





Traditional Chinese Books Printing and Binding Workshop

Preservation and Conservation of Traditional Chinese Books

UMAG Ink Rubbing Workshop

Ink Rubbing Workshop

HKPM Conservation and Historic Preservation Workshop (Painting & Calligraphary)- Lining

HKPM Ink Rubbing Workshop

Identification and Preservation of Architectural Drawings

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Information on the Arches Heritage Inventory and Management System

Best Practice for the Safe Handling, Soft Packing and Transport of Art and Artifacts

Collections Emergency Response and Recovery

Care and Identification of Photographs (from Daguerreotype to Digital)




Collections Emergency Response and Recovery

*This workshop is conducted in English.*

Instructor: Priscilla Anderson
Dates: 24–25 November 2014 (Mon–Tue)
Venues: User Education Room, Run Run Shaw Library, City University of Hong Kong
Registration Fee: HKD2,000

The purpose of this workshop is to prepare staff to carry out response and recovery procedures during emergencies that threaten typical library and archival collections. The workshop consists of lectures, demonstration and hands-on practice in how to respond to an emergency effectively to prevent damage to the most vulnerable collections, and then how to salvage a variety of wet collection types during the recovery phase.  Based on a recent workshop offered to Harvard University staff, a template for a collections emergency plan will be shared as well as an in-depth discussion of different roles and responsibilities, communication and decision-making that can be more effective if it is planned ahead and also integrated into staff members’ formal duties.
The format of the workshop includes lectures, demonstrations, hands-on practice, and group work. Structured around the emergency lifecycle, the curriculum emphasizes how effective decision-making, paying attention to safety and security, thorough documentation and informed actions can help prevent further damage.  Format-specific Collections Salvage training includes how to prioritize, move, clean, freeze and dry the most commoncollection formats.  Additionally, participants will have an opportunity to develop skills in how to train others in basic response and salvage techniques.
The workshop will be conducted in English.

Lead Instructor Priscilla Anderson is a Senior Preservation Librarian at Harvard University, where she manages preservation programs and outreach for over seventy repositories that constitute Harvard Library.  Ms. Anderson co-chairs Harvard’s Library Collections Emergency Team, a group of conservators and preservation librarians that delivers 24/7 response and advice to assist libraries during emergencies that affect collections.  She has organized and taught emergency response workshops and other training for over a decade at Harvard, and has recently managed rewriting Harvard’s Collections Emergency Plan Template. Her real-world experience with library emergencies includes responding to numerous water leaks, floods, and mold emergencies in libraries across campus.

Please send your CV to pmchan@cityu.edu.hk. Due to limited space and high demand the application process will be closed by the end of October.
NOTE: Both sessions have reached maximum enrollment. We are currently accepting names for a waiting list.

The SOMA project is an applied research initiative engaged in the development of an integrated approach to the preservation and interpretation of cultural heritage. Based at the City University of Hong Kong, SOMA’s activities include the development of interdisciplinary workshops and master classes that cover a broad range of heritage issues.
HKUL Preservation and Conservation seeks to sustain and enhance the collections of the University of Hong Kong Libraries by preserving and making accessible the Libraries’ holdings for current and future users. The Preservation Division serves as a focal point for intellectual and academic endeavors throughout Hong Kong, Asia and the rest of the world.






