The Education Library will be relocated to 8/F Meng Wah Complex in January 2013 and will be closed from Monday, 14 January to Wednesday, 16 January inclusive. The new library will re-open on Thursday, 17 January.
Borrowing and return of library materials during the period of Education Library closure will be arranged as follows:
BORROWING: Library users are encouraged to borrow books prior to the library’s move (on or before 12 January). Interlibrary loan services including HKALL (for local libraries) and ILLiad (for overseas libraries) will continue to operate.
RETURN: Library materials may be returned either to the Main Library or other Branch libraries. Please note that overdue fines will continue to accrue for materials not returned.
These may be collected from the Main Library G/F open shelves currently designated for pick-up of these materials.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause and seek your kind understanding during this turbulent period.
The new Education Library is located at 8/F Meng Wah Complex, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road. For enquiries, please contact Miss Lowell Leung at 2859-2205 (until 12 January) or email edulib@lib.hku.hk.
Peter Sidorko
University Librarian
Library Notice
6/F of the Main Library will be closed on Saturday 12 January 2013 for ceiling inspection. Normal access to 6/F will resume at 10 am on Sunday 13 January 2013.
This exhibition aims to share with you the musical journey from ground floor to top floor. In this journey, you will witness the transformation of the Library’s physical layouts and gain an overview of the collections and salient events illustrating the challenges and assiduous efforts that the generations of Music Librarians and support staff have experienced and asserting the Library’s commitment in meeting the needs of its users.
This exhibition is also part of the University Libraries’ Centennial Celebration events.
Date: December 13, 2012 – January 26, 2013
Venue: Music Library (11/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong)
Enquiry: (852) 3917 2218
Email: muslib@lib.hku.hk
Dear Colleagues, Students, Alumni and Friends,
Library Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year Holidays
21 December 2012 (Winter Solstice)
– CLOSED at 5 pm
24-26 December 2012 and 1 January 2013
31 December 2012
– CLOSED at 1 pm
The Library Corner at G/F and the Study Zone at Level 3, Main Library, will remain open after Main Library opening hours for the use of CURRENT STAFF and CURRENT STUDENTS ONLY.
For enquiry, please call 2859-2203 or 2241-5945.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Peter Sidorko
University Librarian
The Main Library and Medical Library will extend the opening hours for the coming Revision Week & Assessment Period from 8-23 December 2012:
Main Library:
Monday – Saturday: 8.30am – 6am of the following day
Sundays & Public Holidays: 8.30am – 6am of the following day
(except 2/F Green Roof, Special Collections, AV & Reserve Collection, and Level 3 Collaboration Zone)
Medical Library:
Monday – Friday: 8.15am – 6am of the following day
Saturday: 8.30am – 6am of the following day
Sundays & Public Holidays: 10am – 6am of the following day
All service counters will be closed outside the normal operating hours. In order to thoroughly clean the library, all users and their possessions must be cleared by 6am each morning. Items not removed from each desk will be removed by staff on duty and can be collected at
Main Library:
After 9 am (10 am on Sundays & Public Holidays) at the Lending Services Division on the G/F;
Yu Chun Keung Medical Library:
After 10 am at the Circulation Counter.
During the extended opening hours, contract security guards will be stationed in these two libraries to provide basic security services. When the circulation counters are closed, users can check out books using the self-check stations (G/F and 4/F in Main Library, and one in Medical Library). While there is no counter service, all public computers, printers and copiers will be available but no refill of printing paper will be provided.
For enquiry, please call 2859-2203 or 2241-5945.
With effect from 15 October, 2012, the University Libraries has launched an advisory service for students in the Chi Wah Learning Commons (智華館). The University Libraries will offer assistance to students in:
- using the library services and facilities;
- formulating search strategies;
- searching the information resources, such as Dragon (the library catalogue) and the article databases; and
- setting up personal consultations for in-depth information search.
The advisory service is available Monday to Friday from 1 to 5 pm in Zone R, i.e. the designated Student Advisory Services Zone shown in green in the following floor plan.

The Libraries aims to provide high quality advisory service to facilitate student learning experience at the Learning Commons which is developing into a campus hub for student-centered learning activities.
You are most welcome to share with us what you think about the Libraries’ advisory service at the Chi Wah Learning Commons by sending us an email to hkulref@hku.hk.
30 September 2012 (Mid-Autumn Festival):
The following libraries will open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Main Library
- Study Area
- Main Circulation & Interlibrary Loans
- AV & Reserve Collection
- Special Collections
- 2/F Green Roof
- Medical Library
The Law Library will open from 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm.
The Dental Library, Education Library, and Music Library will be closed.
1 October 2012 (The day following Mid-Autumn Festival) &
2 October 2012 (The day following National Day):
All HKU Libraries will be closed.
The Main Library Student Learning Centre and the Study Zone at Level 3 will remain open “after Main Library opening hours” for the use of CURRENT STAFF and CURRENT STUDENTS ONLY.
For enquiry, please call 2859-2203 or 2241-5945.
Best wishes
Peter Sidorko
University Librarian
To celebrate the opening of the Level 3 at Main Library, we are pleased to invite you to the Dedication & Opening Ceremony of Level 3, marking the generous gift donated by Dr Tam Wah Ching.
We are honoured to have Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, Vice-Chancellor and Dr Tam Wah Ching to officiate the Ceremony.
Details of the Ceremony:
– Date: Wednesday, 26 September 2012
– Time: 2:30 pm
– Venue: Level 3, Main Library, HKU
For enquiry, please contact Ms Marina Yeung at friends@lib.hku.hk
To mark the gift of Sir Philip Haddon-Cave Financial Papers to The University of Hong Kong Libraries, please come to this celebratory ceremony on 19 September 2012. The gift will certainly enrich the Libraries’ research resources.
We are honoured to have Professor S.P. Chow, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and members of the Haddon-Cave family to officiate the Ceremony.
Details of the Ceremony:
– Date: Wednesday, 19 September 2012
– Time: 2:30 pm
– Venue: Special Collections, 1/F Main Library
For enquiry, please contact Ms Marina Yeung at friends@lib.hku.hk
Join a HKU Freshmen Library Orientation and have the chance to win a coffee coupon or other gifts.
Register online to secure a place:
The orientation offers you the overview of the library collections, services and facilities in support of your learning and research. What’s more, by participating in one of our orientations, you may have the chance to win a coffee coupon or other gifts.
You are encouraged to attend the session offered by your Faculty Librarian. If you are not able to attend your Faculty-specific session, you are most welcome to join any other sessions.
We look forward to seeing you at one of our orientations!