, or vigilant than others. The alternative is to live according to the rules and boundaries laid down for us in our society that is heavily conditioned by capitalist values, equivalent to a loss of self-dignity. Ho’s writing is an affirmation and encouragement for us to lead our own lives rigorously, thoughtfully, to the fullest, and the best of our ability. You will also find a voice which you may or may not resonate with, but of which you will most certainly be shocked, provoked, and moved.