HKUL > One Millionth E-Book Celebration > Message from the Librarian

What is the significance of our acquisition of ONE MILLION E-BOOKS? Is this a warranted celebration of collection building or is it a requiem for the printed book? What are the problems associated with this new format? Can they be solved?

We don’t yet know the answers to all of these questions, and even if we did they would not fit within this brochure, but here are some quick responses:

What is the significance of one million e-books to our University?

Our readers can read 250 million pages of information in English and Chinese anytime anywhere.
We can provide book like contents in much less space -- we are out of space.

Is this the death of the printed book?

No, computers are also helping publishers produce more books than ever.
No, we will soon be buying books printed locally linked to publishers world wide.
No, people read paper and e-books differently. When you want specific information fast you use an e-book. When you want to understand the whole idea or story you read a printed book.

What are the problems associated with this new medium and can they be solved?

Like for printed books, they are still expensive to catalogue. We have become very good at this and earn more than HK$800,000 a year doing it.
You need computers to read e-books while you only need your eyes to read printed books. More than 80 percent of our students buy laptops and we provide nearly 300 computers for their use.
While e-books don’t require miles of shelving, they do require enormous amounts of electronic storage equipment. We’ll soon have 24 terabytes of harddisk storage.

So is it all worth it? I believe the answer is a resounding YES. E-books contribute to the learning process and the generation of new knowledge. This is what a university is for and is why libraries have traditionally been considered to be the “heart” of the university.

Anthony W. Ferguson
University Librarian





我們可以在較少的空間內提供與書本相同的內容 – 我們正欠缺藏書的空間。








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