




Traditional Chinese Books Printing and Binding Workshop

Preservation and Conservation of Traditional Chinese Books

UMAG Ink Rubbing Workshop

Ink Rubbing Workshop

HKPM Conservation and Historic Preservation Workshop (Painting & Calligraphary)- Lining

HKPM Ink Rubbing Workshop

Identification and Preservation of Architectural Drawings

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Information on the Arches Heritage Inventory and Management System

Best Practice for the Safe Handling, Soft Packing and Transport of Art and Artifacts

Collections Emergency Response and Recovery

Care and Identification of Photographs (from Daguerreotype to Digital)



Information on the Arches Heritage Inventory and Management System

*This workshop is conducted in English.*

The Getty Conservation Institute will be visiting Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan in August to discuss the Arches heritage inventory and management system. Information will include an overview of the Arches system and the new functionality available in version 3.0. There will be no attendance fee for any of the sessions.
To apply to attend, please sign up at http://archesproject.org/event-registration-form/.
These events will cover the following topics:

  • An overview of the management of heritage data in Arches, including international data standards, graphs, controlled vocabularies, and integration with external web services
  • System design and capabilities, including system architecture, creating and managing data, searching and reporting functionality, and geospatial layers
  • Arches deployment, including installation, data import and export, and configuration and potential customization
  • The Arches community, including how to participate

The Hong Kong session will take place at The University of Hong Kong, and is being sponsored by the University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG), Architectural Conservation Programmes (ACP) and the Preservation and Conservation Division (PCD) of HKU Libraries, in collaboration with AXA ART Asia Limited and M+.


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