HKUL > One Millionth E-Book Celebration > Symposium

Subject Collections: Science, Technology and Medicine

In certain subject areas, researchers require special e-book collections. HKU Libraries began as early as 2002 to provide access to specialized collections of e-books in medicine, information technology, and science and engineering.

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HKU Libraries' Libraries Books@Ovid Search Screen (click to enlarge)

For the needs of our medical faculty, about 80 top-ranked and highly referenced titles have been made available in electronic format on three platforms: Books@Ovid, Stat-Ref! and McGraw-Hill. Each of these provides a different set of exclusive titles. The Books@Ovid collection includes many titles from the world's leading publishers, including Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins and Oxford University Press. Classic and groundbreaking titles include the Oxford Textbook of Medicine and Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics. Through Stat-Ref!, researchers can access other leading titles, such as Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders and Stedman's Medical Dictionary. McGraw-Hill's AccessMedicine service features continually updated medical content from many favorite McGraw-Hill medical titles, including all of the CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment titles and Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas.

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From Neuroanotomy: text and atlas (Editor: Martin, John, H.) in Book@Ovid. A schematic nerve cell is shown, illustrating the dendrites, cell body, and axon. (click to enlarge)

Science and engineering e-books require functionalities other than the standard features of full-text searching, interactive dictionaries and text-to-voice translation. That's why in 2002 the HKU Libraries took out a subscription to Knovel's unique collection of over 900 titles from over 30 leading Sci-Tech publishers and professional societies. Knovel's Productivity Tools enable users to customize charts and Excel spreadsheets, plot data points on graphs and equations for comparison, draw and search chemical structures, and view and manipulate phase diagrams. Also in 2002, the library made available access to ENGnetBASE, an expansive collection of engineering handbooks published by CRC Press, one of the most authoritative publishers in the field. Any formula, fact, procedure, application or piece of information in any of the 500 plus engineering-related handbooks, manuals and reference sources can be located with ease.

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HKU Libraries' Safari Books Online Main Screen (click to enlarge)

For information technology titles, the library has the market covered with subscriptions to both Safari Books Online and Books24×7. Safari Books Online is a service from the IT industry's two leading publishers, O'Reilly Media, Inc., and The Pearson Technology Group. It covers the imprints of Addison-Wesley, Prentice Hall, QUE and Sams. Books24x7, a company of SkillSoft, a leading e-learning solution provider, includes other imprints such as Wrox Press, McGraw-Hill, MIT Press, Syngress and Microsoft Press. Taking these together, the HKU Libraries provides an expanding collection (currently of some 6,000 titles) with many new publications, in all areas of IT: from programming languages, networks and protocols, security, graphic design and multimedia, and web programming, to hardware, certification and compliance.

Go to Books@Ovid.
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Go to Stat!Ref.
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Go to AccessMedicine.
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Go to Knovel.
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Go to ENGnetBASE.
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Go to Safari Books Online.
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Go to Books24×7.
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