INDEX TO CO 129 (1842-1951)
Great Britain. Colonial Office
Original Correspondence: Hong Kong
compiled by Dr. Elizabeth Sinn

The present website is the product of a research project funded by the CRCG, Hong Kong University and
sponsored by the Hang Seng Bank Golden Jubilee Education Fund for Research. Thanks should also go to the University of Hong Kong Libraries and the staff of the Centre of Asian Studies.
Dr. Elizabeth Sinn is the principal investigator of the project.
The search engine here retrieves information stored in a database which consists of despatch and enclosure titles of CO 129 documents as well as keywords, dates and pages of such documents.
The webpage and database is designed and maintained by Dr. Louis Ha.
Copyright: Elizabeth Sinn.
Acknowledgement: We would like to express our thanks and appreciation to the History Department of the University of Hong Kong for granting the University of Hong Kong Libraries the permission to convert the "Index to C.O. 129 (1842-1926)" from a DOS version CD-ROM to a web version database. We are also grateful to Dr. Elizabeth Sinn and Dr. Louis Ha, without their support, the Libraries is not able to merge the 'Index to C.O. 129 (1842-1926)' with the "Index to C.O. 129 (1926-1951) to form this present Database.