Lectures & Workshops

Lectures & Workshops




Traditional Chinese Books Printing and Binding Workshop

Preservation and Conservation of Traditional Chinese Books

UMAG Ink Rubbing Workshop

Ink Rubbing Workshop

HKPM Conservation and Historic Preservation Workshop (Painting & Calligraphary)- Lining

HKPM Ink Rubbing Workshop

Identification and Preservation of Architectural Drawings

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Information on the Arches Heritage Inventory and Management System

Best Practice for the Safe Handling, Soft Packing and Transport of Art and Artifacts

Collections Emergency Response and Recovery

Care and Identification of Photographs (from Daguerreotype to Digital)



Preservation and Conservation of Traditional Chinese Books Public Lecture

Date: 26 March 2024 (Tuesday)
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Organizer: Chamber of Young Snow Art Exhibition Hall

Venue: 2/F, Leung Fong Oi Wan Art Gallery, Patrick Lee Wan Keung Academic Building (MB), Lingnan University.

Speaker:Ms Lesley Liu, Head of Preservation and Conservation at HKUL

Moderator:Dr Ma Xueliang, Associate Research Librarian, National Library of China; Visiting Scholar, Chamber of Young Snow Distinguished Visiting Scholars Programme 2023/24

Language: Mandarin 


This lecture on preservation and conservation of traditional Chinese books will begin by discussing the origin and evolution of traditional Chinese bindings and listing some common condition issues, such as insect damage, mold, deteriorated materials, and broken structures. It will then introduce corresponding preventive practices and treatment methods, along with a discussion on the close relationship between conservation and digitization. The speaker will also share the philosophy, practice, and development of conservation work at the University of Hong Kong Libraries, using case studies to highlight the crucial role played by preservation and conservation. Through this presentation, the speaker aspires to provide attendees with a more comprehensive understanding of the preservation and conservation of Chinese rare books while simultaneously raising public awareness regarding the importance of safeguarding our cultural heritage.


* This public lecture is organised as part of the “Print and Preservation: Chinese Books Beyond Technology” project.

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