Sep 16 2013
Find@HKUL: Discover the collection at HKUL in one go
Find@HKUL is a search tool that helps users discover the HKUL collection through a single search box in one go.
The tool has four tabs, with the default set to the Books + Articles tab. Each tab encompasses a unique dataset. The Books tab enables users to search holdings of the HKUL library catalogue (Dragon). One can also place requests, view the circulation record or even connect to HKALL in this environment. The Articles tab provides access to a large index of articles, conference papers, overseas theses and book chapters. Searching the Articles tab is similar to searching a huge cross-disciplinary database, with full text articles just a click or two away. The Extended Search tab offers a real-time connection to specialized databases, resources which might not be covered under the Articles tab, providing deeper searches into the HKUL collection.
The simple search interface of Find@HKUL facilitates novice searchers to find pertinent information in support of their learning needs. At the same time, the ease of information discovery helps capitalize on the library resources subscribed for the community.
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With the introduction of this new search tool, ResearchPro and ArticleFinder have retired from our service.