#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Law ## Skin ### Tooltip IconButton_F0E80AD5_D793_26F7_41A4_23328EBAC3FD.toolTip = Information IconButton_F0E81AD5_D793_26F7_41BA_4FB0512002A1.toolTip = Full Screen IconButton_F0E83AD5_D793_26F7_41E5_827A48E99D0B.toolTip = Floor Plan IconButton_F0EBFAD5_D793_26F7_41D4_60A61EC1C268.toolTip = Menu ## Media ### Title map_C14D8665_D693_2E7E_41DB_B11102975435.label = 2nd Floor map_DC878271_D6F3_2644_41C7_1CFA16FCA211.label = 1st Floor panorama_7051A9E3_7A5A_595E_41D8_682C876362C7.label = R0010376 panorama_71087FE1_7A5A_395A_41C4_2D9D1E340706.label = R0010375 panorama_73A024F6_7A5E_2F38_41C3_58ED82940DD6.label = R0010420 panorama_73A02916_7A5E_66F8_41D2_4A1BF1DC50F2.label = R0010415 panorama_73A07A39_7A5E_3B28_41DD_DC47FC3E0FF0.label = R0010418 panorama_73A0B0C3_7A5E_2758_41D9_FC624891C667.label = R0010411 panorama_73A0CAD2_7A5E_3B78_41D0_1D20362F8D90.label = R0010412 panorama_73A0DF04_7A5E_5AD9_41D6_7190AF437991.label = R0010414 panorama_73A0E4D4_7A5E_2F78_41D2_E0CB59D11061.label = R0010413 panorama_73A13B96_7A59_D9F9_41DA_D046A2975459.label = R0010398 panorama_73A166C7_7A59_EB67_41DD_C9568CC532BB.label = R0010396 panorama_73A17CD5_7A59_DF7B_41BA_4BFC0AB72E9B.label = R0010395 panorama_73A1B2D3_7A5A_2B7F_41B5_0E73A1B5BDE9.label = R0010394 panorama_73A1B8B2_7A5A_2739_41B3_975462ABC9E3.label = R0010393 panorama_73A1BAD1_7A5A_3B7A_41DA_DFFB9CD484AB.label = R0010387 panorama_73A1DF14_7A5A_5AF9_41DD_1283585F6DA4.label = R0010389 panorama_73A2820A_7A5A_2AEE_41CE_EBC58B1325CB.label = R0010380 panorama_73A28397_7A5A_69E6_41AE_E4D579C2B165.label = R0010377 panorama_73A285E3_7A5A_E95E_41D2_46D8BE62D97C.label = R0010385 panorama_73A287F8_7A5A_692A_41C9_F3A8142CF01B.label = R0010379 panorama_73A28C36_7A5A_3F26_41D0_D2822094A9AB.label = R0010381 panorama_73A2E6D4_7A5A_2B7A_4186_0CD1B9EFB24D.label = R0010382 panorama_73A6E036_7A5E_2739_41DD_A3DB4F5C6DF9.label = R0010400 panorama_73A6F615_7A5E_2AFB_41D5_56E5907B1594.label = R0010399 panorama_73A7140B_7A5E_6EEF_41C3_D7B050BCB56E.label = R0010402 panorama_73A779EA_7A5E_5929_41C8_EE0629D27708.label = R0010401 panorama_73A78303_7A5E_2ADF_41D4_E8B427D5211B.label = R0010405 panorama_73A78822_7A5E_26D9_41D7_574D5B4652F9.label = R0010407 panorama_73A7967A_7A5E_EB28_41BB_90292E2651E8.label = R0010410 panorama_73A79C45_7A5E_FF5B_41CD_07C4274ECC5E.label = R0010409 panorama_73A7A8AB_7A5E_672F_41D7_C876A1E47B49.label = R0010404 panorama_73A7BE1D_7A5E_7AEB_41D0_7BD5785ADCE2.label = R0010403 panorama_73A7D224_7A5E_EAD9_41DC_488D80F04E59.label = R0010408 panorama_73A7ED45_7A5E_395B_41D3_4A93C5506546.label = R0010406 panorama_D5214D82_85FE_2FD4_41D1_607F8A015097.label = R0010430 panorama_D6DAB864_85FE_355C_41DD_37D1CF7228B1.label = R0010423 panorama_D6DACB39_85FE_6B34_41D9_8F38855EDE09.label = R0010425 panorama_D7251C46_85FE_6D5C_41A2_D8CA19A295A6.label = R0010428 panorama_D72556EA_85FE_1D54_4175_9D2A90508CDC.label = R0010422 panorama_D72559BF_85FE_172C_41CC_05F77492FC26.label = R0010424 photo_BEB44E3F_8BD6_D323_41C2_20D3861B456D.label = IMG_8964 photo_C365AF4D_FE4E_2718_41D9_7A063AF86644.label = DSC_0490 photo_C69E748B_FEBE_7975_41DE_49C411CE51E3.label = DSC_0479 photo_C805BCA2_FE4E_694F_41E3_659517E3BD0D.label = DSC_0481 photo_D3476453_F7B1_0E3E_41DC_ACDEE62B4914.label = booking system photo_DFE176BA_F791_0A6C_41D6_403B378C03B1.label = sign-in station ## Popup ### Body htmlText_1BCDF914_0C14_36BC_4192_B52F804CE71A.html =
• For relaxation and leisure reading.
htmlText_1EA10E7D_0C14_0B6C_4189_812A3B4A08A7.html =
• For relaxation and leisure reading.
htmlText_43738B36_85DA_D3F4_41E7_589824F8E5F4.html =
• The moveable compact shelves on the second floor house several collections, including Basic Law Collection, Chinese Law Collection, Law Journals, Media Resources, Pamphlets, Reference Collection, and United Nations Depository Collection.
htmlText_4826A9A0_85CA_DF5E_41D4_B5A514EAAA4D.html =
• 3 black-and-white photocopiers for photocopying and printing.

• Operated on uPrint system.

Scanning feature is available in photocopier #LIBLAW-BW5.
htmlText_B0A84FBB_8BDA_7129_41E5_2ED9A6730399.html =
• Mooting is compulsory and is an important part of the law curriculum.

• The glass cabinet displays part of the trophies won by our law students in international mooting competitions.

htmlText_B0F8E195_8BCE_31A7_41A4_10EDFCA58BA8.html =
• Contains the research output of the Law Faculty, including books, journal articles (offprints) and research papers.
• Many of these are now available in electronic format or HKU Scholars Hub.
htmlText_B1B7317E_8BCA_311F_4185_4D5392B5AFF2.html =
• Mooting is compulsory and is an important part of the law curriculum.
• The glass cabinet displays part of the trophies won by our law students in international mooting competitions.
htmlText_B3F6A9AE_85BE_3EE9_41A1_6C90E7FF9C04.html =
• Library-related enquiries.
• Equipment checkout, including laptop, iPads and headphone.
• Lost and Found.
• Settle library overdue fines.
• Top-up Octopus card.
htmlText_B3FC4F20_85BA_3397_41D8_64D5C04E3C10.html =
• Library-related enquiries.
• Equipment checkout, including laptop, iPads and headphone.
• Lost and Found.
• Settle library overdue fines.
• Top-up Octopus card.
htmlText_B46E1157_85BA_4FA7_41D8_8FD0401BCBBE.html =
• Contains course related materials and other items in high demand.
• Loan period: 3-hour, 1-day, 2-day or 7-day
• Books in this collection must be checked out even those for library use only.
• Course reading lists may also be found online at ReadingList@HKUL.
htmlText_B49A2C42_85B5_D595_41DB_DE3587BF4F2B.html =
• Requested books are placed on Holdshelf for self-pickup and check out.
• Books are arranged in alphabetical order by borrower’s surname.
• The last pickup date can be found in the email notification from the Libraries.
Note: For items requested through HKALL and Interlibrary Loan items, please collect at the Information Counter.
htmlText_B4CC9151_85B5_CFB6_41A2_6FAD16BA4408.html =
• Borrow and return HKU Libraries materials.
Note: For materials borrowed through HKALL or Interlibrary Loan, please return at the Information Counter.
htmlText_B4DF4570_85DA_57C7_4199_244644DFAE10.html =
• Provides moveable tables and chairs.
• A hybrid area for work and study.
• Quiet discussion is allowed in this area.
htmlText_B509118B_85D6_CF45_41DE_A84C82959E0E.html =
• Provides moveable tables and chairs.
• A hybrid area for work and study.
• Quiet discussion is allowed in this area.
htmlText_B5216F5F_85CB_F3E0_41DB_B3821F73475C.html =
• Tap your student card to activate your reserved session for the bookable study table.
• Must sign in within the first hour of the reserved session.
• Sessions not activated within the first hours will be released for reservation by other users.
htmlText_B5711D77_85F6_D798_41D1_93BA8330D46D.html =
• Contains the United Nations Documents and Publications (1946-2012) and its supplementary segments Human Rights Collection (1946-2012) and the Trade & Development Collection (1961-2003).
• The room has a microform reader for viewing and saving content to USB or email.
htmlText_B59C916B_85B6_4E6C_41D3_272AA9ABD24C.html =
• Contains course related materials and other items in high demand.
• Loan period: 3-hour, 1-day, 2-day or 7-day
• Books in this collection must be checked out even those for library use only.
• Course reading lists may also be found online at ReadingList@HKUL.
htmlText_B5AD8B53_85FE_33EC_419A_55D1618AE84C.html =
• 3 black-and-white photocopiers for photocopying and printing.
• Operated on uPrint system.
Scanning feature is available in photocopier #LIBLAW-BW5.
htmlText_BA9E481F_8A7A_3DD0_418C_1455D8EDFB5F.html =
• Contains the research output of the Law Faculty, including books, journal articles (offprints) and research papers.
• Many of these are now available in electronic format or HKU Scholars Hub.
htmlText_BAE97E20_8A4F_F5F8_41C0_310A6EF86136.html =
• Textbooks are arranged in accordance with the Moys Classification Scheme from K to KZ.
Note: Books with call number from KT4351-4400 are related to Hong Kong law and are placed in the first three rows of the collection for easy retrieval.
htmlText_BBC41242_8A4A_CD9D_41B9_7ACEF4E06F1B.html =
• Library-related enquiries.
• Equipment checkout, including laptop, iPads and headphone.
• Lost and Found.
• Settle library overdue fines.
• Top-up Octopus card.
htmlText_BC0E7FFC_8A4E_3248_41E0_D1513A7F48B5.html =
• Textbooks are arranged in accordance with the Moys Classification Scheme from K to KZ.
Note: Books with call number from KT4351-4400 are related to Hong Kong law and are placed in the first three rows of the collection for easy retrieval.
htmlText_BC21DB45_8A56_D245_41E6_8E47B195363B.html =
• 25 double- or triple-sharing carrels and 13 single carrels are located in the Research Zone.
• Application is welcome for full time postgraduate law students on MPhil/SJD/PhD and LLM/MCL students.
• For seats that are not assigned to a particular student (i.e. without a name tag in the carrel) are open for all users on a first-come, first-served basis.
htmlText_BC2FA1D8_8A7A_4E5F_41E2_502BAC6DAAC2.html =
• Requested books are placed on Holdshelf for self-pickup and check out.
• Books are arranged in alphabetical order by borrower’s surname.
• The last pickup date can be found in the email notification from the Libraries.
Note: For items requested through HKALL and Interlibrary Loan items, please collect at the Information Counter.
htmlText_BC53D26D_8A56_D242_41C8_E3801A665B43.html =
• 25 sharing research carrels and 13 single research carrels are located in the Research Zone.

• Full time postgraduate law students on MPhil/SJD/PhD and LLM/MCL students are welcome to apply for using research carrels.

• Non-assigned research carrels (those without a name tag) are open for all users on a first-come, first-served

htmlText_BC8043FE_8A4A_724A_41D8_3286CF3F7BD1.html =
• Textbooks are arranged in accordance with the Moys Classification Scheme from K to KZ.
Note: Books with call number from KT4351-4400 are related to Hong Kong law and are placed in the first three rows of the collection for easy retrieval.
htmlText_BCA064B1_8A55_D6DD_41C9_8589B69C7227.html =
• 25 sharing research carrels and 13 single research carrels are located in the Research Zone.

• Full time postgraduate law students on MPhil/SJD/PhD and LLM/MCL students are welcome to apply for using research carrels.

• Non-assigned research carrels (those without a name tag) are open for all users on a first-come, first-served basis.

htmlText_BD0EDE35_8ABA_F235_41D8_DD8C1D872171.html =
• Textbooks are arranged in accordance with the Moys Classification Scheme from K to KZ.
Note: Books with call number from KT4351-4400 are related to Hong Kong law and are placed in the first three rows of the collection for easy retrieval.
htmlText_BE6BB586_8BDA_7195_418A_398F3B07CD16.html =
• The exhibition displays the judicial robes and artefacts donated by the former Chief Justice the Hon. Andrew Li Kwok Nang.
• The exhibition can also be viewed online at: https://www.andrewli.hku.hk/.
htmlText_BF6A48F7_8BCA_DF4B_41CF_50373AEC1593.html =
• Borrow and return HKU Libraries materials.
Note: For materials borrowed through HKALL or Interlibrary Loan, please return at the Information Counter.
htmlText_C106D9EF_D6F7_2241_41D8_A0D50B960919.html =
• Contains statutes, regulations, law reports, digests and cases of Hong Kong, the United Kingdom and other common law jurisdictions including Africa, Australia, Canada, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, etc.

• Hong Kong primary materials are shelved in the front area for quick retrieval.

• All primary materials are for library use only.
htmlText_C3DA4213_D6F1_21C3_41E4_8FAE3E9ECE58.html =
• 6 discussion rooms are available for advanced booking via Facilities Booking System.
• Must sign in within the first 15 minutes of the first session. This will activate all consecutive sessions under that booking.
• Sessions not activated within the 15 minutes will be released for reservation by other users.
• Each room equipped with TV panel or interactive whiteboard, PC and connection cable are available for borrowing at the Information Counter.
htmlText_C49C0FF6_FDCE_2713_41E4_A9E7BFC984C6.html =
• Contains course related materials and other items in high demand.
• Loan period: 3-hour, 1-day, 2-day or 7-day
• Books in this collection must be checked out even for reading in the library.
• Course reading lists may also be found online at ReadingList@HKUL.
htmlText_C54F2A13_FE7B_E95D_41CD_F858837946D9.html =
• If the alarm sounds as you exit, approach the Information Counter for assistance.
htmlText_C58D7171_FE5A_7BFF_41E4_E6E2329A6E50.html =
• 1 colour and 1 black-and-white photocopiers for printing and photocopying.
1 Add Value Machine (AVM) is available for purchasing printing units.
• Operated on uPrint system.
htmlText_C63E3DEC_FDDA_6B27_41C1_A00B7EE46B7E.html =
• For relaxation and leisure reading.
htmlText_C831924E_FE4A_5934_41C3_4D991ACFD0AD.html =
• 24 PCs and 3 scanners are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
htmlText_C8C3418B_FEBA_3B74_41D2_6775BE7CF2ED.html =
• Tap your student/ library card to enter the library.
• For JULAC members, scan your JULAC card at the wooden pole.
• For assistance, press the intercom button on the wooden pole.
htmlText_C8E1C3CE_FDD7_DF78_41E0_674263A803E6.html =
• For relaxation and leisure reading.
htmlText_C8EAB24B_FE4A_593C_41E1_6DC0F015E5FA.html =
• 24 PCs and 3 scanners are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
htmlText_C9441A84_FE4A_2943_41C3_9D3A29D6FB5E.html =
• 24 PCs and 3 scanners are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
htmlText_C95C75F0_FA56_380E_41D6_08338A6AD0B0.html =
• 25 PCs are available in the Computer Room on a first-come, first-served basis.
• Occasionally, this room may be reserved for law library’s legal research resources training sessions, on EndNote, Westlaw, LexisNexis and etc. Notice of scheduled trainings will be posted at the entrance door in advance.
htmlText_C96C4179_FDCE_7B1E_41CB_20A7965176E2.html =
• Library-related enquiries.
• Equipment checkout, including laptop, iPads and headphone.
• Lost and Found.
• Settle library overdue fines.
• Top-up Octopus card.
htmlText_CB84C50A_FE4A_7B5D_41A4_1F0F9FA3CA70.html =
• A 24x7 automatic book returns drop box for real-time check-in of HKU Libraries materials.
• For materials borrowed through HKALL and Interlibrary Loan, please return at the Information Counter.
htmlText_CB9BC9D2_FE4E_EB0E_4158_CC96131F28CF.html =
• Borrow and return HKU Libraries materials.
Note: For materials borrowed through HKALL or Interlibrary Loan, please return at the Information Counter.
htmlText_CBD615C9_FE4A_3B1F_41DF_F6CC2BD6BA5D.html =
• 1 colour and 1 black-and-white photocopiers for printing and photocopying.
1 Add Value Machine (AVM) is available for purchasing printing units.
• Operated on uPrint system.
htmlText_CBE781D5_FDBA_DB19_41E1_567827728B6B.html =
• 24 PCs and 3 scanners are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
htmlText_D13FCD86_F69F_1EA6_41DA_655FD7E309A8.html =
• Contains statutes, regulations, law reports, digests and cases of Hong Kong, the United Kingdom and other common law jurisdictions including Africa, Australia, Canada, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, etc.

• Hong Kong primary materials are shelved in the front area for quick retrieval.

• All primary materials are for library use only.
htmlText_D3F81660_F697_0A63_41E3_6D3E5449991D.html =
• There are a total of 106 study tables on the second floor, among which 88 study tables are available for advanced booking.
• Remember to sign in at the Sign-In Station (next to the Microform Room and 3 photocopiers) to activate your reserved session(s).
htmlText_D6DB7A48_F6B1_058A_41EC_5C528F900270.html =
• Tap your student card to activate your reserved session for the bookable study table.

• Must sign in within the first hour of the reserved session.

• Sessions not activated within the first hours will be released for reservation by other users.
htmlText_DC21E032_F793_061F_41D0_851E7713FA5D.html =
• 1 colour and 1 black-and-white photocopiers for printing and photocopying.

1 Add Value Machine (AVM) is available for purchasing printing units.

• Operated on uPrint system.
htmlText_DC84AE5E_F771_1A61_41BB_52485FA56AF5.html =
• Water dispenser provides hot and cold water.
Note: No washrooms on the second floor.
htmlText_DCDD6616_F78F_0DED_41C3_DCE12DFC153B.html =
• 25 PCs are available in the Computer Room on a first-come, first-served basis.

• Occasionally, this room may be reserved for law library’s legal research resources training sessions, on EndNote, Westlaw, LexisNexis and etc. Notice of scheduled trainings will be posted at the entrance door in advance.

htmlText_DCE3653E_F691_0FD8_41EA_15F85816E00B.html =
• 6 discussion rooms are available for advanced booking via Facilities Booking System.

• Must sign in within the first 15 minutes of the first session. This will activate all consecutive sessions under that booking.

• Sessions not activated within the 15 minutes will be released for reservation by other users.

• Each room equipped with TV panel or interactive whiteboard, PC and connection cable are available for borrowing at the Information Counter.
htmlText_DD50F22B_F793_0A33_41C8_5C74AA56F4E0.html =
• Mooting is compulsory and is an important part of the law curriculum.

• The glass cabinet displays part of the trophies won by our law students in international mooting competitions.

htmlText_DDF8B777_F797_0A1C_4181_AA23EA549E53.html =
• Contains course related materials and other items in high demand.

• Loan period: 3-hour, 1-day, 2-day or 7-day

• Books in this collection must be checked out even for reading in the library.

• Course reading lists may also be found online at ReadingList@HKUL.
htmlText_E15CCD4D_F128_CF31_41DA_702223469E2A.html =
• There are a total of 106 study tables on the second floor, among which 88 study tables are available for advanced booking.

• Remember to sign in at the Sign-In Station (next to the Microform Room and 3 photocopiers) to activate your reserved session(s).

htmlText_E188EDFF_F158_CED3_41BE_123F3B9EE4BD.html =
• Water dispenser provides hot and cold water.

Note: No washrooms on the second floor.
htmlText_FE1FBFC3_F12B_CB31_41C0_4247941B6567.html =
• There are a total of 106 study tables on the second floor, among which 88 study tables are available for advanced booking.

• Remember to sign in at the Sign-In Station (next to the Microform Room and 3 photocopiers) to activate your reserved session(s).

htmlText_FECECFA0_F12B_4B6F_41E7_4F80A5D07350.html =
• There are a total of 106 study tables on the second floor, among which 88 study tables are available for advanced booking.

• Remember to sign in at the Sign-In Station (next to the Microform Room and 3 photocopiers) to activate your reserved session(s).

### Title window_196ECD86_0C14_099C_4188_CE11E0D6E68D.title = The Lounge window_1C36A580_0C0C_1993_41A0_CE99DBF57858.title = The Lounge window_1EA14E7D_0C14_0B6C_4195_BAAFFC0B3DAC.title = The Lounge window_1EA83520_0C74_1E94_4193_DF369CC7C49B.title = The Lounge window_42FF5869_8ACA_5E29_41D0_5BACE38A7E21.title = Automated Bookdrop window_45ED077B_8A4E_D261_41BC_2F43BFD7B943.title = Information Counter window_46163E06_8ACA_55DF_41CD_5041CDDA287F.title = Computer Workstations window_482779A0_85CA_DF5E_41E5_A7F7F5457E46.title = Photocopiers window_4927E007_85BA_CD99_41C2_825F4712F181.title = Information Counter window_4F0BE0CA_85FA_4EF9_41DF_474A67D4FBF4.title = Photocopiers window_A925F640_F6B1_0DF5_417D_5EAF7B95B688.title = Holdshelf window_B3F499AE_85BE_3EE9_4184_E85845F62AF7.title = Information Counter window_B46FE157_85BA_4FA7_41E1_2DE6B4B9AC68.title = Reserve Collection window_B4C93150_85B5_CFB6_41D8_49273AE2ADFC.title = Self-Check Station window_B517618B_85D6_CF45_41E5_C6E682AF0AF2.title = Collaboration Zone window_B537FDC8_85D5_F69F_41DB_ACB80060EAED.title = Research Zone window_B543A29D_85F6_7289_41E5_EFC95E56BACB.title = Microform Room window_B59B616B_85B6_4E6C_41B8_EF4978B60E6D.title = Reserve Collection window_B5CC3585_85DA_374F_41E4_F867A6CED05E.title = Collaboration Zone window_B952C08F_8ACA_4EEE_41DB_AD7EB594603D.title = Self-Check Station window_B99C39CA_8ACE_DE6A_41E3_C0482BB06EA5.title = Computer Workstations window_BA91F4FC_8ACD_F62C_41E4_92AD59F947AE.title = Self-Check Station window_BA94D5B0_8ABA_7630_41D7_D431D9B7AF1D.title = The Honourable Andrew Li Kwok Nang Exhibition window_BAEF6E20_8A4F_F5F8_41E2_A74F801DE463.title = Textbook Collection window_BB9EDF94_8AD5_F2F8_41AA_F6C19A2876E0.title = Computer Workstations window_BBC66242_8A4A_CD9D_41C3_1B58F2380F0F.title = Information Counter window_BC0C6FF5_8A4E_3258_41CE_4F2F6463CA0B.title = Textbook Collection window_BC1E2066_8ACE_4E5C_41E8_8237574294A2.title = Printing Room window_BC2FDB44_8A56_D3BB_41B9_B5088ACCD132.title = Research Zone window_BC8273FD_8A4A_724E_41CB_71D500496447.title = Textbook Collection window_BC8B15CE_8A4E_7649_41D6_BEA282CFB8E9.title = Textbook Collection window_BCB0B831_8A76_3DD6_41E0_F26246C45476.title = Computer Room window_BD2FC376_8A56_3247_41D9_936A8A89DDBE.title = Research Zone window_BDA4A222_8ACA_CDDA_41C8_4279919D9454.title = Computer Workstations window_BDA721FF_8ACD_CE2A_41E3_4849FCBE91B8.title = Printing Room window_C106B9EF_D6F7_2241_4181_DB96871C020A.title = Primary Materials Collection window_D1302D95_F69F_1EBA_41E9_3B5A7C8EA536.title = Primary Materials Collection window_D3B7A0FC_F693_065B_41DE_C4EB8975EFD7.title = Discussion Rooms window_D4F19B50_F6B3_7B9C_41E3_7932BCACD4B1.title = Sign-In Station window_D6DB2A48_F6B1_058A_41E5_0BA26748801D.title = Sign-In Station window_DC266032_F793_061F_4187_9CD5B6E0DE56.title = Printing Room window_DCCDC69C_F791_0A26_41EB_42DC90DB0B96.title = Exit window_DCDDC616_F78F_0DED_41DA_82F2E59A57D4.title = Computer Room window_DCE3053E_F691_0FD8_41E7_C869706C6978.title = Discussion Rooms window_DD51522B_F793_0A33_41E3_1A06F7CF914A.title = Trophies window_DDF91777_F797_0A1C_41DD_D7B0F6FC4665.title = Reserve Collection window_DE3C3A1C_F791_3A27_41D8_E910FA9819C9.title = Entrance window_DFFFC07E_F793_06E2_41B5_A1F3DCCC5155.title = Reserve Collection window_E0CDB227_F157_3572_41D4_A93FB005B381.title = Water Dispenser and Washrooms window_E15C5D4D_F128_CF31_41E3_153D6C72F341.title = Bookable Study Tables window_E1886DFF_F158_CED3_41B9_2FCA03A6EBFF.title = Water Dispenser and Washrooms window_E23F2BBF_F16B_5456_41DA_D5A464FA3A5B.title = Trophies window_E23F81C7_F169_5437_41B2_B4903520F9EA.title = Trophies window_E7D6A9CB_F15B_543A_41EC_4675B9995021.title = Compact Shelves window_F5FC5EB8_D7B7_615A_41E8_D3620530329E.title = Holdshelf window_FA8868E8_D78F_E2E3_41E8_A79DB09CD057.title = Law Faculty Publications Collection window_FCDA30FC_D78F_613E_41E0_943B666F1BCD.title = Law Faculty Publications Collection window_FE14AFD2_F12B_CAD0_41D4_C0D6EBFFCB0E.title = Bookable Study Tables window_FECE5FA0_F12B_4B6F_41D8_7DB0861A6D7E.title = Bookable Study Tables window_FF0C5F2C_F129_4B70_41DF_F0FAED926C3C.title = Bookable Study Tables