Preservation | Advocacy | Guidelines | Education | Sustainability

HKPages is a developing resource based within the Preservation Centre (PC) of the University of Hong Kong Libraries. A HKU Knowledge Exchange Initiative, HKPages includes online preservation guidelines, and a series of training opportunities. The overall aim is to raise awareness of the need for preservation and to provide access to basic information that will benefit the greater University community, as well as local libraries, archives, collectors and individuals.


News & Interviews about The Preservation Centre

Prolonging the lifespan of a 1929-1933 manuscript, safeguarding the history and stories it carries through the skillful hands of a book and paper conservator at hku libraries.

(2024-10-07 RTHK31, Hong Kong Stories-《Master In The House 2》, Episode 5)



(2024-04-23 中新社中國新聞網 )



(2024-04-23 中新社中國新聞網 )


Relics saved from the ravages of time

(2022-09-21 China Daily)



(2022-02-24 大公報)



(2021-12-03 大公報)



(2019-06-04 香港電台, 日常8點半 :民生.親子/教育, 第二十三集)


Disater has struck: the air conditioner gas leaked overnight, thoroughly soaking your antique books collection that was kept on the shelf beneath. What do you do?

(2015 Octoner, The University of Hong Kong Bulletin, Volume 17, No. 1)