




Traditional Chinese Books Printing and Binding Workshop

Preservation and Conservation of Traditional Chinese Books

UMAG Ink Rubbing Workshop

Ink Rubbing Workshop

HKPM Conservation and Historic Preservation Workshop (Painting & Calligraphary)- Lining

HKPM Ink Rubbing Workshop

Identification and Preservation of Architectural Drawings

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Information on the Arches Heritage Inventory and Management System

Best Practice for the Safe Handling, Soft Packing and Transport of Art and Artifacts

Collections Emergency Response and Recovery

Care and Identification of Photographs (from Daguerreotype to Digital)


Best Practice for the Safe Handling, Soft Packing and Transport of Art and Artifacts 

*This workshop is conducted in English.*

Instructor: Brent Powell
Dates: 27–28 May 2015 (Wed–Thu)
1–2 June 2015 (Mon–Tue)
Venues: University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong
Registration Fee: HKD5,000 (20 person max in each session)

This two-day Handling Workshop is designed to instruct attendees in the most current collections care practices, as well as the proper procedures and techniques for handling art and artifacts within museum and related environments. The primary target audience will include museum and gallery staff and art transport firm employees responsible for proper procedures and techniques for handling objects within their institutions and companies.
The first day will follow a lecture format with visual presentations targeting crucial issues of collections care practice. Topics will include the employee work environment, on-the-job training, planning and analysis prior to handling, handling techniques, materials, and the equipment needed to handle the most commonly found objects within the museum and gallery environment.
The first half of the second day will present attendees with demonstrations of how to handle, pack and transport objects within the museum or gallery site. Proven handling techniques will be presented for those two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects commonly found within the collections environment. Demonstrations for packing and transporting objects with specialized equipment will emphasize soft packing methods used to transport objects short distances outside of the space.
The final half of the second day will be set aside for hands-on experience with the handling and packing of designated objects that have been chosen to highlight information discussed over the first part of the workshop.
The goal is to give all attendees at different career levels an overarching knowledge of proper handling techniques and practices, which will make them an effective and quality individual within their workplace environment. Class size will be capped at 20 participants and simultaneous interpreting into Cantonese will be available.

Brent Powell was originally the Chair of PACCIN (Preparation, Art handling, Collections Care Network) from 1991–1998, and served as a Steering Committee member for several years before returning to chair the organization again during its restructuring in 2008. In conjunction with PACCIN he has co-authored, compiled and edited three publications and has written for other publications within AAM and the industry. He worked as project manager for ARTEX Fine Arts in Landover, MD between 2010 and 2013. Prior to that he was employed from 2007 through 2010 as the Head of Preparation for the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. Mr. Powell’s previous experiences includes Manager of Art Services for the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia (2002–2007); Director of Museum Services for International Art Services in Sydney Australia (2000–2002); Director of Special Projects for Fortress FAE in Baltimore, MD (1999–2000); Chief Preparator, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Mo.

To apply, please respond with your name, title and contact information, as well as a brief statement on how this course will benefit your current work or academic study. All information should be sent to the following address: mattison@hku.hk
Spaces are limited, so your quick response is appreciated.

University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG)
Preservation and Conservation Division, The University of Hong Kong Libraries
M+, West Kowloon Cultural District





