The University of Hong Kong Libraries seeks to enhance its capabilities in providing resources, services and facilities that are beyond its existing financial capabilities. Donations are sought to enhance the Libraries' vision to “advance the teaching, learning, research, and knowledge exchange pursuits of the University” and bring this support to a superior level befitting a world-class institution such as The University of Hong Kong.
HKU Libraries 111 Fundraising Campaign
Our legacy continues – leave a legacy for the next 111 years
The Libraries take great pride celebrating its 111th anniversary and 111 years of dreams. As we celebrate our past achievements, it is also important that we take time to consider our future. What will the next 111 years bring for the Libraries ?
Our Campaign aims are as follows:
1. To benefit students with improved learning spaces
2. To preserve and conserve rare and valuable collections
3. To enhance the development of the Libraries
4. To impact future generations
Please join us to take this golden opportunity not only to celebrate our remarkable legacy, but also to walk with us in the journey of the next 111 years. Let us work together to chart a course that will guarantee our success for the future. All donations will go into a Libraries 111th Fund. You are empowered to impact Libraries’ future development.